LoL. You can ask me anything Jettie.^^ Yeah I like Pizza,but I don't eat much of it.
Hey Roxas.^^ Oh yeah I was going to bed. That's cool. I'll see ya soon.
Well it's kinda hot up here,but it should get cold starting November.
I'm doing good.^^
I'm doing good.
I like Sanctuary(Passion) so much more than Simple Or Clean. I think it fits the feeling of KH II more and it has a wicked electric guitar solo.^^ Utada sure makes some beautiful catchy music.^^ Hopefully she can make a song similar to it in KH III. :)
Well guys this is what I really look like...prepare... :laughing-smiley-004¤t=10-17-07_102012.jpg¤t=10-18-07_051612.jpg¤t=11-03-07_132412.jpg¤t=10-16-07_090412.jpg This is the inner darkness inside me. XD
That's very true indeed. O_o
You're very welcome.^^
Aww I know it must hurt you real bad...I hope you feel better soon. *huggles*
Yeah I'm posting but I'm not busy.^^
Aww...I hope you feel better soon. *huggles* What has you sick if you don't mind me asking?^^
Hi Snow.^^ How are ya doing?^^
Heya Jettie.^^ How are ya doing?
Heya Heart.^^ How are ya doin?
Thanks Angel.^^ I also made a portrait of Sharon den Adel,the lead vocalist of the Gothic Metal band,Within Temptation.
I added you already on DA.^^
What fun indeed. LoL.
Hi Kairi.^^ How are you doing?
Yeah. Well atleast we're having fun.^^