First ever sort of serious picture of Axel. I tried to picture him a bit younger, when he first started controlling fire and learned it's not uite as easy as it looks. His eyes just kill me. Photoshop 6.0, 3 days ( since some people like seeing this stuff). Chakrams and, we don't get along. And sorry about the fugly watermark, guess who's reached her first milestone: being ripped? Me.
I figured I'd offer 'em up if anyone wanted 'em. I have been working on making avatars for the entire organization, but have only three done so far ( and I'm not even going in order). You may use them as you like. Before I get too far, my friends and I were making theme songs for each member, so if something looks like it came from a song, that's why. I'll update this as I make more.
Here's an interesting music game for everyone to try. Take whatever song you're listening to at the moment, post the title, and tack on the words "in your pants" to the end of the title. If this belongs more in the Spam Zone than here, mods, then by all means move it. I felt the music forum was the better spot for this. Okay? Here we go! The Great Wall of China in your pants. I'm pretty sure that won't fit.
Hi there, I'm new to the forums, here, but not to the site. I've been watching the vids here for months and only just now decided to join. Which just proves how big a procrastinator I really am, heh.