OMG you called me hear for that! starts to beat him up
what? she asked still an idiot she thought
ports to where demyx is follow me . . . idiot she thought OoC: no ones here except us
ports to soras house knocks on door. anyone home?
ok enough with the fun gets out map lets see soras house is this way so lets go
she started sobing of the humor. omg you are an idiot OOC: yep thats what happens
too bad. idont like idiots . . . oh wait your all idiots so i dont like anyone Ooc: did i just dis myself?
she leaves luxord and comes over to demyx starts to beat the crap out of him. this is what you get OOC: so bored
as she beat the crap out of luxord she heard demyx she said because im so cruel
finally geting to the top she beats the crap out of luxord
rolling . . . rolling . . . stop climbing up . . . luxord is gonna get it . . . i swear . . . this is a long hill
OOC: that made me laugh so hard lol steps on his foot take that
stabs him in the leg and kicks him . . . hard
takes out her knives. Want to fight? OOC: dont know why i said that
she stoped laughing and said well all you now how to do is lose when you play cards..
that sora would actully invite an idiot like you. she started to laugh really hard
grabs it from him and reads it. Oh man he really is invited she started to laugh
going to some stupid dinner party. Why? are you going?
oh no its Demyx. He is so useless she thought OOC: i know yay
larxene saw luxord and sighed You know you can just port to his house. But you are right he is such an idiot he even invited me.