yep lol,just a catchy phrase and how he says it.
drowning pool - let the bodies hit the floor!
ok thanks for the info bro.ill prob have one posted once i move.
Daniel Powter - You had a bad day
good fight bro,lol reflect is an awesome but cheap magic.i would post one too but i dont know the cheat and where i can fight him lol.(if it needs to be in a specific spot or whatever)
Eclipse Darkandroid Roxasvsriku Darky /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* Xehsin
aqua - butterfly
god hand soundtrack - god hand
lol well i read this book at 10th grade and i like it.its a great book thats pretty entertaining.its about a boy that is kept in this orphanage and adults run tests on them.he escapes and than finds out he can see these weird strange creatures.he than joins a group of kids that have the same ability and than save the world by eliminating these things.
The Beatles - Help!
these arent really renders for graphics but they are for these can actually be fiddled on a 3d program.
Tenacious D - F*** Her Gently
your so smart SS.and i agree with ya 100%
lol,never saw it that way.yet i didnt play kh over and over to find these little details lol.
i think that ya should get it from ebay.but only if the item is being auctioned/sold from a me i got my psp with ebay but it was from a store from another place so it was guranteed.
wow dude,thanks for the upload.really appreciated.
Beck:10/10 :) best anime in the world
scooter- Maria (I like it loud)
nice guitar bro.i wanted one like that.yet again i also wanted a strat lol.