nice eyes ^^
ill just show ya so its easier,just need to upload the psd or give it to me via msn.
couldnt had said it better myself.
found it lolnear roxas on buttom most left corner
******ED!lol WOW
i listen to tiger army :)
very nicely done Cinny.the lighting for me is too contrasted. i like the yellow you added though. you could have added some text on this one.i have a perfect view on what kind and how to place it on this tag. very good tag YAY! Cinny for photoman
Eh something i found.and fiddled with just a pinch.go ahead and use it for those that love ichigo hollow which is alot of ya. 1152×864
heh..pretty good Cinny
pretty basic but nice.drop shadow lol.and that stroke around sora kinda makes it look like a sticker.good job
sucks to live in NY than.
yep i know watcha mean.thanks SA
on my FFX (i dont use cheats)everyone has the same abilities and skills almost done with everyones sphere sooner or later im just gonna need one character as a full party lol
ph the video clip,you right click on it and theres an option you select(forgot what its called)and than a line should appear,just bring that down or up.or you can just hold CTRL while your extending or squeezing the clip.a little zig zag line should appear that means its being slown or speed up.
MGS2 good times,anyways hes really good.
agree mostly,i dont really see much diff except for some minor ripples and other.keep trying though/
yea v2 works better.good job DM.
bloc party - banquet
let the bodies hit the floor in your pants