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  1. Roxas

    Thread by: Roxas, Feb 3, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Roxas


    There are too many KH-vids stories, ones which take people from this forum and put them into a book.

    I'm not saying you can't do it, but 3 other ones? I mean, come on, try something new.
    Thread by: Roxas, Feb 1, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Roxas
    sweqsora222 proposed to Atticus.

    I'm the pastor.

    Do you, sweqsora222, take Atticus as your loving husband?
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 31, 2007, 42 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Roxas
    If you weren't in 1, sign up for 2 here:

    Username: (forum username)
    Name in Book: (for example, if my name was MookieTheKeyToDestiny, and I realized Roxas doesn't want to type that every time he talks about me, because he'll kill me quick if he has to, I will nickname myself Mookie)
    Attitude Towards Game: (how you think you will play in the game)
    Married To: (forum member or no one)
    Description of Looks:
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 31, 2007, 44 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Roxas

    KH Modern

    cin pointed something out ot me
    This is a story I've been working on for a while now. Yes, this is the next story I'll be working on since I've finished KHVR. I don't think it'll be over 100 pages like KHVR, but it'll be a nice story about myself (Alex), Cin (Travis) and Craig (shikamarus shadow) as we venture through Disney lands, sorta of like Sora but set in a modern day world. I've only got the Prologue done, and I haven't even edited or revised anything yet, but... here ya go:



    The shuffling feet, like a chorus of metal drums being played upon the very concrete

    of the Earth. In the city where man not only never sleeps, but

    keeps secrets form the rest of the world. They wait. They do not know
    the full truth, that they are the ones. They. They were the ones chosen
    only by fate. Fate is never changing, just as the footsteps of thousands
    of drums too can never change. Even in the bustling metropolis
    of steel and charred metal, the bravest of souls can be found.

    “Pass the ball!”
    The crowd went wild as Alex grasped the orange sphere in his hands. He ducked and turned, narrowly dodging his opponents as he worked his way toward the rim. Several cheerleaders screamed from the sidelines, “Alex, we love you!” Wind flew through his long, blonde hair, currently held up by a red headband. The ball felt like an extension of his hands; he dribbled with ease up the court, always jumping and diving, escaping the eminent danger that some large player could come and knock him to the ground. His body moved on its own accord, and he chucked the ball under another player’s legs and ran round to catch it on the other side. Alex jumped into the air, higher than he ever had before, and slammed the ball into the rim. The buzzer went off, and Alex looked to see the score; 78 to 77. They had won because of him. The crowd went wild as he hung from the rim. His basketball team rushed onto the court and lifted him onto their shoulders.
    “Alex, Alex, Alex!”
    He pumped his hands into the air. The crowd went ballistic. Liquid sprayed upon the players as Alex held up the championship trophy. It was already engraved with his name under V.I.P. The crowd carried him out of the gymnasium and outside where a long, black limo was parked. A man in a suit and sunglasses said:
    “Hello, Alex, we’d like to offer you a contract to the NBA. Would you accept?”
    “I accept!” shouted Alex wildly, and the crowd cheered.

    “What’s wrong with him?” asked Travis, watching as Alex shouted in his sleep. Half through snores he was saying over and over again, “I accept!”
    “I dunno,” replied Craig, a good friend of both Alex and Travis, “but I think someone should call the school nurse before we get complaints of psychotic children in the school.” Craig tapped Alex on the shoulder. “Wake up!”
    Alex stirred once before looking up and rubbing his eyes.
    “You fell asleep in gym class,” said Travis.
    “Gym class,” repeated Craig. “Do you realize that no one falls asleep in gym class? Let me rephrase that; no one who gets at least 3 minutes of sleep falls asleep in gym class.”
    Alex yawned, “I was asleep? I had this amazing dream, actually. Too bad you woke me up…”
    “What happened?” inquired Travis. “Did you have sex with a bunch of hot girls?
    Alex looked down at his pants and said, “Apparently not,” laughing. Craig and Travis laughed too.
    “No, seriously now, I scored the winning points for the basketball team in the championship game! I was made MVP, and then I got a contract deal from the NBA!”
    Travis and Craig stared at him incredulously.
    “Alex…” sighed Travis, “how many times do we have to tell you that you will get nowhere with basketball? Why do you even keep playing? When you take a shot it doesn’t even hit the rim. Hell, it doesn’t even hit the backboard. Why don’t you just give up?”
    “Thanks for the encouragement,” frowned Alex, rolling his eyes.
    “I’m gonna have to agree with Travis here,” said Craig. “The best I’ve seen you do was make a successful pass. Even then, the pass barely reached the teammate and there wasn’t a single defender for miles.”
    Alex just raised his hands and looked at them. His gaze went to each fingertip, and finally he looked up.
    “These hands are gonna do great things,” he said. Craig and Travis snorted. “What!?” asked Alex.
    “That was quite possibly the most perverted thing you’ve ever said,” laughed Travis. Craig agreed, and Travis continued, “Well, I think we can all agree that those hands may do good things, but it won’t be for basketball!” Craig laughed at this, too.
    “You only think it’s perverted because you both have weird, perverted minds,” rebuked Alex. “I sometimes feel like I’m the only sane one out of the three of us. Then again, we do all have perverted minds. But, hey, what guy doesn’t think of sex when he sees a hot girl?”
    “Not me.”
    “Not me, either.”
    “Precisely,” continued Alex, “which is why none of us will be doing any boning for another couple of years.” The three broke into laughter, interrupted by a short stocky man with glasses and a whistle round his neck. He ran up to them and took in a deep breath; even though he’d only run about 10 yards over.
    “Alex, I’m putting you in for basketball practice,” he said between heavy breaths. “Just try not to do so bad that the girls laugh at you. And, well, beat you.”
    “Don’t worry, Mr. Shenton, I’ll make you proud of me,” said Alex, glaring and raising his fists. Determination filled his eyes, even though it was not enough.
    “Well,” began Mr. Shenton, “you better do well, because those are some really competitive kids out there. I know this is just a gym class for fun and all, but be aware that they take this pretty seriously. Are you sure you want to go out?”
    Alex looked at Travis and Craig. He was hoping they would nod at him in approval, but instead they just sort of looked at the ground. Travis pretended there was something on his eye and Craig found heavy interest in a spot on the wall.
    “Guys?” asked Alex.
    “Got to go to the bathroom,” said Travis.
    “Me too,” said Craig. The two ran off round the corner and out into the hallway. Alex heard the doors swing shut and knew he had no emotional backup. He’d show them. When they came back from the bathroom, he’d be the champion of basketball.
    “I’m sure,” said Alex, turning to face Mr. Shenton.
    “Well, I guess all I can really say is good luck,” said Mr. Shenton. “Sorry if you get beat up.”
    “Hey!” said Alex, but Mr. Shenton had already run off. Alex walked up to the group of the kids playing basketball. “Who’s team am I on?” he asked. The kids burst into laughter. Most people would classify them as bullies; they were the type of kids that never did any homework and weren’t really good at anything in particular, but spent their time smoking, getting wasted, and picking fights with people for no good reason. Many were khaldean, but there were others mixed in their too. It may be worth noting that doo-rags were quite common among them.
    “You!?” said Donovan, one of the meaner kids of the bunch. He was currently holding the basketball in one arm whilst he used the other to wave frantically as he talked. “You!? What make you think y’all can just waltz in here and play some b-ball with us?”
    “Just let me play and I’ll show you how good I really am!” beckoned Alex. The others simply burst into laughter.
    “Should we let him?” grinned Donovan, turning to the others. They all laughed and nodded, some saying “hell yeah.”
    “So I can play?” Alex said eagerly.
    “Sure,” said Donovan, “but I hope you know the consequences if y’all mess up.”
    “What are they?” asked Alex.
    “Oh, nothing too bad,” said Donovan. “Just don’t expect to talk to any homies ever again. Oh, and y’all friends will all be in trouble too, not to mention every girl y’all ever been in contact wit.” Donovan began to dribble the basketball. “You’re not gonna be on my team,” he said. “Oh no, you’re gonna be with Dimitri.”
    Alex knew exactly who Dimitri was. Everyone knew who Dimitri was. Dimitri was the 9th grade badass. He picked on just about anyone he could get his hands on. It didn’t matter who you were; unless you knew him then you were dead. His hobbies including: swearing every other word, ripping up people’s homework, and generally lazing around New York doing nothing. Everyone was afraid of him. Everyone avoided him, and now Alex had been stuck on his team.
    Trying to sound brave, Alex said, “Alright, I’ll be on Dimitri’s team, as long as it gives me more of a chance to show off my skills.”
    “Let’s get dis game started wit!” said Dimitri, his baggy clothes swinging as he moved up toward Donovan.
    Dimitri bounced the ball back to Donovan and the game went into full action. The players moved furiously, charging under the basket and jumping over each other. They gracefully arced the ball into the net with ease, and the pleasant swish sound followed. Alex tried to keep with their pace, but the intensity at which they were playing was just unbearable. Within minutes, the ball came flying into his hands. All motion stopped.
    “Come on, Alex, shoot!” teased Donovan.
    “Yeah, shoot!”
    “Come on wimp, take a shot!”
    “You couldn’t do nothing for nothing just shut up!”
    Alex gripped the ball in his hands and looked towards the basket. He was standing almost perfectly on the free-throw line. Dimitri mentioned this:
    “Come on, man, you on the free-throw line! How can a brother miss from there? You miss, you dead!” The other boys joined in with a chorus of “You miss, you dead.” Alex focused everything on the basket. He could see the ball moving, arcing, and falling directly into the basket. The crowd was cheering already, and he was getting his first contract with the Detroit Pistons. Donovan and Dimitri stood on the side, looking ashamed, and Alex laughed at them as he pulled on his brand new Piston’s jersey.
    Snapping back to reality, he saw Donovan and Dimitri booing him.
    “You taking all day, yo?” asked Donovan. Alex stared at the basket again.
    “It’s now or never,” he said under his breath. Using all of the muscle in his legs, he pushed towards the ceiling and let the ball fly. It released perfectly from his hands with just the right amount of spin. Alex instantly knew it was going in. How could it not? The shot was perfect.
    The ball flew to the side of the rim and missed completely. It bounced on the wood floor and rolled to the side, hitting the wall several times before settling down. The noise echoed clearly throughout the empty gym.
    All eyes were on Alex. Donovan’s eye was twitching. Dimitri was cracking his knuckles. Other kids bared their teeth.
    “You missed… a free-throw,” said Donovan, trying not to scream.
    “We gonna mess you up real bad,” said Dimitri, pounding his fist into his palm. The group advanced on Alex and formed a circle around him.
    “Grab him,” said Donovan. Two kids came in from the sides and grabbed Alex’s arms, holding him in place. “Me first.”
    Donovan walked up to Alex.
    “Why?” he said. “Why? Why? Why, my friend, do you play b-ball with us? Why do you think y’all is goin’ somewhere wit b-ball? Why can you not just leave us alone!?”
    “It’s a fun game!” shouted Alex. “If I pract-”
    Blood spewed from Alex’s mouth as Donovan punched him in the cheek. His head flew to the side and bounced back. Donovan kneed him in the groin and then brought his elbow down on the back of Alex’s head.
    “That’s right, *****!” he shouted. “That’s how you play b-ball with the big fellas!” Everyone else proceeded to join in and kick him. Alex curled up in a ball on the ground as he was wailed by kicks. Laughter filled his ears, yet no one came for help. Dimitri stomped his foot on Alex’s stomach, and he felt sick rise from his stomach. He forced back the urge to vomit as more punches and kicks slammed into him. Blood poured form his nose and lips, bruises covered his body; still no one came.
    “Stop!” begged Alex, choking on blood. They just laughed. “Please, I can’t breath!”
    “Hey, what are you doing!?”
    Mr. Shenton ran across the gym, waving a clipboard. “Who do you think you are?” he said to the boys. “Get out of here, go! I hope to never see your faces again!” The boys ran from the gymnasium, leaving Alex lying on the floor.
    “Are you ok?” Mr. Shenton said hurriedly, bending down to Alex’s side. Blood was smeared across Alex’s face and down his chin.
    “Do… I… look ok to you?” gasped Alex. Mr. Shenton pulled out a cell-phone and dialed the school’s office.
    “I need a nurse down here! I’d classify it as an emergency. The kid was beat up! No, don’t wait, you must come now! Look, just get on your way.”
    He closed the mobile and put it back in his pocket.
    “What’s going on!?” It was Travis, running into the room towards Alex. Craig was not far behind. “What happened to him? Alex?”
    “He was beaten up by those boys,” explained Mr. Shenton. “It’s my fault; I should never have allowed him to play basketball with them.”
    “We didn’t do anything to stop him either,” said Craig sadly. Alex was curled up in a fetal position on the ground.
    “You boys run along now,” said Shenton, “especially before the school nurse gets here. You don’t want to get in her way, now, do you?” Travis and Craig nodded and went to the side of the room. The school nurse ran in with a box of tools. She came closer to Alex and pushed Mr. Shenton away, bending down. After putting on a latex glove, she carefully moved his head to the side, observing him.
    “It doesn’t look too awful,” said the nurse. “He’s got a busted lip, that’s for sure. His nose doesn’t look broken, but it’s in severe condition. I think a few bandages will help him for now.
    “My… hand…” gasped Alex. The nurse held up his hand gingerly.
    “Wow!” she exclaimed. “This is bad! I’ll completely wrap it in bandages; that should help. It’s not broken, but it could possibly break if I don’t keep it stiff.” She proceeded to wrap his right hand completely in bandages. Alex’s hand looked mummified in his bandages. They went all the way up to his forearm. The school nurse then put a bandage over his nose and put rubbing alcohol on his lip.
    “Does that feel better?” she asked Alex.
    “Much better,” he replied, standing up. Travis and Craig walked up to him. Travis asked:
    “Alex, what happened? We were only gone for a couple of minutes.
    “I took a shot and missed, so they… beat me,” replied Alex. The trio walked towards the locker room, ready to change and go home. “Then I sort of closed my eyes, and the next moment Mr. Shenton was running in and shouting random things at them. I was sure as hell thankful. Then you guys came in, followed by the school nurse. I wish I had never gone in there in the first place.”
    “I’m sorry to say it,” said Craig, “but I just don’t think basketball is the sport for you.”
    “I see that now,” grumbled Alex. They changed their clothes and the bell rang, signaling the end of yet another lame school day.
    “Let’s go to Times Square,” mentioned Craig. “We can go to the huge McDonald’s. I’m starving.”
    “What did you have for lunch?” asked Travis.
    “Oh, just a PB&J sandwich, some crisps, and some juice,” he replied. Alex and Travis stared at him.
    “Well, no wonder you’re hungry,” smiled Alex. Craig gave a small laugh.
    “Well, do you guys wanna go to McDonald’s?” asked Craig. Alex and Travis both answered yes.

    “Three tickets please!” said Alex. The man behind the booth handed over three green-colored tickets, each headed for Manhattan from Queens.
    “Train 6 for Manhattan, from Queens; now boarding.”
    “Let’s go,” said Travis. The three walked to the subway docking station. The subway was waiting with its doors open, so the three walked in. They chose some seats at the far end of the cabin, as far away from the doors as possible.
    “What are you gonna get?” asked Alex.
    “I dunno, maybe a Big Mac and some large fries,” answered Craig.
    “Fatty,” teased Travis. Alex snorted, and then said what he was going to get; chicken fingers and a large chocolate shake.
    “Hopefully, we can even get something,” said Travis. “Who knows how busy Times Square will be today.”
    “Probably not very,” began Alex, “just think about it; there’s only one more day till we get out on summer vacation. What type of tourist would be in Times Square on the last day of school?”
    “Well, we’re going,” said Travis.
    “True, true,” said Alex. “Well, I guess we’ll just see when we get there.”
    Pictures of various musical broadways went by in a blur. Old women holding crocodile skin handbags held onto bars. A homeless man was bundled up in some blankets, sleeping on the side. The train eventually halted, and people began rushing out of the doors.
    “Is this our stop?” asked Craig. Travis looked down at the tickets Alex had handed to him. He flipped them over and gave Craig a thumb up.
    “Yep,” he said. They got up and walked to the doors. Travis and Craig walked outside of the train, Alex still inside. He checked his pocket for his wallet but it wasn’t there.
    “Hey, wait up; I left my wallet on the train!” He ran back and looked on his seat. His leather wallet was there, and he picked it up and walked back to the doors.
    Just as he was walking out, a man in a weird black cloak strode onto the train. The man was wearing a hood that completely covered his face, and his hands and feet were also covered in black.
    “Your fate… is set,” he said. Alex turned to look at him but several people got in his way, forcing him to continue walking.
    “Hey, come on!”
    Travis and Craig were waiting by a pillar a little ways off.
    “Did you see that guy?” asked Alex, running up to them.
    “What guy?” asked Travis.
    “The one that bumped into me when I got off the train! He was… wearing a black cloak, and had black gloves and boots on. He said to me, ‘Your fate is set.’ Then…” answered Alex. Craig and Travis just stared at him.
    “Um…” said Travis. “Are you okay? I think you lost some brain cells when you got beat up during that basketball game.”
    “But, I’m sure it happened! I felt him physically!” Alex said, desperately trying to get Craig and Travis to believe the situation. They weren’t convinced.
    “Well, you did bump into a guy…” Craig began, “but it was an old man with a cane. And when you bumped into him he told you to shove off.”
    “O-oh, maybe my head was damaged…” Alex said. In his head he knew that what had happened to him was real. Craig and Travis must have been seeing things differently. What had happened to him was completely real, he had felt the man’s touch, heard his voice that was high-pitched but weary.
    “Let’s get going,” said Craig, “my belly is just killing me.” The three walked out of the subway to find themselves a block away from Times Square. They walked the short distance, being knocked to and fro by women holding briefcases and talking on cell-phones, until they finally reached the bustling square.
    Plasma screen television’s hung from all sides of buildings. The newest NASDAQ stock updates flashed across a large screen on their right. Huge signs advertising new films and TV shows hung from all sorts of places. A massive Toys R Us logo was in plain view, not 150 yards away. Across the square was the world’s biggest McDonald’s; their destination.
    “Let’s go!” said Craig, who began sprinting across roads. He jumped and narrowly dodged a car.
    “Idiot…” said Travis under his breath. Alex laughed. They carefully crossed the road at a light and met up with Craig at the entrance to McDonald’s.
    Inside it was full of people, but there were enough cashiers to get in line and get your meal instantly. A massive play place, littered with children, was to their left. Alex remembered playing there in the days of old. Now, he was too old. But occasionally he and some friends would go in their as a joke (they’d be kicked out quickly, of course) but as Craig was so hungry, it would be best that they just got in line.
    After ordering their food and eating, they decided that they’d go to the New York Public Library. It wasn’t too far away from where they were - nearer to the EmpireStateBuilding, a few blocks down.
    “Hey, Alex, you sure you wanna go to the library?” asked Craig, opening the door.
    “Well,” said Alex, “I don’t mind if you wanna go.”
    “Let’s go th-”
    Craig stopped talking. He had completely frozen in place. He was halfway through opening the door and had completely stopped.
    “Craig?” Alex looked around to notice that Travis was halfway through opening his mouth and had frozen too. Everything had come to a halt. It was if the world had come into its own gridlock; not a single person moved. Smoke, rising from the ovens, stayed in its place. A man holding a glass of water had tripped, but the water was frozen in midair, almost like crystal. Alex walked over and touched it. His finger went through the water, and when he pulled it out it was wet.
    “What’s going on?”
    Alex moved Craig to the side and went outside into Times Square.
    “What… the hell?”
    Cars had completely stopped. People were halfway through their strides, stopped. Television screens showed only freeze frames. The large NASDAQ TV read the time: 3:49:32 P.M., never changing.
    “I’m glad you’re here.”
    “What!?” Alex shouted, spinning round. No one was there.
    “Don’t be such a fool. Look up here!”
    Alex peered to the top of the building where the New Year’s ball would be placed. There, holding up his arms, was a man in a black cloak.
    “You have come, have you?” he asked.
    “Who are you!?” screamed Alex. “What is going on here!? Why is everyone frozen!? Why are my friends frozen too!?””
    “Calm down, child. Only calm will help you in the face of danger.”
    The man in the black cloak brought down his arms.
    “Now, you will face true terror!” he shouted. Millions of creatures in white spawned in their own places, all from a black twisting hole. They seemed to have their own hoods on, and they moved in a dancing sort of way. Zippers went from head to toe, and their faces were barely seeable.
    The creatures rushed at Alex. Hundreds upon thousands of them charged at him, relenting in their movements.
    “Stay back!”
    Another man in yet another black cloak was standing in front of him. In his hand was an enormous key. He held it perpendicular to the ground, and the white creatures suddenly backed off.
    “Take this!” he said, and handed Alex the giant key. Alex grasped it in his hand and swung it. It felt like a complete extension of him arm.
    “Take it, and go inside!” he shouted again, waving his arm.
    “Go inside what?” Alex asked, confused. The man in the black cloak pushed him and he turned to see a ramp leading into a floating ship. It looked like your average spaceship; albeit many colors.
    The white creatures moved in even closer.
    “Get out of here!” screamed the man, and two more large keys appeared in his hands. One was black and looked like a slender piece of metal, whereas the other one was short, thicker, and had a gold star at the end of its gleaming white blade. He began to slice the creatures, and they disappeared into darkness as he did.
    “Go on the ship, and press the green button,” said the man, “the ship is on auto-pilot. Just go!” A group of creatures launched themselves upon him and he fell to the ground. A brilliant flash erupted from the chaos and the creatures were blown to pieces.
    “Wha-what’s your name?” asked Alex, running up the ramp. As he did so it began to close, but throughout the fighting and the chaos he heard one dim word:
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 29, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Roxas
    The demo to the amazingly outrageous, fantabulously fun RPG I have been working on is it. It can be downloaded here:

    But to play it you'll also need to download RPG Maker XP Postality Knights Edition Enhanced here (it's the first one) :

    This game is rated M. It is vulgar. It is rude. Play it only if you're over 14. No kidding here, if your parents find it you'll be in toruble if they play it. But it's a hilarious game.

    This is the demo, it's about 2 hours tops. I'd suggest clicking on the bookcases xD.

    I hope you play, and leave a rating and comment on the site where I posted it. ENJOYDAGAME!
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 26, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Roxas


    It's been a week!
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 26, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Roxas


    Join my high school musical website.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 23, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Roxas
    Zots. Crambles.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 23, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Roxas

    Vivi is gone.

    Vivi is completely gone, for 3 months at least.

    I've changed his password. He can't get back into his account anymore.

    Even then, he may not come back. I really hope he does.

    I'm sure he wanted you guys to know that he was gone~
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 21, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Roxas


    I'm a normal member now.

    For a week.

    Time to hang with my bros.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 20, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Roxas
    Cin and I are getting married.

    Just thought I'd let you all know. The reason why is not for you to know. I'd just like you all to know that we are NOT gay.

    Well, we're getting married, and since the spam zone is locked, we will be getting married in this thread. Let's begin!

    We need a vicor, or vickor, or vikor, however u spell it. And also we need lots of people to be here for the big celebration!

    But this shouldn't be an ultimate spam fest, have your posts have something to do with the marriage.

    K, I guess we'll start with me and Cin at the podium or whatever, but we need a vicor (vickor, vikor) first!
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 18, 2007, 214 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Roxas
    The worst decision Tetsuya Nomura could make at present time would be to start working on the KHIII beta game for the PS3. The PS3 is going to be a blown system unless it somehow becomes more marketable to the casual gamer. It would be in Square's best interests to start working on KHIII, if they do, for the Wii. This may shift in the future, depending on the direction of the price of the PS3, but for now Wii or XBox 360 (doubtful, as Square and Microsoft have a very low-key partnership) would be the smartest choices to make. Wiis are selling by the boatload. PS3s are still sitting on shelves, unsold. I even saw 3 at a GAMESTOP, a GAMESTOP, in New York City. XBox 360 is undoubtedly going to win the console war. You cand eny it, but it will.

    So now we wait to see what system it will be for. Facts implicate Wii. I hope so. PS3 would be a bad idea. It's time to play another KH waiting game.

    But what do you think?
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 12, 2007, 85 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Roxas

    Khvr Q&a

    This is where you can ask any question about KHVR. If you have multiple questions, type then like:


    Also, ask any questions about it. I'm really looking forward to answering some questions about it. You can also just leave your comments, or ratings of the story! I'll tell you what I think about them as well.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 11, 2007, 40 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Roxas

    Hi :d

    Hi every1 i want you!
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 10, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Roxas
    Tasty with spaghetti, but not so much with ravioli.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 4, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Roxas
    You have food on your lip. Wash it off.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 4, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Roxas

    KHVR is done!

    Go read the final chapters to see who won!

    Don't spoil it >_>
    Thread by: Roxas, Jan 4, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Roxas
    I know quite a few KH songs on the guitar. I was wondering if anyone would be interested on watching videos of someone performing kh tunes on the guitar. If so, I'm thinking of starting a little thing called kh on guitar, which basically is me playing every KH song on the guitar, from track 1 to track 89 on the KH II soundtrack. I'll expand if it goes well. I just wanna know who would be interested in watching such vids.
    Thread by: Roxas, Dec 30, 2006, 39 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Roxas
    new york was amazing. I mean, just SO amazing. I wanna go to NYU when I grow up just so I can go there! Has anyone else been to new york?
    Thread by: Roxas, Dec 30, 2006, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone