Thanks so much Xephos!^^ I'll be sure to watch you aswell! ;)
I know how it is. Well it's too bad for them because they're missing out on great fun.^^
I know. It's a pity,but what can we do...
True True. Oh Well...that's their business anyway. It's up to them to come back.
I have no idea. I guess some people just loss interest and so other things...
Yep. I love the site.^^ It's awesome.
Thank You Blade.^^ I vame up with that name off the top of my head and it kinda works.^^ Your username sounds awesome too.^^ Oblivion Keyblade...
Heya OWS.^^ How are ya doing?
You're welcome Roxas.
That's cool. I'm sure you'll make it there very soon.
Oh I'm a boy Blade.^^
Oh I can tell Blade.^^ This is a great KH site.^^ I'm gonna make some KH vids as soon as I have time to download all of the footage.
Heya Roxas.^^ Oh I'm not doin much. Just makin some art and workin on a few projects. How about you?
Well my father doesn't know that I'm on this forum and he'll never know that's for sure.^^ ;) My brother could care less because he's not into Kingdom Hearts None of my family know I use this account to talk to people and have great memories.^^
Hey Darkblade.^^ How are ya doing?
Heya Everyone.^^ I have drawn some lovely artwork in my time and I would love to show it to everyone who likes to see it.^^ Well here it is... :) I drew this red rose in my Art I class and my teacher was very impressed with how it came out.^^ This red rose picture symbolizes the death of a loved one and the pain and suffering won't matter anymore when the time comes for us.^^ This one is a also a design I did for my folder in class and it's a portrait of a random anime girl who feels hatred and pain from the world and wishes for a sanctuary of peace and happiness... If you want to see all the artwork I have currently uploaded on DeviantART, you can find it here at my DA account.^^
Well jettie,I like to make vids on mutiple fandoms,but now since I have a love for KH and FF is really starting to grow on me,I'm gonna make vids on that.^^ That's awesome OWS.^^ I know a lot of KH fans love FFVII.^^ So now that makes me another fan into the fandom as well. ;) Yep I love to draw and I'm defiantely gonna show my artwork as soon as I can for everyone.^^ I know they're lots of people that have beautiful talent.^^ I'll see ya around soon... ^_^
Hey Everyone.^^ I'm new here and I love Kingdom Hearts so much! I'm also starting to play FFVII because it looks awesome!^^ I also make videos and I draw for a nice little hobby.^^ I'm also very nice to talk to,so if you want to chat,feel free to send me a message. :action-smiley-030: