calm down..sheesh....anyways i think a dumbbutt which is a made up word like all the other is,a but that had a brain but is menatlly challenged>_> thats my guess at what it is.
smudge or as misty said erase the edges with a soft round brush
im a dumbass too >_>....are we done calling eachother dumbasses?
and this is coming from a person that named themselfs after a video game character also?dark jak from jack and daxter 2?
im not twisted.i was born with a normal deformation or anything.normal.
i thought you said it wasnt a RENDER >_>
We all love you
luigi is a render end of story.a brush doesnt and cant ever have all the color,lighting,hading of a actual picture.anyways as for the tag goes i dont really like it.the lens flare that you used is out of can actually see it.put it on screen or lighten and lower the opac a bit.and alot of people/noobs put like the tags effects right on top of the render/stock which really makes it look bad.try the tut again and take your time.dont just rush because you want to show it off.thats now what graphic design is about.
i use photoshop cs2,had cs3 sucky layout,so i went back to 2.anyways i would suggest gimp for right now as its a easy program to use and its free.dont bother downloading a damn torrent like most noobs here did.dont steal money from adobe without any damn experience.
yea i know,lol well just pm rvr he give ya the real one.
use a video converter(ie:total video converter)you can vet the trial at the site.Just type in total video converter on your search bar.
you do know that you can remove that text in the buttom of the mugen screen right?anyways pugen is a fun game.and if ya want i can hook you up with a better screen recorder.just IM me.look at my profile for the info.
first you need to apply the pictures of them.cause i dont believe anyone here is gonna be searching for a descent pic of the ones you want.
two words. JUST QUIT! quit now while your at it lol.
lol sorry,i dont really bother looking at profiles to see if its a guy or girl.but that art is still kickass.
heh...heres the trailer for the game if you guys havnt seen it yet. Crisis Core Trailer
seen these but i must say that square-enix has really outdone theirselfs.One of the best looking games for the psp to date.and i cant wait to get it lol.
lol yea i enjoy watching AOTS.
Heres the popular video featured on AOTS(attack of the show @ G4) Drama Prarie Dog
thats very nice,but i think you should have made goofy the mad rabbit lol.but i said it before i admire your for the entries you lost to that sucks.good job