Username: Popipon Name: Luke Harmonia Gender: Male Age: 17 Job: Mechanic Appearance: Clicky Here~ Bio: Luke grew up on the surface at first, but with how dangerous it's been lately, his parents decided to migrant underground with a lot of other folks. After settling down in their new home, Luke's parents decided to take a jobs. His father became one of the Assassins and his mother became a Medic. Sadly, the father of the family barely shows around and there was a rumor for awhile the he died. Luke and his mother aren't exactly sure if he's dad is alive anymore. However, the Harmonia family is all about positive energy, so they remain happy and optimistic even in the worse of times. When Luke's mom felt like her son was old enough, she let him get a job. Sadly, she didn't want him to get a job that consisted of him to be up on surface, so he became a mechanic. He loved to take things apart, and then re-build them or make something of his own. Therefore, being a mechanic was just perfect. Personality: Luke has a dissociative identity disorder. Pretty much, that's when someone shows more than one identities or personalities. One personality, which is the one usually shown, is his optimistic, creative, sociable and friendly side. He usually shows that side more than the other one, which appears just about every blue moon. The other Luke is a more solitary kind of guy. He's mean, cocky, and likes to show off. He always replies to people with some sort of attitude in his tone of voice, even if the other person is being nice to him. This other side is way too serious of a guy. Weapon(s): A metal bat that he made himself when he first worked for the mechanics. Skills: He can easily take things apart, then quickly think of what use the item could be in his mind. Sadly, putting it together does take him a bit of time. Other: The cube key-chain that's attached to his pants was something his dad made for him before leaving. It's very precious to him.
Welcome. (:
Happy Birthday~
Nice. c: I use to love them, too, but then I found out about Luka. o A o; Thanks~ Role-Playing? Hm, I like any kind of RP, really.. I've been...
I'm doing good. (: How about you~?
Why hello~ :3
That Karakuri Burst one looks so creative and interesting. o A o However, I love the story to yours more <3 I'll join both in a few. o A o My...
Gracias~! ;3 SPORTS QUEEN? Last time I remember, I called myself THE SWAN QUEEN. But with two queen titles, then I must be Bi-Winning. 8D As...
As well am I. o A o Especially a Luka and Miku fan. And Mikuo, if gender-benders count. xD I am pretty good today. Things are kinda starting to...
Ooooh. o: Are there any that just recently started? I'll check it out, but not one that's pretty deep in. I'd feel lost. ; w ;' I'll probably make...
Ah~ Yes, yes! Of course! I'm not allowed to do sports. Health issues. :'c that'swutshesaid. 8D ~
Hey! Thanks for the welcome, and sure I'll RP with you one day. Lemme know if there's a new RP you're thinking about joining, and I'll check it...
Mhmm. I'd hate to admit it, though, I still haven't beaten it. ; w ; I never have the time anymore to play video games or something else. Oh~ My...
Thanks nice to hear. x33 Oh~! You figured out where I got my name from. xD -gives you cookies and hugs- A lot of people think it has something to...
Hello~ :3 I'm doing gooood, and you? (:
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. ♥ Much appreciated.
Oh, really? o: Luckily, I got it for my birthday about 2 years ago. - 3 - That after school program sounds really neat, too. o: Lol. That sounds...
Pfft. Like Persona? I LOVE Persona. c: Sadly, I'm still trying to get another Persona game than 3, but there's barely any where I live. ; ~ ; My...
Ah~ I love your Persona Icon. :D Thanks for the welcome, by the way. x3
Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. (´・ω・`) Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite video games. Along side it is Devil May Cry, Pokemon: Black & White and The World Ends With You. I also enjoy graphic design, video-editing, anime, writing, role-playing and photography. I'm a creative and friendly person, but above all, I am a bookworm. c: Annnd that's all I could think of for an introduction. Bye. ♥