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  1. Roxas

    CnC. I like it. What do you think?

    First ever AMV yo!
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 21, 2006, 7 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Roxas

    Sucky Avatars

    All your avatars SUCK! No joke, they're all the same thing like the iPod symbol. It's not creative at all, they're just lame and everyone has a different one and it's just stupid.

    Looks like I win again.

    iPod avatars suck.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 19, 2006, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Roxas
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 17, 2006, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Roxas
    What was your favorite addition to Final Mix?

    I'd have to go with the extended secret video - although One Winged Angel was an awesome Keyblade to simply look at.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 15, 2006, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Roxas

    Zomg Read

    I have 666 posts and it's Friday the 13th (as of typing this).
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 13, 2006, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Roxas
    KH I: 'Sora, you are the one who will open the door to the light.'

    Don't tell me you don't remember reading this about 3 times throughout the game?

    The problem is, it appeared so much in KH I, and never made an appearance in KH II.

    I can sort of understand, since Sora does opent he door to the light with Riku... but still, it just seems a bit confusing that it was dropped from the game completely - when its final line in KH I was 'Always remember... You are the one who will opent he door to the light.' (Something like that.)

    Do you think this 'voice' was dropped form KH II, or is there a reason it wasn't there?

    And who is this voice???
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 12, 2006, 26 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Roxas
    Woah... this was amazing. I'm reading it for my 2nd time after buying it Sunday now... it's just so funny and good, way better than the KH mangas. I suggest you all buy this great manga right now. It's serisouly awesome.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 11, 2006, 106 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Roxas
    I don't care what you say, the music in this game is truly amazing. I love it so much, I have the soundtrack and everything. Such good music.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 11, 2006, 20 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Roxas


    Nipple my nipple. That is all.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 11, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Roxas


    Nipple. That is all.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 10, 2006, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Roxas
    Alright, NO SPAM!

    Just talk if you're rating pics or posting one YOURSELF. No chitter chatter, or banter in here.


    He lines up for a putt...


    Sexy Roxas action!


    Ima be in a gang and get all up in ya grillz and sadly.


    More Sexy Action!

    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 9, 2006, 3,644 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Roxas
    Since this is intelligent discussion, I thought I'd post some intelligent jokes in here for you guys to read! ^_^

    *highlight for the answer*


    Why did the girl fall off the bike?

    Because she didn't have any legs.

    Why did the plane fall out of the sky?

    The pilot was a loaf of bread.

    Why did the man die in a car crash?

    Because the steering wheel was made of butter.

    Why did the man choke on spaghetti?

    It was made of sand.

    Why did the chair break?

    The legs were banana peels.

    Why did the janitor fall off the roof?

    He was bulemic.

    Why did the baby get stolen by thieves?

    Her blood was really mustard.

    Why did George Bush die?

    He ate a barrel.

    Why did the boat crash into the rocks?

    The crewmen were kittens.

    Why did the movie get an R rating?

    It was filmed by watermelons.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 9, 2006, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Roxas
    If you have a quick question, whether it be how to get a keyblade or what a potion does, simply ask it here and you will get an answer very quickly (or your money back).

    This avoids countless threads of "WHeRe is Hollow Bast10n like OMG!?!?"
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 8, 2006, 33 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  14. Roxas
    This is the thread where you just talk. So talk...

    Anyway, does any1 wanna rate KH-Vids Royale out of 10?
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 7, 2006, 71 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Roxas


    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 7, 2006, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Roxas
    What do you guys think of my new avi? I love it, it's the best thing ever.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 7, 2006, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Roxas

    All of my fangirls post here so i can see your beautilyness.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 7, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Roxas;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bGk2OHYzBHNlYwN0bXA

    There's the picture of the beastly animal found by scientists. They say its fossil was 10 meters long!

    Here's the full article:
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 6, 2006, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Roxas
    Post your pic here!

    I think I'm ugly.
    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 6, 2006, 375 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Roxas
    Proof im 14:

    I am 14.

    Thread by: Roxas, Oct 6, 2006, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone