"Hey!Would you mind..?"Namine asked Rexejon..."I can't pass..."and smiled to him
Namine couldn't help it. She stood up and said steadily :"With all respect sir , but why do you suspect us?I mean there are countless students attending courses at this school". "So ...."and she sat down , watching the ground.... ``How did I do this ?``she thought.
Namine watced prof's glare stoping in Legato..."He knows"she thought... She tried to stay calm...
Namine opened her eyes,yawned and looked at her watch..."Huh??WHAT??!!"she jumped off her bed,grabbed her bag and run out of her dorm...."Ow!My first day....and I'm gonna be late!!" She rushed in the classroom and saw all the students doing nothing..."thanks God the lesson hasn't started yet"she smiled at Gressia and Legato and sat close to them....
OOC;Yeah..If you take into account that the teachers found us out....^^; BOC:Namine tried to go closer to the door as she felt Legato somewhere nearby trying to find the right key...
Namine fell down immediately next to Gressia.She blinked her eyes and tried to make no sound.She kept her breath waiting for a sign... OOC:We're in a secret training in a secret room!...
Marluxia was sitting on his throne wondering where Vexen could be"Oi,oi!I'm so bored that I think I'll go to have a look...."he yawned and opened a realm of darkness...
"Hey!Wait for me!I'm coming too"said Namine and started running to catch up with 'em.She was so excited!"If I asked her politely, she would probably carry me too next time!"she thought.
Namine looks excited:"another chance to watch her sword closer...". She heads till the corner of the roof and sits down waiting...
Then the door leading to the roof opened and.........Namine turned up! "Hey,guys!I didn't expect to find both of you here!"she smiled at them and approached them."Ow!The full moon is so beautiful tonight.It reminds me of Kingdom Hearts..."she whispers while she's watching her shoes...
BOC"Even if it's kinda late Namine is still trying to finish her drawing....she's trying to recall the runes on Gressia's sword....but it's impossible..."oww..."she yawned and put down her pencil.A smile covered her face when she recalled the fight ..."I'm making new friends here...."she thought and she desided to turn off the light.
"Hey!Keep it right there!Don't move...this is the most difficult point....Don't turn your neck untill I'm done with the first sketch.Ok?"she smiled at him and took her rubber. OOC:g2g but i'll b back...(not today but...) =D
"Thanks God it's over now..." *sigh* "Oh!And guys my name is Namineeeeeeeeee!"she shouts at both directions. Then she puts off her bag a block and grabs a pencil " gotta draw before my inspiration blows off too"
Namine looks shocked:"Oh,please...hide your weapons.....there's no reason fighting now....."She grabs his arm:"please stop it!" "and you girl..next time keep your mouth shut"
Namine ignoring the newcomer turns angrily to the other girl:"PUT down your sword and don't ever call me 'blondie'!Got it?" Then talking to both of them:"Please stop exchanging those freaking killing glares....let's try to be polite.........." *sigh*
Yo!Can I join too?? Can I b Namine?(Don't tell me there's already a Namine!^^; ) BOC:"ahhhhhhhhh!"Namine screamed when a heavy bag fell on her left foot. "What the...?"she turned and noticed a tall girl lying under a tree....still ignoring her."...How rude!..." OOC:k....hope u're not mad at me as I 've already started...:/
Namine:could you help me with the backgrounds?... Marluxia:_______________*faints* Axel:How much jell do u use to keep your hair like this???oO Sora:When will you reveal to Kairi your true feelings!?Oh,boy!Riku's gonna surpass you!!!Hurry up man! Zexion:*putting a knife on his neck*What is that damn book about,anyway??!!-_- Riku:YOU ARE THE MAN!
I would like to be Marluxia,plzzzzzzzzz! *holding a rose and offering it.....
I was between Kairi and Alice but finally I chose Alice as she represents me better. I mean she's a kid with imagination,creativity...who lives the ultimate adventure ar away from home...in a world so weird and different! Well,that's what I think....^^
Ok!I think I'll join;p Can I handle Marluxia?:3 I haven't played Chain of memories..but I'll do my best...^^;