Yeah, just like facebook. I used to think joining facebook would be like heaven, but it's so boring now.
358/2 Days. I was so excited about it when it came out in Japan, and wanted to import it so flipping bad, it just looked so good, and at the time I didn't give a poo about Birth by Sleep/coded Utter disappointment is all I got -_-
Neither could I. Ugh. A friend is talking crap about me and my facebook Deathly Hallows Part countdown -_-
Oh I've seen a few terrible (really terrible) fan dubs... lol
Oh ok. He sure does a lot of fandubs.
Atlantica in KH2, and a few parts of KH2. I don't remember too well, I haven't played it in forever.
Well damn. Never thought I'd see this. The youngest girl that gave birth that I read about before reading this was, I think 12.
Oh yeah Mike is running KH-Recharged right?
Oh I was on an old forum before and they had something similar to that, but with a lot more colors lol
You know I honestly think this is hardcore crap. Parents have every right to let their kids play/watch/read/listen to whatever they want them too. My parents trust me when I play M rated video games, and I tell them the differences between AO, M, T, E10+, and E all the time so they understand what games I'm allowed and not allowed to play. My parents let me play the hardcore Mature games because they know I can handle it. I really wish the government would get out video gaming, and get back to governing the country (which is something, I think, they're not doing a very good job of). Those are my thoughts. By the way you can read the discussion or whatever the Supreme Court had about this just this morning right here: Nevermind someone already mentioned it above me lol
Sure lol So what's up? How's life?
Oh ok. Yeah I have a question. Why is your name baby blue?
Oh I have school the next day too. I'll probably take off the next day.
Oh lucky. I'm seeing it at midnight in IMAX with my bro and dad.
Oh ok I hadn't known about that until now.
Yeah joined today actually
Nothing really Just preparing for Deathly Hallows Part 1.
Hey what's up? I'm new here and I want to make some friends lol
Avatar: 8. I think it's kinda funny Sig: 7. Good, but I don't think TVA are demons unless you're talking about what happened to them.