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  1. Mixed Blessing
    Namine was watching them closely..."They're good"she thought..."but summoning those powerful weapons isn't enough...They have to control 'em and use 'em right.."...
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mixed Blessing
    "Hello guys!"Namine sat down"would you mind if I join ya?"she asked Rexejon and Xaphira...
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mixed Blessing
    "Of course!Look at all this mess"she said and pointed to the building which was surrounded by big thorns ...some of the walls had fallen off too"I hope everything will get better soon"she said saddly..
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mixed Blessing
    Namine approached him..."Glad to see you Rexejon...After that attack lots of students lost their lives..."she said and sighed.
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mixed Blessing
    "'m sorry but I'm in a great hurry so..."she smiled gently and started running to reach Gressia's dorm before the prof.She stopped for a while and turned to the girls again"The lesson has already should go to next floor if you're fourth-grade students"she shouted at them from the distance.She turned again her back and keep on running...
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mixed Blessing
    "I warned you Legato"she said and left the dorm running back to Gressia's dorm.Suddenly she bumbed into a red-hair girl..."ow!I'm so sorry.." she said
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mixed Blessing
    Namine enterd his dorm and threw his knife on his bed next to him"Ow!Wake up!!"she shook him"Please...teacher is on the way!!Believe don't want to be punished by him!!"

    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mixed Blessing
    Namine noticed the empty chairs of Legato and Gressia..."I hope they're ok..."she thought...she was still remembering what had happened to them one month ago...
    Unfortunately the prof noticed their absence too."I can overlook the fact that some of you are sleeping during my lessons but skipping my lesson is unforgivable"he shouted and left the class again.
    Namine stood up and run to Legato's dorm.."Hey!Open the door!You and Gressia will be in trouble!"
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Mixed Blessing
    OOC:Hey!Xert shut the hell!!Ow boy!I'm just trying to rp...!What did ya expect from me?!To run away when u created the clones?!No way! *sigh Anyway....

    Marluxia stuck his face on Xert's "This is not over yet,kiddo"he said while the dark realm swallowed him
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mixed Blessing
    While Namine was about to knock Gressia's door,it suddenly opened and Legato walked away...She stepped in and saw Gressia standing next to the window looking at nothing.She approached her and hugged her..without knowing why...she just felt like it
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Mixed Blessing
    Namine was sitting on the roof watching the sunset..."So much peace."the breeze patted her face..."like nothing happened a month ago..."her look froze..."I'm wondering ..."and the wind scattered her thoughts...The ring bell awakened her from her deep thoughts."I think I'll go find Gressia and ask her directly.."she thought and left ..
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mixed Blessing
    Marluxia watched closely the cloans that Xert had just created.He half-closed his eyes and seperated himself into three of him.Then the two new clones of him raised their scyths in the sky and summoned two more high-level nobodies....The first one burst lazers and fire and burnt up Xert's ice-cloan and all Marluxia shouted:"You thought I'd be afraid of you kiddo??Don't make me laugh!"while they started moving closer to the other cloans of Xert...
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mixed Blessing
    Marluxia dodged the finishing blow and tried to stand up..."I underestimated you.."he said and his evil smile turned into a bad grimace....He raised his scythe and summoned a big,high-level nobody.He stood on it and ordered it to attack to Xert's clones...All of them faded away except the real..."Now...What about a real battle??"he shouted pointing Xert
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mixed Blessing
    Namine blinked...she tried to get closer to Gressia...
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mixed Blessing
    Namine looked at them ready for anything.."Ok!Let's catch the rat once and for all!I'll take my revenge.."she tried to maintain an angry voice....but it still sounded pure..."i'll be right behind you Rexejon!"she said while Gressia started moving up

    OOC: let's wait 4 Chendler to join tomolo finish him over!Hehe! XD jk...
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mixed Blessing
    Marluxia's illusion which was made up by Zexion fade away and the true Marluxia rushed in Xert while Xert turned his back:"Thanks Zexion!Now I got him!"he shouted as he moved his skythe onto Xert

    OOC: hey!I'm back ;)
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mixed Blessing
    "ow my!IS Legato behind this?"she asked in an almost irritated way..."Ok Gressia!Let's catch the rat!!"she replied steadily

    OOC:...yeah,u're right...besides g2g2
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mixed Blessing
    Marluxia appeared in front of Sora and the stranger.He turns to Sora:"I don't know what happened to Vexen but both of you are dead meat"he smiled in an evil way and summoned his scythe...

    OOC: Darn!....g2g....
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mixed Blessing
    Marluxia saw Zexion ready to leave.."Hey!Where r u going??"he asked and then noticed Sora in the distance..."Ow..I see...skipping trouble,heh.Come on Zexion !He can't face both of us"
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mixed Blessing
    Namine saw Gressia offering to her her hand.She grabed it and held it tightly while Gressia put her out of that hole..."...thanks..."she sighed and tried to smile at her...
    Post by: Mixed Blessing, Nov 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home