@jlhack does the codes work?like the cloud to play as him or something? anyways my friends made these codes.there to have cloud and leon as your party.they need to be converted though.and i dont know if they have been posted before. leon 11C9561A 0000061C cloud 11C9561C 00000688 this code will force partners into battles where sora is normally alone: 40340C9C 00130001 10010200 00000000
roxas sup buddy.no more BR?
thanks guys for the CnC,heres v2 without the white extended border. V2.
good bye,get out of here,never come back.leave this place for good.lol you didnt want bull**** right so i gave ya that.
yea aqua is awesome.i just made the topic to make think im making a topic about ja and wanted to see whta they did.what*
ok,i see the little splatter type effect should be erased from the top and only be left on the buttom.text should be removed or be replaced by a better type.over contrasted on both sides.the cloud on the top left should be removed.good job though
hot!is all i have to say,btw add me to your myspace.pm me your page so i can add.
hehe the band is called Aqua!!! maybe this song might remind ya "barbie girl"
i hate that band...jk its an alright band that has some catchy songs
*sigh*i didnt know what text to put and what to type as text lol.the little white border with the extended edge on the left is what i wanted,just to give it a diff style.i was planning on adding text on the empty street that you see there,but as it turned out i didnt.
lol funny video,whats so creepy about it?
my parents are great role models imo.they never tell me anything that doesnt make sense.and if i dont agree with them with something they dont get mad or anything.they just accept it.so for your question i think parents make good role models depending on what they tell you and if you can base it on a true fact.
for that go to roxllens(SP)shop he does that,or videogamenerds shop.
I got every disney movie song yay for me.i also have all the classic movies in VHS!someday they will be worth lots of money,collectors hell yea
the leg looks a bit messed up.kinda bended a bit(the left leg)other than that i think it looks nice.Knuckles is my fav guy so i have no complaints.you should try and color him =P
yea its called a "Night on Bare Mountain".i can see why ya want this song.i have fantasia and when i heard it i was amazed.pretty good tone.
Beck is my fav anime.also that one with the boy with the skates and the goldern bat was pretty kickass.
exactly,thats what i was trying to say in my post where i said just quit.like aqua said you still got a long way to go.but you say you do animation.i like to see one of them one day.
yep,btw whats the name of the font you used for the F it looks nice and maybe i can use it later on.oh as for the tag imo it looks too brighten up.the stock actually looks brighten up.
exactly,and scan lines?lol lower the opacity on them bro.if ya did want to add in a stock maybe place it in the middle.that stock has good flow if ya know how to use it.