Haha well I try to lighten things up xD I'm already having fun. Trying to figure everything else that is xD Wow you're really welcoming!! Thanks(: If I need to ask anything you'll be the first I ask(:
G Oh yes! All the pretty girls and We are young. Those songs are amazing. They're the types of song that get stuck in your head so easily! Lol
Okay, so this is my first thread so bare with me. But I LOVE dub. I love bass nectar,skrillex,UKF. And those are the main ones I'm familiar with. kYoto by skrillex is good search and destroy by bass nectar is like an ear massage (lack for better terms(;) and fire the bass canons by UKF! I wanna hear your guys opinion so hit me up with some feed back! :3
Oh gosh. Haha no but you all already seem really nice! What are your favorite interests?(:
I feel like I know you already. Im still going over the rules and everything seems nice and tidey lol. This is my first forum website so I'm kinda scared of screwing something up. Haha(: pS to your ps to my ps: I'm not sure either ! I guess tips are good hahaha xD
Haha oh lord I'm already excited xD haha a choice between leprechauns or friends. Seems tough. Haha no but seriously I quit because it got so boring. And I felt like a tool to the max if you know what I'm sayin lol(; Wanna get me anymore pumped?? Hahathanks dude ! I've heard about the people on here. Haha!
Hey guys I'm new to the forum and I thought an introduction thread would be a great way too start! Well first I'm 15 I'm from Georgia and I used to love sports. I kinda got bored with it and I noticed my brother playing this game called Kingdom hearts(; it seemed so interesting so I decided to try it out and instantly fell in love. I love all the freedom and choices of things you could do. Well on a different note I love to talk to friends and I'm great at keeping conversations going. I've tried role playing a new times and I think I'm pretty good at it. I love to meet new friends! I'm a Christian kid, but I guess you could say I have a naughty side lol xD. I can't wait to try this site out and I'd love to meet new friends!!(: PS: I'd love someone to show me around! XP