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  1. hacker
    my anser

    np i run and own lots of forums i believe in rules but i do think the gray zone still a danger zone to be used. in some cases it gets abused then action must me taken but i have yet to dig the site i think it's really good so far
    but i need more time to dig in and track down all the bugs and then i get to work

    if any one needs to know i was invited by Arc a really good buddy in real life
    maybe the only one i trust with my life! know since the 9th grade i'm 22 now
    Post by: hacker, May 9, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. hacker
    hi to all on KH-VIDS
    you might not like my name but if know me you wont care

    i'm a proud owner of lots of forums and at lest 10 websites
    admin on at lest 200
    most of the time you can fine me on
    i'm not hear to spam.
    i don't really play KH or FF but i buddy ask for help and i always help a buddy in need
    i know a lot so ask me anything you like about forums, cars,computers,linux, and so on.
    looking to help fix some sql bugs i see and put some updates in to keep it from happing any more
    the I'm just like the rest of you
    Thread by: hacker, May 3, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures