Well if it never existed. There wouldn't be sites likes this one. Also, there wouldn't be a reason to like keys because of "keyblades". Last but not least, no disney characters in a squreenix game, because kingdom hearts seems like its the only game that have dinsey character. (Or at least thats what I seen)
well all of these stuff youre telling me all of the reason why you left is making me think alot latley about leaving that site, i mean i wouldnt...
i wonder how kh13 started getting all ***ed up
you dont have to worry this site is much much stricter so the adim wont let such things happen
What a friendly community, and here i thought kh13 was one of them
ugh i know much much more friendlier and less drama. sooner or later that site is gonna disappear, and new members just ughhh not that i blame...
im scared now..D: and yes im talking about kh13 same thing everybody is being meanies, always braking rules, more members leaving, making me...
lol nazis are awesome spam zone seems....fun
im just...afraid...if i have warnings and stuff i had a bad history this other site, got into so many problems it was frsutrating and it depressed...
now no wonder this site is addicting lol
theres a kfc in Japan? lol how come i didnt know this obviously there would be fast food american restruant in Japan
thats the problem lol between you and me im dumb *o*
tbh....yes XD im scared to post anything in the threads
thank you all, although im not used to this site ill try to be active everyday owo
hi im new to this site pretty sure you were to since you wernt around that much welcome back ^.^
thats pretty helpfull thanks keyblade
EVERYTHING except the rules
im so lost in here
:o <3
yup C; THIS MEANS lets dance :D http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0e0xh2yAg1qlkgafo4_250.gif