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  1. Jiηx

    I wonder....

    If I'm on anyones ignore list.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jiηx
    I checked, there was no thread on this <.>


    this game is epic, I'm just playing through it now and I'm collecting triforce shards, anyone else played this holy game?
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 28 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. Jiηx

    it's a sign

    i have an old show on in the background, and a guy shot a horse by accident and said

    "oh god, i killed trigger"
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jiηx



    Ok im good.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jiηx


    Why Have You Blocked Me On Msn, What The Fark Did I Do!?
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jiηx

    im gonna

    take a nap.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jiηx


    Let's see...i've been on the new forum over a year, just now hit over 600 posts (H)
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jiηx
    One more kiss could be the best thing
    But one more lie could be the worst
    And all these thoughts are never resting
    And you're not something I deserve

    In my head there's only you now
    This world falls on me
    In this world there's real and make believe
    And this seems real to me

    You love me but you don't know who I am
    I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
    And you love me but you don't know who I am
    So let me go
    Let me go

    I dream ahead to what I hope for
    And I turn my back on loving you
    How can this love be a good thing
    When I know what I'm goin through

    In my head there's only you now
    This world falls on me
    In this world there's real and make believe
    And this seems real to me

    You love me but you don't know who I am
    I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
    You love me but you don't know who I am
    So let me go
    Just Let me go...
    Let me go

    And no matter how hard I try
    I can't escape these things inside I know
    I knowww..
    When all the pieces fall apart
    You will be the only one who knows
    Who knows

    You love me but you don't know who I am
    I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
    And you love me but you don't know Who I am
    So let me go
    Just let me go

    And you love me but you don't
    You love me but you don't
    You love me but you don't know who I am
    And you love me but you don't
    You love me but you don't
    You love me but you don't know me
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jiηx

    did you know?

    Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 15, 2007, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Jiηx

    Yay =D

    I have 5 gems now.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 15, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Jiηx


    would you like a vivi hug? They're very soft and cuddly.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 15, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Jiηx

    OK guys..

    this is serious, we have a big problem

    the pandas are coming

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 15, 2007, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jiηx


    you can fit all this:


    into the URL address bit, seriously, what website would be that long?
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 15, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Jiηx
    Yeah you heard me, Roxas has requested this to be made, basically, you ask questions about the thing (other than who boy and girl 20 are >.>), i'll pass the questions on to Roxas, he'll answer them, and i'll pass them on back here.

    Yes I am like a carrier pigeon.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 14, 2007, 87 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Jiηx


    Bret: Hello.

    Jemaine: Hi.

    Bret: Hello man sitting in the park.

    Jemaine: I just said hi, woman in the park.

    Bret: How you doin�?

    Jemaine: Mmm�good thanks.

    Bret: Your looking good.

    Jemaine: Pardon?

    Bret: I said you�re looking good.

    Jemaine: Fair enough.

    Bret: �Jenny

    Jemaine: Pardon?

    Bret: Jenny

    Jemaine: No I am sorry I think you�ve mistaken me for somebody else

    Bret: No it�s me, I�m jenny, my name is Jenny

    Jemaine: Oh You�re�oh� Ha ha ha ha� I thought� oh� what a hilarious misunderstanding.
    Nice to meet you Jenny

    Bret: We�ve met before - quite a few times actually.

    Jemaine: Yes of course we have. I meant it was nice to meet you that time that I met you. Where was it that we met that time that I met you when I met you?

    Bret: At a party.

    Jemaine: That�s right! Wasn�t it one of those boring work parties?

    Bret: No.

    Jemaine: That�s why I said wasn�t it. It was the party of a mutual friend. - Was it? - Wasn�t it? - Was it? - Wasn�t it?

    Bret: Yes it was.

    Jemaine: Yeah, I thought so. Oh�Bobby�s.

    Bret: No

    Jemaine: Doug�s?

    Bret: No

    Jemaine: D-dog�s?

    Bret: No

    Jemaine: Maxwell�s?

    Bret: No

    Jemaine: Andy�s?

    Bret: Yes Andy�s

    Jemaine: Yeah Andy�s party, ooh that�s right. Ooh, Andy knows how to throw a party, doesn�t he Jenny?

    Bret: Yeah, I love Andy�s parties!

    Jemaine: I love Andy�s parties. What crazy parties. How is that guy anyway?

    Bret: She�s good

    Jemaine: Ooh that�s right, Andy hates it when I forget that.

    Bret: We watched a movie.

    Jemaine: Yeah�it was something like but not necessarily Schindler�s List. We watched it and we wept

    Bret: It was Police Academy 4. We went for a walk

    Jemaine: On our feet if I remember correctly.

    Bret: We walked to the top of the hill and we ate sandwiches.

    Jemaine: Oh, We�d just grab a sandwich and put it in our mouths. Oh, that�s the only way to have sandwiches. Oh Jenny, tell me do you still walk? Do you still get into sandwiches in a big way?

    Bret: Still walk a lot but I am not eating as many sandwiches as back then

    Jemaine: Uh�

    Bret: Do you remember what we did up there at the top of the hill?

    Jemaine: Kind of�

    Bret: We were standing at the look out

    Jemaine: Oh, I remember exactly what we did at the look out. We just looked out� across the city from our little spot on the hilltop. Oh, It is so pretty from way up there. We talked about how the lights from the buildings and cars seemed like reflections of the stars that shined out so pretty and bright, that night.

    Bret: It was daytime.

    Jemaine: The daytime of the night.

    Bret: Do you remember what you said to me?

    Jemaine: Not word for word actually Jenny, but I remember there was some verbs.

    Bret: Well you said meet me here in one year. You just needed some time to clear your head, and you seem to have done that.

    Jemaine: La la la la la la la la la la la la la.

    Bret: We have a child.

    Jemaine: Pardon?

    Bret: We have a child.

    Jemaine: Why didn�t you tell me, Jenny? Why didn�t you tell me that day when we went to the top of the hill and we made sweet, oh how we made such sweet, sweet sandwiches. Does it have my eyes, my way with words? Does it look like me at all?

    Bret: No, not at all �cause we adopted him. I can�t believe you don�t remember, it was a very difficult process!

    Jemaine: Oh�uh, oh�are you sure that was me Jenny?

    Bret: Yes I am pretty sure that it was you, John.

    Jemaine: I�m Brian

    Bret: Oh my god! I�m so sorry!

    Jemaine: Don�t worry.

    Bret: Now that�s terrible.

    Jemaine: Oh, don�t worry.

    Bret: Oh, how embarrassing!

    Jemaine: Don�t worry Jenny, I�m actually quite relieved. That kind of thing just happens all the time, I just got one of those faces I suppose

    Bret: So does John, ha, he�s got one of those faces as well�

    Bret and Jemaine: *awkward laugher*
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 14, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jiηx
    El nombre?

    it was a little cartoon dog...or squirrel...he's something being zorro teaching kids numbers and stuff, anyone?
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 14, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jiηx
    yeah i'm this ****ing bored, just rate whoever posts before you's profile picture on their pro (you should know how to do this I hope)

    P.S I don't expect everyone to even know what mines is of, but some good fans of a certain game series may know, and anyone who see's me post anything that's only an action, no words.
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 14, 2007, 56 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jiηx
    There's children on the street using guns and knives
    Taking drugs and each other's lives
    Killing each other with knives and forks
    Calling each other names like 'dork'
    There's people on the street getting diseases from monkeys
    Yeah, that's what I said - they're getting diseases from monkeys
    Now there's junkies with monkey disease
    Who's touching these monkeys, please
    Leave these poor sick monkeys alone
    They've got problems enough as it is.
    Man's lying on the street
    Some punk's chopped off his head
    I'm the only one who stops
    To see if he's dead
    Turns out he's dead.
    And that's why I'm singing
    What...what is wrong with the world today?
    What is wrong with the world today?
    (Jemaine mumbles)
    What...what is wrong with the world today?
    You gotta think about it
    Think think about it.
    Good cops been framed and put into a can.
    All the money that we're making is going to the man.
    What man?
    Which man?
    Who's the man?
    When's a man a man?
    What makes a man a man?
    Am I a man?
    Yes. Technically I am.
    They're turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers.
    But hat's the real cost?
    'Cause the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper.
    Why are we still paying so much for sneakers
    When you got them made by little slave kids
    What are your overheads?
    Well, at the end of your life, you're lucky if die,
    Sometimes I wonder why we even try.
    I saw a man lying on the street half dead
    With knives and forks sticking out of his leg.
    And he said,
    Can somebody get that knife and fork out of my leg, please?
    Can somebody please remove these cutleries from my knees?"
    And then we break it down.
    This is where we break it down
    This is where we break it down
    This is where we do the whoa-o-o-o
    Break it down
    This is where we build it up now
    We build it up now
    We build it up now
    We build it up now
    We build it up now
    Build it up
    And then we stop
    Thread by: Jiηx, Nov 14, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone