Hi :) .
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama it never gets old.
Breathe woman breathe! you're turning purple.
I want to play a little game.
is member 21?
What the hell is that dog mask thing o.o?
She's calling me stupidly sweet are other complimenting things D:
y u fale sew much?
As I'm sure you must know by now the 28 year old legendary actor is dead, an apparant OD of sleeping pills, autopsy pending. Steve Irwin got one and it only feels right that Heath gets one as well, so this is memorial thread for the man, the knight, the cool guy in 10 things I hate about you, the spooky Joker of the new batman, and some role in Brokeback Mountain that I don't know because I know the movie is about gay cowboys so I'm not watching it, Mourn away.
Accidents, out on the highway to somewhere, they tell us about when we're young, rescuers working to clean up the crashes before she can see what they've done , nobody told her she'd lose in the first round, The last fight was fixed from the start, Names on her sidewalks they move through her body, Like razors they cut through her heart Like razors they cut through her heart Hey let go of all you know, Let you fire away now What have you got to lose Say out loud these words I've found I'll be there when you come down I'll be waiting for you Night life, the highlife she just wants a good life so someone remembers her too but somewhere she heard there was someplace to go when you die when you live like we do die when you live like we do Hey let go of all you know, Let you fire away now What have you got to lose Say out loud these words I've found I'll be there when you come down I'll be waiting for you Hey let go of all you know, Let you fire away now What have you got to lose Say out loud these words I've found I'll be there when you come down I'll be waiting for you (Accidents out on the highway to somewhere they tell us about when we're young, rescuers working to clean up the crashes before she can see what they've done , nobody told her she'd lose in the first round, ) Hey let go of all you know, Let you fire away now What have you got to lose Say out loud these words I've found I'll be there when you come down I'll be waiting for you EDIT: ****ING VB
Well we all hate it, so I say this poll is to show the staff just how many people dislike it and get it changed back, since the forum is about the normal members opinion aswell.
All the thread titles text centered on the block their in for me?
*Head walls*
I was just hit by this big light.........That was attached to alot of metal.
I'm back! Who missed me? Anyone? No-one? Ahwell, anyway let me just say this the ban system in the forum is whack! when ever you get banned, when it say's your ban will be lifted at whatever time it is, add 20 minutes to that, cause that's how long it really takes.
Mweh the place aint what she used to be, I'll come back when something fun happens but for the time being I think I'll put my hat on and leave, ciao.
I just read the rules for the first time
Remove me from your sig or i'll sue you for copywrite infringement.
Would have enjoyed this fad.