0:00 - A piano, soft notes, high, then low, fade in to the song. It's not long before the awesome lyrics begin. 0:12 - The lyrics begin, talking of a a boy's father, taking him in to the city to see a parade. 0:25 - The drums enter, almost like a marching band themselves. In the background, shallow guitar tones and slides can be heard. 0:38 - The bass wellows in, mixing perfectly with the drums. 1:02 - The guitar breaks in, getting higher until an amazing riff sounds throughout the song. 1:16 - Screaming, yes, but not in an emo way, the singer begins the first verse from the song again. 1:43 - Everything... stops. 1:46 - The drums begin, and the song takes a full swing into a fast paced full-out rock blast. 1:58 - The vocals begin again, and the song renews itself into a better masterpiece than ever before. 2:16 - The most amazing part of the song, the chorus, begins. 2:37 - The song returns to its verses. 2:56 - Back in to the brilliant chorus. 3:18 - The song goes into a grinding mellow, yet still bright section. 3:33 - IMO, the best part of the song. The drummer and singer go all out in this section, which ends up turning out beautifully. 3:52 - The guitarist breaks into a lead almost reminscent of Brian May. 4:00 - Yup, it's Brian May. 4:06 - Back into the chorus, this time more exciting than ever. 4:28 - The singer begins a piece back like in 3:33. One of the best parts of the song,a nd a great way to finsih it off. 4:55 - The song fades out with the drummer playing a small snare part, very much like you would in a marching band. 5: 04 - The song finally comes to a fading standstill.
Request a siggy here. I can do avatars, sigs, anything. Just give me a stock, and some text, and I'll make you something. Hoepfully I'll get better and better as I continue to work on people's sigs! All sigs will be 350 x 150.
mbop san quick little butt!
Everyone, PM the staff to register for voting! Check the stickied topic for the template! You can't vote in the awards unless you have registered,so please do it now!
I. Greed The morning, a fair breeze washed over the beautiful landscape, a violet glow came from the edges of the world and clouds billowed through the paling sky. Mark pulled on his black hood and gloves, corresponding to each other, yet different somehow. He crossed his arms and pulled out the loaded metal in his back. A gun, that is. His back was turned to the central station, but he turned and ran in the doors. He held up the gun, people screamed, dived, fell. The bank was under a one-man siege, and he threw the gun so it spiraled, striking a woman in the head. Diving to the floor, he picked it up, set it to 'Auto', and pointed it at the woman behind the desk. "Give me all your money!" he screamed. The woman slammed the counter, sending dollar bills flying in all directions. She stuffed them into a bag, it get bigger and bigger like the man's smile as she threw the bag over the counter. "More," he smiled softly. She grabbed another bag, all eyes were on her, the man, the bag. The man could hear sirens in the distance. Faint, but growing, he knew they were for him. A voice said to him, "Two choices. You run now with the money you have, to help your dying brethren, or stay for more, and risk everything you've worked for." He coulodn't stop now. Money, money, money was what he wanted. And so the woman finished her second bag and threw it over the counter. "Another!" he screamed. She complied, her arms moving slowly, taking her time so the police would come. "Move quicker!" he screamed. His temples buzzed and he threw everyone a quick snare. She finally finished, and gave him the back. He turned to ran and stood face-to-face with 3 men in badge. "Hands up," said the first, a gun pointed straight at the man. The robber couldn't lose now, he had to find a way to escape. He shot the first man, blood spurting from his face as he fell back to the floor. The other 3 men grabbed their guns and fired simultaneously. Robber, 3 bags of money, a desperate thought of his family, all collided with the floor at the same time. Everyone erupted into screams, the stench of blood filled the air. "It was greed," he faintly whispered, his dyign breath. "It was greed..."
There it is. My first ever item made with photoshop. It may be bland, and simple, and dull, but I barely know anything. I haven't read any tuts or anything. But I like it, so I don't really care how bad it is xD. I'm afraid to put it on KHI, even though I'll get better advice I'll get flamed more. That's why I'm posting it here unless someone says I should post it there. People there can be mean. Anyway, here's v2: I don't know which I like btter, but I want to hear your words of demise. C plz. By which I mean Critiscism.
You have the right to view this topic or not. Think it's unethical? Don't read. I, for one, think it's a great idea to be able to give our babies traits. And you can't make them perfect, you can just make them the way you want. Want your child to be good in sports? Make him good in sports. Do you want him to be extremely smart? Do it. It's all choice, and I'd be glad to be able to decide the future of my baby.
Inney's promo trailer just premiered on FoX! How awesome is that?
Yeckshimash mah name-a-Borat. I like you. I like sex. It's niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Ignore if under 10. If above 10 come to house for sexy sexy. Make benefit glorious borat.
1000 posts yo.
If you're bored... get off the frickin computer! If your bored go find somethign to do like exercise or homeork. Bored people only bore themselves.
I want to see what you guys think is the best DMP video. I've included some of the best ones here. Take your pic: Saw 3 Parody Street Music Madness The Youtube Experiment The Black Movie And a new, unreleased DMP video: Into Thin Air Make your votes now! History of ITA: Into Thin Air was a book written by John Karakauer. For a school project, we were asked to write a paper or do a board about it. We didn't. We made a video. So bask in the joy of how young we look, back in the days of 8th grade, whilst you watch Into Thin Air.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pI12cESTeI The newest vid from Drunk Monkey Productions, to commemorate the release of Saw 3 today.
This is a game where you ask a question, and someone else has to answer it, then put a question of their own. If someone answers a question wrong, you can correct them and answer their new question - but always remember to ask a question in every post! I'll get it started: ---- What are the names of all the Nobodies fought in Twilight Town during Roxas's part of the game? (Hint: There are three.)
This is a game where you ask a question, and someone else has to answer it, then put a question of their own. If someone answers a question wrong, you can correct them and answer their new question - but always remember to ask a question in every post! I'll get it started: ---- What sleight does Sora learn after saving Eeyore in the 100 Acre Wood?
This is a game where you ask a question, and someone else has to answer it, then put a question of their own. If someone answers a question wrong, you can correct them and answer their new question - but always remember to ask a question in every post! I'll get it started: ---- How many experience points are gained from beating Jafar, Antisora, and Cloud combined?
When blink 182 (best band ever) split, Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus, and Travis Barker all went their seperate ways. Well, now Mark and Travis are back with the new awesome band (+44). (+44) is definitely more punk than Tom's new Angels & Airwaves in my opinion. I'm looking forward to their music more. Take a listen: (+44) When Your Heart Stops Beating Lycanthrope (Audio) No It Isn't (Audio) Cliff Diving (Audio) <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wl4zGbSBP3U"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wl4zGbSBP3U" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
I hurt my spleen. I'm teepeeing tonight at 9. Hope I don't get caught~ wish me luck xD.
I'm gonna bite ya.