I thought this was rather interesting. I live near Boston, and there's been a rise in parking tickets there. So the city had decided to try a new program. The program is running from now until Dec. 12th, and states that parking tickets received from Dec. 2-4 can be paid with a toy rather than cash. There are several catches, of course. For starters, the toys must equal the same value as the parking ticket (for example, a $50 ticket can't be paid with a supermarket surprise toy.) or more. The toys also need to be violence free, so no electronic rifles or anything like that. They have to be new and unwrapped, and a receipt must be brought proving that you bought the toy (can't go stealing to pay off a fine, y'know). Here's a link so you don't think I'm making this up: http://www1.whdh.com/news/articles/local/BO97808/ Thoughts? I myself think this is a good idea, but I wonder how well it will work and just how many people are actually going to follow those guidelines. Especially for repeat offenders who really rack up the charges.
Cell phone just went off. Number was "RESTRICTED" as it showed on my caller ID. Pick up, went " 'lo?", was hung up on after 4 seconds. Should I be concerned?
They're decorating the pine tree outside my dorm with Christmas lights and ornaments already. Hide me.
No, I didn't spell that wrong on purpose. Click for Keybored Keybored is a program that turns your computer's keyboard into a soundboard, in a sense, by linking MIDI files to your computer keys. Just pick an instrument and type away. Very amusing. Just a forewarning:if you want to close the program, be sure to press 'Stop' or the only way to shut your keyboard up will be to go into the Taskmanager and turn off the .exe file there. Great way to prank somebody, I say. Give it a try. I'm about to die laughing over here, it's sounds so freakishly funny. Oh, and here's a song to try out: 'Still Alive' from Portal: uytty, quytty rtq. tyutertqqy. yuytty, quyttyrtq, tyutertqrtTtrW qQWTtrrWrWWWqQWTuTtWrtTT uiIIiuTuiiuTTTrWrTTttTT
I just back from work. We were restocking bananas. Some of them had stickers on them advertising the Chiquita website. But...how often is it that a banana says 'LOL' at you? never mind a bunch of 'em? We also found: "Pocket size fun!" "Let's Play!" "Get Peeled!" ON BANANAS. Innuendos much?
This is kinda odd-sounding, but I've been trying to post for a month or so in the Manga/Novels section under Kingdom Hearts, and I can't create new topics, but I can reply to someone else's. It's weird. I wanted to ask about vol.3 of the Kingdom Hearts manga, and it's says I am either banned from the site, or am a n00b waiting for account approval (neither of which seems to be the case as far as I know). Anyone else have this problem? It's kind of weird. Should I screencap what I see too, to give you a better idea?
...is 10. Ask me how.
Did you ever have a favorite? My friends got on the subject about old shows and this one just had to be added to the convo. In my opinion, it was probably one of the best non-cartoon shows I grew up with. My personal fave had to be the Swedish Chef. Y'know, the guy who decided to make donuts by tossing English muffins in the air and shooting a hole through them. XD He was just made of win. Close second is the two old guys in the balcony, Staffner(?) and Waldorf. As far as Sesame Street (pre-Elmo democracy, mind you) goes, it's a three-way tie between the two pom-pom aliens things ("yup yup yup, uh-huh"), the Two-Headed Monster, and Snuffy. So hows about yous? For nostalgia's sake.
...a LOLcat book. Oh yes. I also has volume 1 of the Zelda manga that just came out.
Today's Yom Kippur. I forgot that. I have field study at one of the elementary schools downtown on Thursdays. They have today off. I completely forgot, drove down there, saw the empty parking lot, turned around, almost got hit by two drunk drivers on the way back to campus, got attacked by a giant black dog, and still have 2 hours until my only class today. I'd take a nap, but coffee kinda prevents that.
The "In Love" moods work now. When did that happen?
There's people walking on the roof outside my dorm window right now. One of 'em just started dancing to my music. IDK, just thought it was funny to be working on a paper and look up and see these guys on the roof.
Lol, they're digging a hole in the middle of the street at school, and for whatever reason I didn't see the police line and walked square into it. *pulls paper bag over head*
I blew my right tires yesterday. Hugged a curb too close, it (the curb) was made of sharp granite, and it sliced 'em open. How? I had my nose buried in Mapquest directions, which were about as useful as lips on a chicken. I know, I know, Nash hitting curb = fail, but it still scared the bejeezus out of me. I mean, I don't know if anyone's been in a car that blew tires (never mind a whole side), but that's just not a fun experience. Stranded on the side of the road for 2 hours with nothing but Dew and cookies to sustain me...and a DS. Yeah, that was my evening. Have some cookies. (offers plate)
I have mixed feelings about this. All I know about this game is it's going to follow in the same steps as the Aerosmith game did, but will focus on tracks from albums like St. Anger and Kill 'em All. I also know (after rading this month's GI) that it is slated to be released at the end of March next year (the 31st to be exact). Now what I DON'T know is which system(s) it will appear on. I'm sure it's safe to say PS3 and 360 will have it, not so sure about Wii and highly unlikely for PS2 (since I have no clue when Sony plans to let PS2 die like the GC did), though I wouldn't count either out just yet. I also don't know if the game will feature tracks from bands that toured with Metallica, much like in Aerosmith. This is where I get mixed feelings. While I like the idea - Metallica is one of my all-time fave bands and being able to play more than just "Enter Sandman" or "One" sounds awesome (Master of Puppets would be sick, or Battery even)- and this is great news considering World Tour is due out soon (with RBII due out for the holidays), but I wonder if this is where Guitar Hero will end. It's like playing through a VH1 documentary rather than watching it. I liked having a mix of bands in the games, rather than focusing on one band. Opinions? Thoughts?
Who wants to help? It's for a little side project of mine. :) I need: A T-rex roar Capt. Hook from "Hook" saying "I want my mommy!" or something along those lines. I've found plenty of dino roars, but not the Hook quote. I was wonderin' if anyone had it (or knew where to find it). I'll go into further detail about why I need them later. Thanks in advance!
My brother's GHIII Kramer guitar for PS2 is acting weird. The strum bar seems to be broken or stuck, because at any of the menus it just continues to scroll and he can't get it to stop on an option. He can't even play the game with it; he's gone back to using his old wired GH controller from the first game (which is on his last legs as it is). I tested it on my system, and it did the same thing, so we're pretty sure the system's not to blame here. We're not sure whether this is a wireless interference problem, or with the strum bar. We've cleaned the bar, used a tiny vacuum for comp keyboards to get anything that might've been stuck out, even changed the batteries, to no avail. Has this happened to anyone? Do they know how to fix it? He's insisting on taking it to Gamestop to have someone look at it, but I don't know if he can do that there because the warranty's expired (I think....90 days?) I almost thought it was a system thing because his PS2 had trouble reading me on my wired GHII controller, but I've had no trouble playing here on my system. I don't know if that helps anyone there, but I figured I'd add it anyway.
I'm leaving on vacation to Florida tomorrow morning and won't be back until July 1st at night. Goin' to Universal Studios, fwee. I figured I'd leave a note, just in case. Take care, enjoy yourselves, and for God's sake don't blow up the site while I'm gone. Please. *leaves a plate of choc chip and sugar cookies*
Play it. It's hilarious, and addicting. Clicketh here. My best is 585.79 m. What's yours?
How about watching the first few posts? I may have mentioned something like this in the past (cant remember), but another forum I go to has this policy where, as a newbie, your first 10 posts have to be approved by an admin or a moderator. This is to see that you can actually follow the rules without causing trouble. I don't know how this would work here, never mind whether Neku or any of the the other admins will be able to enforce this, but that way if the post is irrelevant to the topic, spammy, or advertising, the mod chooses not to have it appear on the thread. There's no flaming, the newbie learns if a note is written as to why the post(s) weren't allowed, and if it appears that this person will be a problem, then they can get banned. Too harsh?