how are AMerican and Scottish nearly the same, I think your thinking of England? =p
Lol oops yeah ask moodkip im pretty slow. =p
hey arent you Moodkip's friend or something hisnobody?
Lol yeah i forgot. =p yeah ive only been in america for like 5 years
Sweet thank you im Scottish. but chinese/ Canadian thats cool.
Yeah, i joined like 2 days ago so im trying to find a group of people with the same intrests as me. so anything like, music, anime, people from diffrent countrys. so yeah Ta (TA, Scottish way of saying thank you.)
Yeah a lil =p
Yup 100% scottish Lived there 12 years. lol
ummm ok yo im kip LOl thank you
Yeah im here.
thanks i will
"Hey guys, what's up?"
yup lol =p
yup just like my dad.
DO you like Van halen? I think he's pretty rad, but a whole album, dang
My parents wanted me to play the bag pipes, so I did what any loving child would do, I learnt the drums, and Bass guitar. =p
I bet ya do, ive seen your family. =p
yup thars the truth, you do feel kinda dumb wearing them.
Yeah a Scottish dude can never not have a kilt, thats like sack religous. (probably not correct spelling) =p
ofcourse The scottish still were Kilts, i have like 10 and we only where them on special things, you know. Weddings, funerals, days with alot of wind, Keeps us cool. =p