I want an honest opinion. I'm debating trading my old, original DS for a Cobalt Blue DS Lite. The Gamestop near me is still doing the trade-in deal where I get to pay only $60 for the Lite if I trade in my DS. There's nothing wrong with the system at all. I bought it on eBay last August and the only thing rong was a small scuff on the top lid. Other than that it plays great, the battery works good, and the touch screen isn't scratched up ( the previous owner put on screen protectors the day he bought it). Heck, the thing came in the original box with the demo Metroid cart. So why the trade-in? It's getting harder to find accessories for the old DS; everything's for the Lite. I'm going away on a trip soon and wanted a case to put it, my pens, my games, and my charger in, and the closest thing I got was for the Lite, and it didn't fit, so I brought it back. I also misplaced the original stylus that came with the system, so trying to find a replacement for that was a pain (hooray for eBay). Every now and then I have found a case or two at Gamestop that fits, but have never bought it (durr). I'm debating now to just trade it in for the Lite (which I had wanted in the first place), or just keep looking for that case. I've messed with my brother's Lite a couple times, and I liked how it feels and handles better than the clumsy and bulky feel of the original. Thoughts? Help? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Here's a few screens and pictures for the DS verison of Guitar Hero. This month's Game Informer has an article on it and GHIV as well. The guitar image on the right is where you'll find the strum bar, which will be controlled by the stylus. Also notice the orange fret key is missing. Battle Mode is back, and it looks as though you'll be able to go Wi-Fi and play against others by swapping friend codes. A sim of what the fret's will look like. The fretboard plugs into the GBA slot on the DS, so it can be held in the palm of someone's hand while strumming with the other. Also sounds like the mic on the DS will also be used during gameplay. Release date: June 22 Sources: IGN.com, Game Informer magazine
I'm gonna share this email story thing my boss sent me through email. Sure made my day better. This was an actual call to 911. This really happened. D = Dispatcher C = Caller D: 911 C: I am trapped in my house. D: Trapped? Is someone holding you there? C: Someone? No. But there is a frog on the front porch. D: A frog? C: Yes. A frog. D: Okay, but what is preventing you from leaving the house. C: I told you, there's a frog on the porch and I'm afraid of frogs. D: And you don't have another door to the house? C: No. There's only one door and I can't get out of the house with the frog sitting there. D: Why don't you take a broom and sweep the frog off the porch? C: I can't do that. I told you. I'm afraid of frogs. He might get me. D: Um...I'm not sure I can help you with this... Hope this made at least one person laugh...
I've noticed with a couple of threads that if I try to go to the next page of the thread, it instead refreshes the page and show just the first page of the thread. I have never been able to get past the first page of the Cult Games thread in the Video Games section, for example. Anyone know why this is doing this/have an answer?
Bored. Let's make a game. Hopefully some people here remember the "Good Idea/ Bad Idea" skits from Animaniacs. Please say you do, so I don't feel so o-o-old. Let's see what crazy, funny, and outright idiotic ones we can come up with ourselves. Here's a couple I vaguely remember from Anime Boston: Good Idea: Live action Sailor Moon Bad Idea: Live action DBZ Good Idea: Cosplay Chess Bad Idea: Full Contact Cosplay Chess Your turn.
The cake is a lie.
I was wandering around on the Internet and spotted a random ad for what apparently is called Guitar Hero: On Tour. Supposedly this will be on the DS system and will be released sometime this summer, at least what the ad said anyway. Can anyone confirm this? I'd hate to just go by an ad and get my hopes up. It'd be interesting to see what the DS will do as far as gameplay is concerned.
I'm off to Boston tomorrow afternoon and won't be back until Easter Sunday for an Anime con. Don't miss me too much. ;P
Just came back from picking up the bro, forgot the license at home and it was a 20-min drive, and I had a couple of wine coolers before doing that too. Luckily all I did was walk into the wall when i got home; I drove just fine. Wasn't a lot of wine in those coolers anyway, I'd have to drink maybe 8 of those to get 2/3 of the legal BAC. But the license thing...bah. OH...then I mistook the gas for the brake and backed into the chain-link fence at 10 mph....
Just proof I have a little too much free time on my hands. But if you take a closer look at some of the characters' names, you'd notice something interesting. Sorry if some of these are old news, but I still found them interesting. Vexen- When we say something is "vexing", we mean it is annoying. Poor Vexen here ( or maybe not so poor?) has the luxury of being called annoying. Serves ya right, ya crazy perv. Axel-Nothing too special here, except an axle is the rod that wheels on a car, truck, etc. are attached to. Axel's chakram's look like wheels, so...yeah. Demyx - This one's fun: remove the X, add an L and an O, mix it up and you get the word Melody. He plays a giant sitar as a weapon, so it fits him. Luxord - There's proably somehting better than what I'm about to write, but if the D is removed he is left with Luxor, and Luxor is an Egyptian themed casino in Las Vegas. Luxord seems to like gambling, so i guess that's works. There's probably another thing like that, but I can't think of one. Larxene - Sounds like "larceny" if you try hard enough, which means "theft". Larxene hasn't stolen anything (to my knowledge ?), but eh. And finally, Yen Sid = Disney backwards. Durr. There's your cocktail party factoid for the day.
I just got an email from the coordinator for the cosplay chess game at Anime Boston this year and HOLY **** I AM A SPECIAL. I can't go into any further details due to possile spoilage but still holy shizz. I worked so hard on my costume that to get in on it, even as just a special, is just so WOW right now.
*weeps* As if the "air guitar" belt loop thing wasn't enough, now we have this. I saw it at f.y.e. yesterday for $17, another site says $15, but regardless....c'mon now. Don't kill the franchise. Please. http://www.engadget.com/2008/02/17/guitar-hero-carabiner-hands-on/ - where I found the pic; also has a review and a video of the thing in action.
At least I think it is...but I can't get to the forums without encountering some sort of a databse error that's been there for three days. The only reason I'm able to post this here is because I went to my CP and clicked on a topic I got rep points in, then scrolled down to the Forum Jump thing to get here. Clicking on the "Forum" thing on the top bar under the banner shows me the database error page. Is anyone else getting this? I've done everything I can think of on my end and want to make sure I'm not crazy or anything.
Trying to get back from some errands when this idiot in the other lane decides to pass a Sunday Driver in a no passing zone, and swerves into my lane (going the other way, mind you) and misses me by a hair going 70+ (limit's 40). We should have swapped paint, it was that close. I had to pull over somewhere to try and calm down, I was so freaked I couldn't even grip the wheel. I'm home now...but geezus. I hate the drivers around here...
I keep hearing random rumors that Metallica is getting together and will be releasing a new album, when exactly they will I don't know. But my brother's the biggest nut I know, and he swears by them. What I want to know is if this is true or not. I'd kinda like to see a new album, since their last album was kinda so-so in my opinion. It would be nice to have them splash back onto the thrash scene. I just find it unbelievable because they've almost dropped off the face of the earth.
I could use a hand with this. I'm stuck on the last fight with Repliku. I'm sure people are sick of seeing this sort of thread, but this is the first time I've been genuinely stuck in CoM. I guess I'll post my "stats": I'm lv. 48 right now. What I've tried thus far were two different decks, and I've been switching back and forth between them. The first deck I tried used Omnislash and Curaga, as well as a bunch on 0 cards and a few 8s and 9s. I'd get Repliku maybe halfway before he'd Dark Aura me. The second deck I decided not to use any sleights, used 4 0 cards, 4 high number Cures (one of which is a 9), Vexen, Oogie Boogie, and stacked the rest with high number attacks. I actually got him on his last barof health before dying, but haven't been able to do that again. Is there something else I'm missing? I've also been trying to go back into Destiny Islands ( where it puts me when I die) and rack up MP to try and buy more cards, even though my max CP is 675 ( when I leveled up to 48, I chose to learn the sleight Ragnarok instead of boosting CP or HP, which is at 395).
I just got back from the gym, and wanna know What are METs? I was using a stationary bike and it showed 3.4 or something like that every so often ( like every couple seconds really), and I have no clue what those are. Anyone know?
Who do you want to win? I'm partial to the New England Patriots myself ( I Live in MA), and think it would be awesome if they got a perfect season. At the same time, I want the Giants to win to knock 'em off their high horses already. -move this if it's in the wrong spot, mods-
Sorta. Boston Magazine was doing their list of the top 100 blunders of the year in the immediate area, and FSC's newspaper issue made it. I don't remember sharing this story, but we posted a picture last spring of 6 girls who had spelled out a lacrosse team's name across their bellies in our paper because it fit in with our sports section and the warm weather we had been having. That Friday ( when we put the paper out) they stole 1200 copies of the 2000 we print because they felt they "looked too fat". We managed to get less than half of the stolen papers back. It costs us around $50k a year to print the paper, and it comes out of student fees, even though it is a free publication. The President and the Dean made the girls pay for the stolen copies. http://www.bostonmagazine.com/articles/the_big_digs_2007/page5 - The page the blurb above is from. The rest of the article is pretty funny, too. http://www.wickedlocal.com/homepage/x1476742658 - The full story of the paper theft And here's the pic:
The above statement is true. This sentence has cabbage six words. I'm done.