Awesome Avatar. >.< I had to say it.
Well, It had "espada" in it. Is it spanish and translate to something? :/
I can watch things from the video portal but not cutscenes. o_O
It is? I just tried and it still said ERROR.
Thanks! I see you are too!
Ok, so i can. but why does it say i can't watch them because i don't have permission? SO CONFUSING!
Thanks for the suggestion. Misty, The videos are youtube videos, right? so couldn't i look them up on youtube?
I don't particulary want to download anything. o_O
Ok...I don't have google chrome. o_O
internet explorer 7
This is what its telling me KH-Vids - Error You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
All that's done, and enabled and unblocked...but to no avail. :(
I'll try.
Well, the log in workings now. :) Yes, the watch now things, i click and it opens a window where the player would be and says error.
Why does it say i am logged out when it shows i am logged in and why can't i watch cutscenes? :'( amazed that this posted