the gyms closed WAH
That reminds me i got to go to the gym, so c ya for now. I'll be back in 45 min to a hour. C ya
hey thats cool
I never truley worshiped anything.
oh I see. =p
wow.....ok how did he fit a chainsaw down his pants?...dose it hurt?
yup i know, but house rats arent eww only ones in sewers
really I love rats there like bigger mice. =p
YEs they do you never seen those huge warrior ants with wings.? those bites are ITCHY! HisNobody bigger rats!
....ummm ants
The last like 5 things have just been me and you, where do you think everyone else went? lol
yup that was pretty dumb, funny, but extremly dumb.
He Threw A Rock At My Face!!!!! Xd
I drove in to a parked car at the movies, and then ran like a little puppy. =p (Moodkip)Lol, he's not a bad driver, it's just that I've known him since he was around 12, so I've seen him do some stupid things before. xD I'm sure you won't be that bad. xD What stupid things?
YEs never again. Were taking that to are graves. =p
it is, and it was like a mailbox. IT WAS RED, THERE WAS NO CHANCE OF ME NOT SEEING IT!!!! XD
well moodkip you should be scared youve drove with me before. tell me thats not scary. XD
I guess thats just a lil worse. =p
oww lol
Yay a felow scot! now i fell dumb you said look to the left and I looked to the right. -_-