haha my memory is getting worse i'm sorry Hippie
very awesome!
ya srry i havnt been on much ya that songs rocks
hey hippie
he forgot his pass so he goes 2 Oldman106's website now
ya Hippie he is idk wen he wil get back on but iv just been 4getting khv so im sorry i havnt been getting on like i used 2 but its al school and i just cant find the time 2 get on so im sorry
hi welcome back
o oldy is taking sometime off of khv so ya
*Hippie Jesus*: wtf Dr. Nick?
hi everbody lol
i think The Dark Knight will be the best because its the last of the movies
im going 2 watch it just because 2 keep up with my friends so i now wat there talking about wen i go back 2 school
i would say no because its so much easier to talk like that
yes i would love to learn about other cultures and stuff
i would choice the little girl
it depends on how they hurt themselves
Cloud, Leon, Yuffie, and Tifa
mine r brown