Happy me. I'mposting this from the new york publiclibrary. how fun. sorryfor the typos my fingers are cold. cya
I'm on my way to New York and I'm in the business room of a hotel in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania. There's a piece of chicken stuck in my back right molar. It sucks. Well, I'll try to be on-line on the 28th since it's my anniversary but no promises since I'll be in New York CITY! Grillz out~
Everytime I log onto kh-vids... I feel a strange sensation in my pants. Why is this so?
WARNING HORRIBLE LANGUAGE, BUT ITS SUNG BY ME SO IT SOMEHOW MAKES IT NICER? XMAS COLORZ Anyway, I dunno how many people here are tru blink 182 fans, but if you are then you know the song 'Happy Holidays, You *******.' If not, then listen to more blink 182. Well, we covered this outrageous song at the link below. Warning for extreme language and usage of middle finger. If any of oyu have heard the song before, you know what I mean. Me and Nate do double vocals and I sing the main part in the choruses. ENJOY! A CXNFLD Christmas :D
Just thought it was about time I made another pointless thread that has nothing to do with anything, in which it has just about enough replies to give it 2 pages and then dies.
A beautiful poem: ----- Fluffy The man walks into the cabbage patch Looks around Four gnomes in the bushes Biting his knees So he falls to the ground They tie him up And cook him Human meat The scent of death Stalking pixies Eat gnomes Crying child Value meal Power line Tree branch Ground Hogs Daggers Betrayal and blood A trail of sorrow Torn soul Fluffy Thank you.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061221/ap_en_ce/books_potter_title Read it for yourself ^_^
Yes, it will be a tearful day. My first anniversary, December 28th... You know, I could tell you my story of the perils and traps I have faced throughout my life at KH-Vids. But I won't. No one will read it. So, instead, I post this topic. Also, you can post your anniversary here *ONLY 10 DAYS BEFORE YOUR ANNIVERSARY*. Otherwise congratulate the others on their shmexy day.
Show your support fro RoxasXCin for voting as us Christmas Queen king! XD
Um, excuse me? Why are Cin and I not included in the king/queen X-Mas vote?
Alright, this is a crazy request... Size: Normal Sig Size Text: On the left side 'Arch Rock Studios'. Maybe going vertically up and down the side... or on the top. Just leave room on the right side. Text on Right Sde: (From top right to bottom right) Goki: Demon Hunter XP Battle Royale Mountain Stone Koko NOTE: Leave room for more titles to be added on the right hand side. This text should be smaller than the 'Arch Rock Studios' thing.) all text relatively futuristic. Sort of like in Xehsin's vector tutorial. Graphics: Just a beautiful collage of swirls and random colors and thigns that will look beautiful under the text. Make the text fit in with it. I just want it to be as beautiful as possible. Also, take your time but it would be nice if this could be done fast. :D Thanks a bunch :)
cloudfinalfantasy gave me person of the week in his sig. I have no clue how it happened, but I feel honored.
Misses the old phpBB KHVids? I think it was 50x better.
This is the official thread to talk about fecal matter and defecation.
Thunderpants is the epic motion picture about a fat kid who can fart and will and needs to fart to fuel a rocketship so he can fly into space. He does, indeed, accomplish his dream.
You all suck go die!!!
X Japan is a band of metal mozarts. Honest to god, X Japan as the greatest metal and classical band ont he face of the Earth. Well, they were until they broke up. They have an epic song called 'Art of Life' which is 34 minutes long. I have listened to it 534 times xD (iPod only) and it is just insanely amazing. They also have other great songa. I suggest you check out Art of Life and see for yourself how amazing they are. Have fun.
... Saucy...
I wanna be in a car rocking my head with some peoplez!!!! *droolz*
What's your sexual orientation? Feel free to vote but make no reply. I'm straight.