After reading all of this, I feel all emberassed now. I am starting to wish this was a week where I am emotionless. Also, I have noticed Boris the Blade's latest account: Abbdeehiorst is a anagram of Boris the Blade, although it is kind of hard to see.
Alright, thanks. I am starting to feel a little bit better now.
Thanks, but now I feel like an attention whore by making these threads and then decide to not leave. I will get over all this eventually though, but right now I am feeling depressed and like I will always go against my own word.
I want to become a staff member so I can help out with the site. Otherwise I just feel like I always have to go to a Moderater for help and I can not do anything myself. Although I feel weird saying I am going to leave, but not actually doing so. You have convinced me to stay.
Maybe you are right, I am just feeling depressed by all of this. Sara never trusted me, and this probably just reduced my chances of joining the staff to zero percent. So now I am feeling like I am useless. Maybe I will get over this...
Me staying here will probably just be an unnesecary burden to the staff and the members.
were not too insulted by Boris the Blade's words. I feel so bad that put you all through this by giving his E-Mail address. Anyways I have asked Arc to IP ban me so I will not be able to come back here. I had a great time here, and am sad to say it will have to come to an end.
I will be to check some things once my old account is unbanned, but after that you will never here from me on this message boards again.
I never really cared about being called robot. It was when he called me "cockbiter" or something like that. I will be leaving at midnight tonight, maybe earlier, I just need to ask an Administrator something.
I just remembered, you were right about me, even if I was skeptical about you. It still turned out to be right.
If I stay that means that he could be able to hack my account again, and I do not want you all to be insulted because of it. Besides I will never become a part of the staff anyways so I will always feel like I am useless and can not help you guys out.
No, the more I come here, the more trouble I put you all through.
But as long as I am here there is always the possibility that Boris the Blade will get into my account, and I do not want to have to have you guys put through that again. I am leaving KH-Vids, forever. Although I do not want to, it would be for the best that I leave. I hope you will enjoy the rest of your time at this site, I will stop being a burden on you all. Sara: Although you never trusted me fully, I always had a very large ammount of respect for you and all the staff members. It was also my goal to be a part of the staff so I could help around with the site and not be so useless. I am sorry how the events at Gamersserenity happened and it never would have happened had I not asked Boris the Blade to come their (Keep in mind though it was after he took over that I found out who he was.). Mish: I am sorry if all my private messages to you ever annoyed you, Xaldin: I do not know why, nor can I explain it, but I have always sort of liked you. This is my message to you all, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here.