When I decided to pick a Japanese name, but I just looked at the Member's List, and here is all the members who have their names in Japanese (Excluding mine because it is banned and does not appear in the Member List): イルクズ カイリ カップケーキ セフィロス ダビデ デミックス 水 の 中 &# 6 ライト_の_天使 リク=レプリカ ノーバディ 我愛羅 死の神 闇のりく 陸空海
I used to like Inuyasha, but then I found out I wasted my time watching a series that does not even have a proper ending (Although the Inuyasha manga is different).
Maybe I do, I have been told a lot I am too serious.
Joking is fine, but you should not insult members when you joke arround, because even if you are joking, it can still be insulting.
I do not see that happening anytime soon. Why do you come back just to start insulting members who welcome you back?
Welcome back, although I do not know you.
I guess that would explain it. EDIT: Come to think of it, that actually explains her perfectly.
Something about her just makes me scared to talk to her, so I try to avoid it until absolutly neccesary.
What is yuri? I have read it before, but never actually knew what it was.
I do not find you scary, but then again, the only member I am scared of is Sara. I do not know why though.
It has been said a couple times that he will not be coming back, but now he is back? Now I think I am pretty stupid about actually believing Boris the Blade about Roxas.
From what I have seen, it looks like a pretty good game, but it would be better to see some reviews from people who have actually played it. How about you check some reviews on GameFAQs?
Which one? The one about the troll, or the one about the roomfull of people? In either case, I find none of them offensive. probably is the key word, and I rarely ever try to be funny.
I apologize for the long wait, I got a little sidetracked with it, but here it is: VentusTerraAqua@hotmail.com
Is your name Joe
I have already beaten the United States version of Super Mario Brothers Two, but I want to see what the changes are between the two. The bad thing is, I do not want to have to buy a Famicom, and then buy a Disk Drive for one game, so what other games would be suggested for the Famicom Disk system?
The Writer
That there are some unique ideas left. Seriously who ever thought a Key would be able to be a weapon?
You made him cry? I thought you just made him angry. The more I hear about Boris the Blade the more pathetic I think of him.