OCC: GOTTA GO BATTERY DYING! BIC: The twins follow carefully, the ominous feeling still heavy on their minds.
LA,LA, LA Oh well, LA LA LA It doesn't matter
And so the awkward silence begins. O_o
Oh, so we're on the same page then.
I Loathe Momo. She's so weak and idiotic, i can't stand her.
Personally, I could care less about the original One Piece and Naruto. Bleach and Naruto Shippuden, are much better for me. Let me see, there are some up above me that say they have to complex a story and to easy a story. i think it's a happy medium. They are popular because of the intricate stories, you actually can believe that these people exist. And I am talking about my two favorites, not the others.
Well, that sloves that problem. If you actually LIKED her, there would be a problem.
OOC: Gee, Thanks. BIC: "It would be kind of you to show us around town. Do you know of any place we could stay cheaply? Preferably clean as well." Nera said. "To bad I'm a firebender and not an earthbender, or we could form a team with you," Fotia said queitly, speaking her thoughts aloud as she usually did.
Yes...How do you feel about her?
YES! Pop-quiz. Momo?
"We weren't born here either" said Nera, queitly. " "We were born far to the North," Fotia said. Nera blinked and her eyes came back to the present. "Forgive us. We're twins, from near the north pole. I'm Nera and that's Fotia." "We to have experience with Shadow Bending. " Fotia said, bitterly. With that they went up to buy some noodles.
No way, the car and brain are going to me! }:-]
You sound like me. Do your parents ever leave you alone at home, for a substainal amount of time, a time when you know they'll be back, and you have enough time to do whatever you want? For me, because they do it all the time I use this time to Cry Scream and write and cuss and do whatever i dont do in the "Public" eye, what my parents dont know about, and use it to just be me. I really think its effective for me to do that, but you cant get in the habit of cussing.... But let me know, i really hope the wheel starts turning, and brings you back into a happier place. Let me know if this jas helped if you need anything clarifyed for you, or if you just need a different solution. Hope it helps... ~Maiden Artemis
Noodles. Such a simple and tasty food.
OOC: I am gone for one week and THIS happens!?! Oh my, is that a lot of characters. And how did you guys know i was eating noodles.:D BIC: Nera walked down the pier, with Fotia lighting the way. "It's so warm here," she said quietly. "Do you think it ever snows?" "Of course, silly." answered Fotia, "It's just summer here." "If it's summer, than why is it so dark?" "You idiot, didn't you here a word when Mom talked about the Fire Nation? The seasons are different here." That got Nera to think. Until her stomach interupted her thoughts. Fotia heard. "Look, there's a noodle shop. Do you want to get something to eat? We can ask about a clean cheap place to stay the night as well."When Nera nodded, they made a beeline for the inviting store front. The chairs were full, except for two beside a dark looking man, and a cheerful looking woman. As they sat down, they both got a forboding sense of uncertainty. They were about to get back up when the woman cheerfully said "Hello!" They both stayed seated with unease settling like a ball in their stomachs. Suddenly, Nera wasn't so hungry any more.
i do not own the videos or song used in this AMV. This is pretty much me at 1am for 3 hours making a random AMV....
We'll have to work on that.
Otay! 10-Q! And now, i moved my first post for characters to the ooc lounge one, so once you reply i will delete it to save space. Now...CAN WE START THE DANG RP?
Username:Maiden Artemis Name:Nera Age:14 Appearance: Gender:Female Type of Bender (If not bender, leave it blank):Water Bio:Orphan who came to Republic City to find a sanctuary from her tribe, who are being turned to... shadow bending. (Or should I say..the dark side :D) Other (Optional):Has a Twin Sister Who is a fire bender. Username:Maiden Artemis Name: Fotia Age:14 Appearance: Gender:Female Type of Bender (If not bender, leave it blank):Fire Bio:Orphan. Twin of Nera. Fled with her to Republic City, to escape the shadow bending. Other (Optional): Burned down house when she was a child, the fire killed her dad, mother died when Fotia was 13 (Unknown Cause) Blames herself for Dad's death.
I just came back from marching in a fottball game.