I don't see either coded or Re:coded. So add them, please?
I heard about this, but I haven't checked it out. I think it's a tie between KH/RE4/GoW1 Those games really stand out for me as some of my favorites ever.
I used to abuse forms so whenever boss fights came up it was always anti. I got sick of it after a few times. I think I used it a total of like 15 times my first playthrough. Valor Form, however, for me, was another story. 48 times was my total usage of Valor Form after 200 hours of gameplay.
I'd have to disagree with this to be honest. Yeah, Days didn't have a very good story, I dunno about coded, but Birth by Sleep was great. The BbS team made Re:CoM/BbS have made those two repetitive, 3D will most likely be repetitive too, but it'll have a good story. Those are my thoughts.
I'm tolerant of gays, but not a huge supporter or anything. I'm not usually homophobic though.
I really like the game, and I think it's better than the all of them except KH1. It gets so repetitive after a while (leveling to level 30 three times is irritating) Regardless, it's a great game. I think Square has a problem with multi-scenario games and keeping them fresh after a few playthroughs.
Please. I'm just a boy tasked with saving the world... Why me? Anyway I'm new here so... hi.