Goofy hes a higher lvl and he has a shield so if Donald does thunder he can shield himslef
.......... ok
im underage so i cant drink its illegal for underage ppl 2 drink and i dont drink i thought u were my friend hippie
no i dont think ur weird by saying that i think its kinda of funny
they r awesome i would not change anything about them
idk if u do then ppl would now wat u look like and thats not good but u should send pms 2 friends and show them wat u look like
lol ya that would b fun but it stinks that they come right back 3 u i mean cant they just stay away for the whole game
ya its so annoying cuz wen ever i go 2 jump they always make me go down i hate it so much
no i only like my teachers as students should and thats just as a teacher
i would go with sweet cuz i dont like sour stuff
wat i hate is that Donald and Goofy folo u everywere its annoying
Kairi, she is the only girl that goes on 2 KH2