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  1. Undesirable Number 1
  2. Undesirable Number 1
    358/2 Days.

    I was so excited about it when it came out in Japan, and wanted to import it so flipping bad, it just looked so good, and at the time I didn't give a poo about Birth by Sleep/coded

    Utter disappointment is all I got -_-
    Post by: Undesirable Number 1, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  3. Undesirable Number 1
  4. Undesirable Number 1
  5. Undesirable Number 1
  6. Undesirable Number 1
    Atlantica in KH2, and a few parts of KH2. I don't remember too well, I haven't played it in forever.
  7. Undesirable Number 1
    Well damn.

    Never thought I'd see this. The youngest girl that gave birth that I read about before reading this was, I think 12.
    Post by: Undesirable Number 1, Nov 3, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  8. Undesirable Number 1
  9. Undesirable Number 1
  10. Undesirable Number 1
  11. Undesirable Number 1
    You know I honestly think this is hardcore crap. Parents have every right to let their kids play/watch/read/listen to whatever they want them too. My parents trust me when I play M rated video games, and I tell them the differences between AO, M, T, E10+, and E all the time so they understand what games I'm allowed and not allowed to play. My parents let me play the hardcore Mature games because they know I can handle it.

    I really wish the government would get out video gaming, and get back to governing the country (which is something, I think, they're not doing a very good job of).

    Those are my thoughts.

    By the way you can read the discussion or whatever the Supreme Court had about this just this morning right here:

    Nevermind someone already mentioned it above me lol
    Post by: Undesirable Number 1, Nov 2, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  12. Undesirable Number 1
  13. Undesirable Number 1
  14. Undesirable Number 1
  15. Undesirable Number 1
  16. Undesirable Number 1
    Oh ok I hadn't known about that until now.
    Post by: Undesirable Number 1, Oct 31, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Undesirable Number 1
    Yeah joined today actually
    Profile Post by Undesirable Number 1 for gag, Oct 31, 2010
  18. Undesirable Number 1
  19. Undesirable Number 1
  20. Undesirable Number 1
    Avatar: 8. I think it's kinda funny
    Sig: 7. Good, but I don't think TVA are demons unless you're talking about what happened to them.
    Post by: Undesirable Number 1, Oct 31, 2010 in forum: The Playground