What a provocative thread title.
KH-Vids NEWS Report #1! Roxas: Welcome to the first ever KH-Vids NEWS Report! Here you can learn about all sorts of tidbits and goin-ons around the forum. Today we’ll be talking about the recent surge in Mish fandom, why the Competition Arena is so dead, and the debate over whether to split the forum down into many subcategories. Our first guest today is Mish, with an official interview with what she thinks about the lover-boys she has round the forum. Interviewing her will be the most delicious Darkandroid. Take it away, bro. Darkandroid: Hello, Mish, and welcome to the studio. How are you today? Mish: A bit stunned, really. I never thought I’d be important enough to make it onto the most pivotal news program of all time. Darkandroid: Oh, don’t be so modest! Let me start with a quick question; what did you think the reaction of the boys at KH-Vids was going to be when you first posted that picture of yourself? Mish: I honestly thought that it would be forgotten, just like most people’s pictures in the thread. Seemingly not, though! Darkandroid: Yes, there are many people who seem to be in love with you. What do you think of your on-line husband, Darkwatch? Mish: He’s a great guy; I kinda just wish he could do more for the family. Sometimes he forgets to come home with certain goods and instead brings ones that we don’t even need, and then we’re basically screwed over. He wants to have kids but I don’t think I’m ready for it yet. Darkandroid: And what do you think about all the other guys on the forum? Do you think it would be worth cheating on Darkwatch with any of them? Mish: Well, I wouldn’t want to hurt Darkwatch in any way. But if he continues to handle this family poorly, I’m going to just have to leave him. Honestly, whenever I have ‘the Urge’ Darkwatch just never does, and it’s ruining our relationship. Darkandroid: I see, I see… It must be tough living with someone who doesn’t take care of the family very well. Mish: Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy. But sometimes he falls short. Other times he’s amazing and I really just love to be around him. Sometimes I wish he could carry some of those feelings into bed, if you know what I mean. Darkandroid: No, I don’t know what you mean. Care to elaborate for the viewers at home? Mish: Well, heh, I, uh, didn’t exactly want to tell anyway, it was, uh, just a thing… Darkandroid: Anyway, we better get back to the studio where we have more great news unfolding on our very hands! Back to you, Roxas. Roxas: Thanks Darkandroid. That interview really told me a lot about Mish and a lot about Darkwatch as a husband. I’m going to pass it on to my co-anchor Kairi to give us a news report on forum couples. Kairi: Thanks, Roxy. Well, in most recent news, cronoking asked Roxas to marry him. The reason for this was unknown, but Roxas simply replied with “I don’t remember saying yes to that!†It was a sudden outburst, and one that might- Roxas: Uh, Kairi… I’m sitting right here next to you. Kairi: … Roxas: How about we move on to weather with NRA? NRA: Woohoo! My first newscast! Anyway, the weather is looking fairly decent in December. We’ll have some arguments about Christmas and why it is celebrated in the early days, but that will clear up in the middle of the month. There will be a sprinkling of spam in the ‘Arts & Graphics’ thread throughout the next week, and our radars have predicted that Roxas will make it over 1600 posts, as well as Misty over 600. Roxas: Thanks for the forecast, NRA. This next week isn’t looking so good. Now I’m going to send it over to Shikamaru for the latest on rumors and gossip. Shikamaru’s Shadow: Rumors, rumors, rumors… no one likes them, do they? We don’t have many going around right now. The latest rumor is that Mish’s name is actually Julie, and we also have an odd rumor that rufus is cheating on twilightsown. There is an odd theory circulating that Arc is actually a rather intelligent moose, but this was soon put to rest when Sara came forward and clearly stated that she would never go out with an animal. Her exact quote was, “Arc is definitely not a moose. I am not into any of that beastiality or interspecies erotica stuff.†This rumor was quickly disproved by her statement, and we are muchos glad so. Well, thanks for watching the rumors and gossip section - ruining lives and relationships since 2006. Roxas: Thanks for that, Shikamaru. Next we’ll be talking about the lack of activity in the Competition Arena. Why does it lack so much energy? Even with great attractions like the Signature of the Week contest, it never manages to pull in many members. Darkwatch has put together a short video to tell you why you should go to the Competition Arena. Here is the beautifully done video; we hope you enjoy it: Video (Darkwatch): Who doesn’t like a good competition, no? A nice debate, maybe even a small feud between groups of members. Maybe it’s something as simple as having more posts than another member, but at KH-Vids the Competition Arena lacks more energy than a tortoise with a brick on its back walking through liquid cement on a planet with 95% gravity and a surface made of super glue being forced inward by space molecules being sucked into a black hole whilst the tortoise tries to eat a mint plant on his way. Excuse my pitiful analogy, but the fact of the matter is that the Competition Arena needs more activity. The Signature of the Week is a great event, which usually has loads of participants and voters - but here it is pathetic. More people need to include their entries, more people need to participate. Quite honestly, I don’t know how to end the video other than that, so I end it like this. Roxas: … Kairi: … Roxas: …Great ending. Next we have Sara on the latest in rule enforcement. We’ll give it to Sara down in Brazil. No, wait, Maine. Sara: Thanks for that screwed up intro, Roxas. Roxas: Sorry, master. Sara: Shutup! Let me speak. It’s time for my lovely piece about law enforcement around the forum. I’ll start by stating a new rule on the forum - the 6 words per post limit is being replaced with an ‘at least 50 words per post limit’ on the 10th of December. I didn’t talk to any of the staff about this, but I’m sure they’ll all agree with me in the end. Not posting with 50 words will result in an instant IP ban for life and a deletion of the user account. No buts, even if it is your first post. I am the leader so I can do whatever. Roxas: Well, thanks for tha- Sara: I’m not done! I have one more thing to say… that I thank everyone for watching this and I love you all. Goodnight!!! Roxas: Alright, that was a rather odd broadcast from over in Maine. Next we have Deathspank with the latest site updates, as well as a rather small opinion on the color maize. Take it away, Deathspank. Deathspank: I’m here to tell you all about the updates on the main site. First off, you may want to check out my latest announcement - it showcases some of the great AMVs and fanvids uploaded into the video portal. It’s all worth checking out, so go and destroy your eyesight by watching those great vids. Second, I would like to state that the color maize is a grand one, and deserves several awards for its yellowness. Thank you all. Roxas: Well, that was rather lovely. I’ll be handing it over to Kairi for the ‘Creativity Corner Cranny.’ Kairi: It’s Kairi again, this time to tell you all about the latest and greatest in the Creativity Corner. We have a new story from the great admin Arc; a Fire Emblem fan fiction. It’s looking great so far - I suggest you all go out and read it! We also have some great short stories coming from twilightsown, some of which are very deep and interesting. I’d say you should go take a look at his work, even if you don’t want to leave a comment - it really is good. We’ve also got a competition going on, started by Darkandroid. It’s the ‘Show Me Your Skillz AMV Contest’, where you must choose between two songs to enter in a competition. Darkandroid will rate himself who has the best AMV. Let’s hope he’s not drunk at the time! I’m now going to hand it over to Misty and Mish, KHVR analysts, for the KHVR Insider. Misty: Thanks for that, Kairi. Today we’ll be talking about the latest chapter of KHVR - chapter 43. It featured Arc and left us with a massive cliff hanger. Mish: It sure did. We already knew that Kairi and Boris were fighting and that Misty was probably shooting from the trees, but we never expected to hear “NO!†and “Kairi!†in chapter 43. What do you think this means, Misty? Misty: My best guess is that Kairi is dead, or something bad has happened to either one of them. I hope Kairi’s not dead, though. I really just want Boris to die. Mish: I agree, Boris has been nothing but trouble. Well, I’ll send it back to you at the studio, Roxas. Roxas: Thanks for that unneeded segment of the newscast, guys. We’ll end our program by talking about the new debate going on. Should the forum really have so many sections? We’ve got the Movies section, the Music section, the Arts & Graphics and Creativity Corner… but why not all make them sub-forums in a ‘General Discussion’ area? It would make the forum a lot easier to navigate, less cluttered and more organized. But it doesn’t matter what I think, because we here want to know what you think. Send you opinion to the username ‘Roxas’ (the person who posted the script of this newscast) at KH-Vids.net and your opinion could get printed in an upcoming article about the debate! So send in your opinions, no matter what they are, so we can see what you want to have done with the forum. Kairi: Well, that just about wraps it up. I’d just like to say thanks for watching and have a good night. Roxas: Have a good one.
n00bs sucks suck noobs suck nooblets nooblets noob = let let = noob letnoob
I'm having trouble convincing some one that Ansem the Wise is Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas is his Nobody. Could I get some help please? *That is, if I'm correct* *Which I'm 99% sure I am*
This is a thread where I say nice things to Mish: Mish spelled backwards is Hsim.
I've been banned from the forum before. Now throw tomatoes at me or I shall turn into Gojira.
When I saw Kairi's location I realized that killing her off in KHVR would be like killing Jesus.
I was thinking of starting an RPG Forum and was wondering if anyone would want to help me. To qualify: 1. You must not be a n00b. 2. No n00bishness. 3. Has RPed before. 4. Will be dedicated in helping make an awesome RP forum. 5. Will help get more members to come to the RP site. 6. Be grillzen. So does anyone want to help my make an RP forum?
Basically you poo in a paper bag and light it on another member's chest. I do it to... XxAxelEightxX!!!
This thread is ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO JOINED BEFORE THE SWITCH TO BULLETIN. That is big enough so that if you make a post like: "Oh, I wasn't in the old KHV so I dunno." then you will get a warning. No buts, ands, or coconuts. Anyway; I was... Roxas. Of course, but who was everyone else? I want to know, since sometimes I can't tell who you were if you got a username switch.
The rain was thick, blanketing the small neighborhood, enclosing it from civilization, shutting it off from everything else; and one woman sat in her room with a puzzle in front of her. She worked at an insanely fast pace - she had been completing puzzles for years, and this one was no exception. The pieces were coming together, and with a slight gasp she realized what the puzzle was. It was her - doing the puzzle she was working on. There was no mistake; she was the one in the puzzle. And there was one piece left. She slowly grabbed the piece and moved it to the open spot that was left in the puzzle. A window - yes, it was a window. Her hand slowly placed down the piece... ... and there was a man. The last thing she heard was the shattering of glass. - a spooky story
Since I'm the coolest member, I should have a ribbon by my name that reads: "Sweetest Poster/ Coolest Man/ Grillzen/ Top Posta/ KHVR Creator/ Most Ancient Active Member/ Big-Headed/ This Member Gave Himself This Award"
You won't really get anything. But now that you're here, might as well watch it right? It's basically a train ride through hell. This is my 2nd AMV, I have worked very hard on it. This is ONLY the first about 30 seconds. I hope you all enjoy. http://video.kh-vids.net/hottestvideos/0/7e8ff3fb-18fd-462b-8f3c-9889010ac6da.htm The song is Silent Night, Bodom Night by Children of Bodom
Sora’s Journey I have one friend, Riku’s has name We like to play a childish game You gently take off the other pants Then round my butt hole do a dance There’s also Kairi sleep and sound Violate her while she’s down If she wakes up run and hide Or catch her round the other side (tee-hee) Oh my god a big dark ball Out comes a shadow very tall I receive an overly large key But not as big as my pee-pee I fight for war and I fight for love Sucked into the air this is enough Licked by a dog when I awake Where am I for goodness sake? Traverse Town is this place So I give off a goofy face When I meet two friendly men One’s a dog and one’s a… hen? So we go into a ship of Gummi Yes, the name sounds very funny Please do not make fun of it Alright, the truth - it’s a piece of **** The very first stop is Wonderland A rabbit runs with a clock in hand Through a door that shrinks in size Saying he wasn’t a midget would only be lies I drink a potion and I’m very small I hope it wasn’t addicting at all Because you never know what they put in those drugs From a naked man I get lots of hugs A fat old woman at a podium(s) Her fingers are like little drums A super hawt girl is standing there Her head must be cut off, even the hair So am I still waiting? For this world to stop hating Can’t find a good reason Can’t find hope to believe in I totally ripped off Sum 41 It doesn’t matter; it was a load of fun So I find the shadow and defeat it Even though my voice is really girly I have one hair in my armpit Back into the Gummi Ship we go It’s better than having a 20†afro Now we head into a jungle Donald dislikes Howard Jubungle Yes, I made up the word Jubungle Doesn’t even matter ‘cause this poem is rubbungle So let’s carry on with the story at hand Let’s skip a few worlds, move onto to Peter Pan So there is Riku with Kairi right there It looks like he has cut off her hair Looks like she has been in his pants Pants and stamps rhymes with ants My shadow comes to defeat me Luckily I have this massive key I’ve used it to save many worlds But it doesn’t get me any girls (boo-hoo) So I team up with Peter Pan His sword moves swiftly like a fan Captain Hook falls to our might He doesn’t put up a very good fight The crocodile eats his nice appendage In his teeth he mashed and bent it Riku managed to get away To Hollow Bastion we must save the day We meet a very hairy man Upon arrival in this brand new land He tells us that his name is Beast It’s a fitting name for such a… beast We fight our way into the castle It is too much of a big hassle Riku gets taken over by the darkness I don’t like him Then we fight to the end of time Not the end of the time, the end of mankind The name of the place is the End of the World I really want Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Then me and Ansem duke it out I like the way he screams and shouts I throw a punch at his left cheek Lots of EXP is what I seek So we come upon Kingdom Hearts Then Donald lets out lots of farts I’m glad I am done with this fight “Because without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts is light!†Ansem explodes or something like that The doors to Kingdom Hearts are very fat We close them really nice and well Wherein Riku and Mickey forever dwell I finally see my friend Kairi She’s starting to float away from me The sand she stands on begins to slide I am too stupid to use glide So then she goes back to Destiny Islands All I had to do was glide to save her (insert word that rhymes with islands here) She goes into the secret spot I see her boobs and they’re really hot So I found myself at a crossroads Another mysterious man in a black robe Tells me to forget and remember I can’t even remember if it’s December >.< So I go to Castle Oblivion I cannot count to the number bazillion I climb the floors and lose my bits Bits include nice things like tits Eventually I fight a flower man Too caught up in giving hand To other guys like the dirty Axel … Uh, his name is… uh, um, Axel? Then I meet Namine She tells me to meet Haywood Jublomi I say no I don’t like wang She says she’s cool with that kinda thang So she puts me in a pod I should have brought my mini iPod No one likes the mini iPod Everyone wants the Video iPod Then I wake up one year later I guess my body is no traitor Me and my buds all shake hands There is a werewolf in my pants King Mickey saves us from some white guys They stole my favorite jewel red handbag They were true wiggas in the grillzin house Kairi will one day be my spouse So I go to a mysterious tower There I gain a brand new power The fairies call it Valor Form I’ll just call it Shmexy Form! The first stop is Hollow Bastion A bit boring if you were gonna ask that question My journey begins once again I must take down the Organization Now we enter the Land of Dragons Watch out for exploding wagons We have gone into Beast’s Castle Stick a candle up his *** hole Olympus Coliseum greets us next Hades breathing down our next We fight some battles and get out of there Phil really needs to grow some hair Then we meet the pirate Jack I think he’s really smoking crack Next is a place full of music No one likes it so we all misuse it After that I come upon a nice place Agrabah is getting’ up in yo face Halloween Town is really nice It’s full of cinnamon and sugar and spice Next is a place with a large rock No, it isn’t shaped like a sock The name of this place is the Pride Lands It gets better after my greatly laid plans Back to Hollow Bastion I go Teleported into a digital world Riding motorcycles and fighting them too This place is pretty stupid and Tron is poo So then I fight 1000 Heartless The battle was honestly completely pointless Tetsuya Nomura evidently wanted filler All he gave was an excitement killer So then I have to do all the worlds again What the ****’s with that it just isn’t grillzin Unfortunately there is nothing I can do But fight the Org members and visit Winnie the Pooh Finally my journey takes me to an exciting place And there I meet a familiar face He calls himself Roxas but he’s too much like me He wears a big hood so he cannot see We battle with all these overly large keys Unfortunately he has two and defeats me But in the end I take the victory Only because I choked him with silly putty Anyway, I meet up with the majestic King We wander around and find a big castle thing There, the greatest enemies lie I better do some side quests or else I will die So I enter the castle and fight many men With a big old dog and a useless hen First goes down one, then two, then three All that’s left is Xemnas and me But I seen find out that there is more to this I meet up with Riku and give him a kiss A meet up with Kairi and give her a hug She don’t deserve a kiss ‘cause she looks like a thug Finally the final boss battle comes This poem’s six pages and I’m not even done Me and Riku fight and we have lots of fun Xemnas is a weakling, he should use a gun So we kick his little *** and move on with our day The world of darkness is just a step away It’s like Destiny Islands but flooded with dark To return to our home, from here we embark The door to light opens, it’s finally true Which is good because the whole first game that annoying stupid voice had been telling me what to do, and I never knew what it meant and it was getting really annoying trying to figure out who it was, but it was now no longer telling me what to do So me and Riku entered the door We had no trouble to worry about anymore Kairi is waiting on the wave crested shore I begin to love her more and more I run up to her and bring out her charm I’m here for her, and I grab her arm But this journey’s not over - don’t stop reading yet For Kairi comes with a message unread She brings a message with a familiar seal We’re being brought into a whole new ordeal… To be continued
Vote on what you think is the saddest chapter of KHVR. If the chapter you think is the saddest is not on this list, then just post which you chose. Try out this format, although you don't have to. Chapter: Why is it the saddest: Did I cry: XD I added the did I cry part because I want to know what chapters people cried on, that is if they really cried. They may just be telling me they cried so that I feel like I wrote something sad xD.
Yen Sid was listening to some nice classical music, as happy as he could be. He tapped his fingers along with the tune, but they came to rest as a familiar figure stood in front of him. “I’m tired of this damn weapon!†A key; long, large, and many other nice adjectives was slammed in front of him. Sora stood with his arms crossed and his skinny twig legs sticking out of ridiculously large balloon shorts, along with shoes that would not only fit a clown’s feet but Barbara Streisand’s nose. “This key isn’t doing me any good!†he screamed at Yen Sid, spittle flying from his mouth. Yen Sid calmly replied, “Sora, you are the Keyblade Master. It is your duty to use this key to lock the hearts of worlds from the Heartless.†“Oh yeah!†said Sora, flailing his arms wildly. “Then why does Cloud get an awesome mummified sword, and Leon gets a blade with a gun in it!†“Because they are not Keyblade Masters!†said Yen Sid. “Only the Keyblade Masters may wield the Keyblade.†“Well, it sucks,†said Sora. “I quit being the Keyblade Master.†Sora quit and all the worlds plunged into darkness. Kingdom Hearts III was really, really bad, and after beating it everyone wanted their money back.
What would you say if I told you that I had written all of KHVR? :p
Sights and sounds and things so near Pull them close and then you’ll hear Just a dream, a wish, a guy, a girl Living in hell in a virtual world The voices and the visions and I’m running low on health provisions A mysterious blade, a mysterious man Stole the pictures from a once good land I look around for a friend who cares All I get are a bunch of stares A pocket of munny and a trophy too Just give me something useful to do A small adventure leads to my shadow Out of a waterfall he comes to devour The mysterious blade becomes my only friend Lost in a cyber world I must tend And tend I must do very well For he waits in a fragment’s shell His memories are being redone A chain of memories must be restrung There is an enemy that watches me The glint in his eyes so fiery A small mansion begs the key Is an Other really my destiny? We fight beneath the mansion top Through fire and flames we do not stop Now two blades, no longer one One final strike and he is done The Axel falls from the spinning wheel His disappearance is no done deal For the fragment’s shell is once again In danger of a not-so-friend I attack with strength and all my might This red man doesn’t want to fight He’s made of data, not the real thing A genetic code, like a piece of string And like that string behind him waits The one with the memories being replaced He reveals to me his name is DiZ D-i-Z, just data that he is So I give into his order Bridge the Nobody’s rightful Order Return to the one who I belong Waiting in the fragment’s shell beyond His name is mine, his body is different I can’t explain this whole things meaning For I’m just an Other, about to disappear That is the end, the end of my fear
Who want a new chapter of KH-Vids Royale? By which I mean now.
http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808475612/trailer OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG AGGGH SO LONG TO WAIT!