" coal again" she said. " well at least the cake will be good." she sighed
" yeah he must be hear somewhere . . . looks around all over for preasents and finds coal."
It's been happening to me to but I just go onto another site and come back and its fine.
larxene appered out of nowhere and said " where's my gifts? ". she handed out all of her peresents ( sorry spelling ) to her friends
larxene came in and said " so this is the key blade masters house " looks around
your right i never noticed that before
no butter rock cuz you can put butter on practicly everything and peanut butter get stuck to top of your mouth
nethier do i :)
well my mom took me christmas shopping. . . for me and i know im getting 3 manga books um and the rest i dont know cuz my mom hides them some where
im super afraid of spiders . . . them big. . hairy . . spiders
well i met you in a rpg so i think you might be nice
larxene said hello and said um. . can i just port there bc um. . its snowing and snow = water = me dead so i will just port there ok hangs up
larxene called from CO and it rang ang rang
OOC: okay. . . she gets to soras house and knocks on the door
OOC: that made me laugh so freaken hard she stood there until luxord came back. lets go she said. she was thinking if we leave demyx than he might not come muh ha ha ha
can I be larxene? plz
bye i g2g 2 larxene just stood there stareing at demyx
oh crap hes back OOC: man im so bored
when he was gone . . . thank you he left he is such an idiot where are the rest of us i dont want to be stuck alne with him
fine go you really dont have to me that you can go opens potal go thorugh there