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  1. The Twin
    Here's an interesting debate. The page below presents two sides of the argument. The one on the left says no, the one on the right says yes.

    Both have valid points (and I'm not going to lie, but I seriously laughed when the writer on the right compared the twentysomethings complaining about the babies to whiny babies themselves), and it got me wondering what people here would have to say about it.

    To me, it doesn't matter. If I go to a bar and there's a 7-month old strapped into a car seat next to a mom sipping gin, I'm not going to care. I'll probably make faces at the little tyke and play with them. I'd only get a little peeved if the mom starts trying to censor everyone in the bar and stop them from using foul language in front of her kid. Lady, it's a bar. There's going to be foul language. Don't like it? Hire a sitter and leave little precious at home.

    What's everyone else's thoughts?
    Thread by: The Twin, Jan 25, 2010, 21 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  2. The Twin
    Okay, let's say I drew a picture of, say, Axel in a fighting pose, colored it, and shaded it, and added a fiery background behind him. How do I put him in the background as well, but larger and kind of faded out so there were really two copies of the same line art I just used?

    I'm having a hard time explaining what I'm trying to do, but have you ever seen some digital art out there where there's a character in the foreground and the same line art is behind that character, but way bigger and blends in with the real background? That's what I'd like to learn how to do.

    If I can find a picture as an example I'll post one, because I've seen it done but no one seems to want to share how they did it.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jan 16, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Help
  3. The Twin
    It's been a while since I drew a dragon, so I decided to paint one in Photoshop. After about 3 hours this is the final result. I was hoping to get a few pointers because I don't draw dragons all that much. Anyone who's visited my DeviantART gallery knows it's been almost 3 years since I last drew one.

    A few things about the picture:

    1) Don't CnC the background; I know it looks shoddy. I literally just slapped a gradient on it, and painted the rocks behind the dragon on a separate layer and then used the dodge and burn tools for shading. Then again, you would too if you'd been working on this for three hours.

    2) The style I was messing with first involved painting flat colors on a layer just beneath the sketch layer. How I did this was I left the sketch on its own layer, made a new layer underneath it and filled it with color, set the sketch to Multiply, and when I started painting on the color layer, you could see the colors through the sketch.

    The next step came while I was doing the shading. I made a new layer above the color layer and left the settings alone. Next, I used the eyedropper tool and picked a color from the flats I had done (say, the underside of the wings). I then went up to Select>Color Range and that pulled up a little window that let me adjust the selection, and bam. Only the underwing was selected. I then shaded that by using darker shades of the color I picked. I continued to do this until the whole thing was shaded.

    So....what do people think? I've never tried this style before and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jan 9, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. The Twin
    I was meeting with my professor this afternoon to get advising on what courses I should take next semester and other college-y stuff while he worked on his desktop computer (a school-owned Windows XP running monster of a comp). While he was trying to pull my info up online, a message popped up saying his computer was at risk and would he like to scan now?

    Little red flags went up in my head and I started to tell him "Don't do it!!!eleventy!" but it was in vain; he had already clicked it and started installing something called Antivirus System PRO. He looks at me and goes "This is good, right?" I simply shook my head at him, knowing that he had just downloaded THE Virus.

    So the thing "scans" his comp, and this little bubble keeps popping up near the clock saying "Windows reports that computer is infected. Antivirus software helps to protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. Click here for the scan you computer. You system might be at risk now."

    Thing finds 42 "viruses", and he comments "Oh. That's not good." I flatly told him I'm glad he's a Spanish professor and not Computer Science at this point, or this error would be extremely unforgivable (which it already was).

    He knows I'm a bit of a technophile and work part-time at the student helpdesk on campus, so he starts asking me how to get rid of this thing as it starts opening several windows linking to wonderful adult sites. Thing is, the only way I know to fix this thing completely is to boot n nuke the thing and reinstall Windows using the disk that came with the computer, but he'd lose everything on that PC in the process, and I would take 2 hours or so just to clean the thing as it is.

    My questions is if anyone knows a faster way to rid this comp of this virus? I was going to try putting Avast or Malwarebytes on a flash drive, turning off System Restore on the PC, rebooting in Safe Mode, killing it with the program on the flash drive, and seeing what that does, but I don't think that will be enough for this. But that's how I kill viruses on the students' laptops when they drop them off at my desk, and it's worked, but those were typically low-risk ones as opposed to this beast.
    Thread by: The Twin, Dec 1, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. The Twin
    This needed a revival. How long has it been since the last edition? Can't remember now.

    Anyway, the game is simple: post the song title of whatever your listening to right now and tack on the words "in your pants" after the title.

    One tiny rule: if your computer is ******ed like mine is and calls unknown tracks "Track 13" or whatever, don't use those. There's nothing lulzy about "Track 13 in your pants". Or maybe there is, who knows.

    I'd try to keep it PG-13 if I were you, but seeing as how this is the Spam Zone I'm more likely to be struck by lightning or something before that happens.

    Okay, no more yap. Let's get it started.

    I Kissed a Girl in your pants
    Thread by: The Twin, Nov 16, 2009, 63 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. The Twin
    Thought this was worth a mention here, since it is pretty cool.

    Two questions: 1) Where is this place located, cause now I wanna see it, and 2) What the heck took so long?
    Thread by: The Twin, Nov 14, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. The Twin
    and discovered it says "pie" when I hold it up to a mirror.

    Uneventful day was uneventful. Everyone else?
    Thread by: The Twin, Nov 11, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. The Twin
    And I don't mean dating. I mean actual, lawyer judge and jury courtin'.

    Back in August my family and I had picked up my grandmother from her home and took her with us to a local bowling alley. She doesn't bowl much anymore (poor ol' girl's going to be 73 next Jan.) but she loves watching the rest of us and just being with the family. Plus, it was just two weeks before I would be moving back to college to start my senior year.

    When we got there it was about 10:30 in the morning, and the sun was right behind the alley so the whole building cast a shadow on the parking lot. This is important later.

    She's got a handicap placard, so we pull into a handicap space closest to the steps. There was another set of handi spaces on the other side of the lot near a wheelchair ramp, but they were all filled. My grandmother prefers using the ramps so she walk at her own pace (which is better for her anyway, she carries one of those portable oxygen tanks on her all the time due to her emphysema), but when she saw how far away it was she decided to be a trooper and use the stairs. She knew she'd be winded halfway over to the ramp anyway.

    There was a railing for her to grab onto, but it was on the next step up from the ground level and was almost up against the next stair up from that. And remember that shadow I was talking about? It covered the whole staircase, and there was none of that yellow caution paint on the stair edges that are usually there. So even from a distance it was tough to see where one step started and another ended. It all looked like one big step.

    Well, my grandmother starts reaching for the railing, but doesn't see the step because of the reasons I just mentioned, and down she goes. We rush to help her up, and see that the next step up that she fell onto also has this six-inch long crack in it that goes all the way to the edge, so we figure she's caught her toe in it. We sit her up and help her calm down because she's visibly shaken, and start trying to clean her up because she's bleeding from both knees (she's been nicknamed Ol' Faithful because even the smallest cut gushes now. It's scary).

    A clerk inside the alley comes out with a bag of ice for her, and said she saw her fall and wanted to make sure she was okay. She helps us take her inside and get her settled in a chair with the ice and we start cleaning her up. The clerk also gets an incident report - standard procedure for incidents- and my mother starts filling it out. While she's doing this the clerk mentions my grandmother was the second person to fall that day. The place had only been open for a half hour. It makes me wonder how many have fallen before that.

    We try to carry on with a round of bowling, and she's watching us and taking her mind off her fall, and the clerk comes over every so often to check on her. Just then, my grandmother complains that her left arm is bugging her. My mother doesn't like how this sounds and calls up the ER so they can take a look at my grandmother.

    An hour later my mother and I are in the waiting room of the ER and my grandmother's getting X-rayed. My father came and took my brother home. When we see the doctor in one of the exam rooms, he tells her she's broken her arm at the elbow as a result of the fall -a radial fracture, he called it. He put her arm in a sling and only three weeks ago did the thing finally come off. Her left arm is her dominant arm, so life's been hellish for her. And she's hopping mad at the bowling alley. After we took her to the ER and found out what happened, we called the alley and told them her diagnosis so they could mark it on their incident report. They did and told us someone would be calling her soon to get a statement from her and check up on her.

    They never did. And just to humor ourselves my mother and I took a drive out to the bowling alley to see if they did anything to fix the stairs, and there was nothing. No paint, no signs, nothing. It's like they've just forgotten the whole thing.

    My grandmother sure hasn't, and now she wants to sue them. She's gotten a lawyer and everything. I just finished typing up a statement for him because I won't get a chance to actually speak to him because of my school schedule. I'm still waiting for more details on my end here, like if I'm actually going to have to go to court or anything, but the whole thing is making me nervous. I hate having to deal with stuff like this. Last time I did anything of the sort was when I appealed a surcharge on my insurance record after an accident that was not my fault, and that was two years ago. Only other court experience I have is a morning of jury duty, where I just sat in a tiny room for four hours and never actually sat in on a case.

    Like I needed any more stress right now. I know this really doesn't affect me directly, but it does in a way because I'm involved as a witness to the incident and my grandmother keeps talking about it and asking me for help (which I have no clue how to help).

    Thanks for letting me rant...phew.
    Thread by: The Twin, Nov 8, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  9. The Twin


    I've been stuck out in the rain for 15 minutes with nothing more than a bathrobe and sandals on because someone in my dorm tried to cook expired popcorn for 4 minutes in our microwave. I was right in the middle of a shower.

    I'm soaked to the bone, shivering, and the place smells like what it would smell like after an A-Bomb hit the Act II popcorn factory.

    And all the lights on campus went out at the same time.
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 31, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. The Twin


    There are giant blobby snowflakes falling outside my window amongst the rain right now.

    They are also sticking to the roof of the building next door.
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 18, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. The Twin
    I'm trying to do a Powerpoint slideshow for a class on ADHD and have stumbled upon a little annoyance.

    The last time I did a slide show I did the whole thing in Spanish (it was for a Spanish class). Now, it seems to think Spanish is a default language, so whenever I start to type in the slide in English the spell check red lines show up.

    I've sort of fixed it by clicking at the bottom where it shows what language the slide show is in and choosing English, but it only works on that slide or on a certain portion of the slide. If I start to work in another section or on a new slide, it "forgets" I've set it to English and starts trying to correct my English as Spanish.

    How do I get it to knock it off? This is Powerpoint 2007, bee tee dubs.
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 16, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. The Twin
    My kids in my field study school are obsessed over these books, so I caved in and bought one just to see what all the fuss is about.

    It's actually kind of cute. It's a about a middle school boy named Greg and the books are written in a journal/diary style with little cartoons drawn in with the entries. I accidentally picked up the fourth book in the series, called Dog Days, but I've briefly skimmed the first three after the kids told me to read them. I planned on picking up the other three boks eventually. The fourth one literally came out a few days ago.

    Has anyone else read them?
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 15, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Literature
  13. The Twin
    According to Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today show. Don't ask why I was watching; I'm stalling between classes and had nothing better to do.

    I never new such a holiday existed. Why was I not informed of this before?
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 6, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. The Twin
    ...a ninja riding a panda bear isn't enough to vanquish the mighty Cthulu, but a clown wielding a blowtorch is.

    And the Yeti eats bras.

    Just sayin'.

    I love this game.
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 4, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. The Twin
    Got an email from my Math Methods professor today. He wants us to come up with 100 ways a paper clip and a cow are alike.


    Here's what I've got so far:
    *They both exist
    *They both serve a purpose
    *They both can come in boxes
    *They can be bought in bulk
    *They can be different colors
    *They both can change shape
    Thread by: The Twin, Sep 19, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. The Twin
    Is anybody else noticing this, or is it just me?

    Because I noticed lately if I try to reply to a topic and use the Quick Reply button, it quotes the post the button happened to be on. So if Catch the Rain posted before me and I was trying to reply to the topic and not what she wrote, I push Quick Reply, and there's CTR's post.

    I've dealt with it thus far by erasing the quote in the box and typing up my response, but I can't figure out why that's been happening. Oh, and just for giggles I tried using the Quote button to try for an adverse effect; Quote button does what it's supposed to.

    Who knows what's going on?
    Thread by: The Twin, Sep 2, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. The Twin
    Not sure if this is any real sort of news, but I had stopped in to Gamestop today to pick up Layton and the Diabolical Box and saw their DS Download stations were offering 358/2 Days. As I didn't have my Lite with me at the time, I'm not sure if this is a trailer/movie thing of the game or an actual demo you can download and play with in store until the game is released.

    Perhaps somebody can look into this?
    Thread by: The Twin, Aug 28, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. The Twin
    Lol, Best Buy fail. Time to see who will win: customers too stupid to realize that if it sounds too good to be true it is, or the company for not catching the mistake soon enough.

    Thread by: The Twin, Aug 15, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Current Events
  19. The Twin


    I'm off to Atlantic City (yes again, only legally this time) for the whole week. Won't be back on until Saturday or so.

    Has fun, all.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jul 11, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  20. The Twin
    ...I can legally booze.

    I need suggestions for a tasty drink to mark this joyous day.

    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 22, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone