Have you seen the secret ending? Another KH game. BbSv2. I'm getting sick of KH. Anyway, I'm glad FFXIII-2 was announced, and Versus XIII had a...
that's strange anyway I'm watching Daft Punk's Electroma
hi. who are you again
Yeah TRON was pretty awesome, and I loved it a lot.
Damn. Haven't been on here in a long time. So I've seen Deathly Hallows three times, currently obsessed with TRON and Daft Punk, and I'm seeing...
I've seen it three times, and it's so amazing!!!!!
Ah the tickets sold out the day they were available. I saw it, got pulled out of school early actually. IT WAS AWESOME.
lol well some people out there are just plain stupid -_- tbh Sometimes I fight with the 360 fanboys so they'll shut it though lol
Yeah I'm betting even after the console is dead.
Yeah if Fable came to the PS3, as Mass Effect did, and if Halo never existed, Xbox would be SOL.
Yeah, unlike that of the Xbox.
Ah. PSN is kinda cluttered, but a good service altogether.
Oh well you should buy one. My PS3 broke down after playing FFXIII, and every game would freeze after five minutes.
Yeah that's true I guess. Anyway I'm really excited for the next few weeks or so. My mom is getting some money to pay some bills and to get some...
Haha why? I used to think he was whiny and annoying, and if you don't like him, you can watch him get the crap beaten out of him in Scott Pilgrim lol
King Kong (Not the crappy 70's one) and Ten Little Indians.
Oh it's not as good as Scott Pilgrim, but it's still pretty good.
Yeah, when I saw Kick-Ass I said to myself "Why the hell is he using MySpace?" lol
Ah. I've only known one person in my life with a myspace (being my brother)
Yeah, I used to use it to talk to friends, but I have a phone now.