Search Results

  1. The Twin

    Whitey Bulger, infamous South Boston gangster, surrenders in California after 16 years of being on the run.

    Discuss. Personally, I'm glad they finally nabbed the guy.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 23, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Current Events
  2. The Twin


    Has anyone else heard of this band? I had never heard of them before, but I just got back from Anime Boston and they were the musical guest of honor this year so I got to see them in concert. The songs they played were from their newest album and seemed kind of pop-like in nature, and I was told that their earlier stuff was a bit heavier with more screaming.

    I was hoping some people here were familiar with this j-rock group and would be willing to share some of their favorite tracks. I'm really starting to like this group and I had a blast seeing them this weekend, and now I crave more. (and I was a cheapskate and wasn't going to pay 22 bucks for a CD...)
    Thread by: The Twin, Apr 24, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Music
  3. The Twin
    Head still hurts, but it was awesome. So much fire. And I was the only one in the group who knew more than a handful of songs (they played mostly Night Castle but did a few others here and there).

    FYI, TSO = Trans-Siberian Orchestra

    Thought about posting this in the Music section but feh.
    Thread by: The Twin, Dec 17, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. The Twin

    The Sing Off

    Anyone else giving this a watch? For anyone who has no idea what this is, it's a showdown of A Capella groups from around the country. This was on around the same time last year, with a group called Nota coming out on top.

    I'm a sucker for A Capella, so I'm definitely watching this. My hometown group's already gone (Pitch Slapped), and I'm having a hard time latching on to another group to root for.
    Thread by: The Twin, Dec 9, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. The Twin

    My Dad

    Just barked at the smoke detector.

    Save me. I'm scared.
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 31, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. The Twin
    ..since it involves two laptops I'll give it a try.

    First problem is my poor baby. It's a Dell Latitude D620, and is about four years old now (=really effing old laptop). Just today I noticed the hinge to open it up and use it feels a lot looser than it used to. I really noticed it when I set it down on my couch so I could get up and the screen tilted back and bumped into the couch itself. Dear old Dad says it's nothing to worry about, as it is old, but I'm petrified the screen's just going to fall off someday. Can I tighten the hinge somewhere or do I even need to worry about this at all?

    Then my mom's Acer laptop is having issues with what we're guessing is the power cord. It's having issues charging the battery and will only do so if her power cord is sitting a certain way. We both think it's because a wire must have snapped inside the cord from her catching it in her recliner too many times, and a connection's messed up somehow. Does this sound like a power cord issue for sure?
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 24, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. The Twin
    Is it sad that I'm laughing at this?

    For those too lazy to click on the link, a school near me is facing some serious trouble because the track and field team's sweaters spell WTF. The shirts were not bought through the school, but earned through boosters.

    I'm kind of having mixed feelings about this. While yes, I catch the double meaning that the untrained, non-gutter minded might not (but just how many of them are there now?), I can't help but wonder if the track team did it on purpose simply because they knew it would garner this kind of attention.
    Thread by: The Twin, Oct 15, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  8. The Twin
    This has started today.

    K, basic stats: Windows XP Pro, SP3, antivirus programs are Spybot and Symantec Antivirus (both required by my college or I can't access their network)

    The Flash Player Plug-In keeps crashing in Chrome. I either get the navy-blue "Aw, Snap!" page or a yellow bar telling me the Flash player has crashed. I first noticed it on Facebook when I was trying to play some of my favorite games, and at first some games would work and others wouldn't, then none would work. Other sites seems to be doing the same thing: either reporting Flash has crashed or a black window is shown where the game or video would be.

    So far I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, which hasn't worked, clearing browsing history on both my PC and Chrome, updating Flash Player, and reinstalling Flash. I've got Firefox open to use Flash Player now, but it's been painfully slow for ages, especially with a certain game I play on Facebook. I preferred Chrome simply because it was fast, but this issue is knocking out nearly most of the sites I frequent daily.

    The only thing I haven't tried yet is rolling the system back on a System Restore to a past recovery point, but that makes me nervous even though the latest save point is Saturday.

    Any help? I'm actively looking for fixes as I type this.

    EDIT: Did a little more poking around and it seems any sites that aren't Facebook load Flash just fine. I haven't tried Youtube yet, but many of the sites and blogs I found in my search mentioned it was another reason for crashing.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jul 12, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  9. The Twin
    I'm on vacation starting tomorrow until July 10th. I'll be in Virginia for the 4th. Williamsburg to be exact.

    I might get on while I'm down there, the resort does have internet but I am not sure how often I'll get on so that's why this is going up.

    Same thing as last time, have fun, no exploding the site, etc.

    See you after the 10th.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 30, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  10. The Twin
    but I got a letter in the mail from The Scooter Store offering me a free power chair for my limited mobility issues.

    I'm confused. And apparently very old.

    22 is the new 55, I guess.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 29, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. The Twin

    Jirachi Event

    I didn't see a topic on this yet, and since it just went live last night I figured now would be as good a time as any for this.

    Per Bulbapedia here:,_Australian_Generation_IV_games

    It's level 5, comes in a Cherish Ball, knows the moves Wish, Rest, Confusion, and Draco Meteor, wears a Classic Ribbon, holds a Liechi Berry, and has a Hasty nature (at least both of mine did).

    You need Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold of Soul Silver to get it via Mystery Gift (You have to have the Mystery Gift function unlocked in DPPt, click here to learn how to do it). In HGSS, it also unlocks the Night Skys Edge Pokewalker route.

    Enjoy guys, I've already got my two (owns both D and SS)
    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 27, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. The Twin
    Anybody want to give me some recommendations to spend it on?

    My brother usually gets the cards and buys track packs for Rock Band, but my mom had one left over from Christmas that she had intended to give him (except I bought him one), so she's giving it to me.

    I've heard Super Mario 64 is up for download, and I haven't played that in years. Anything else you could recommend to me?

    Mods, feel free to move this to Spam if you think this is just that, spam. i was just looking for some honest suggestions as to how to spend this thing.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 24, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. The Twin

    Oh Sh-

    They posted a tornado warning for my area.

    I live in Massachusetts. In the hills.

    We're not supposed to get tornadoes.

    Anybody here in Kansas? My house might fall on yours soon.
    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 5, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. The Twin

    I'm Bored

    So let's play a game to make me un-bored.

    Game is simple: Someone posts a song title and the artist that wrote the song. The next person needs to post a song title with a word in common with the first title. Bold that part of the title. So we have something like this:

    P1: Stone Dead Crazy - Queen
    P2: Dead Gardens - Nightwish

    Simple enough? Let's begin.

    Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
    Thread by: The Twin, Jun 5, 2010, 211 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. The Twin

    Help Meh

    I'm putting this in the Spam Zone because that's what it'll ultimately be, spam.

    I need to found a business for my Business Spanish course, and have decided I'm opening a winery in Chile. I want to come up with a good name for it that will translate into Spanish fairly easily (after all, it is a Spanish course).

    So far I've got Grapes of Wrath and Vino Divino. Both of those names...suck, to be frank.

    If it helps, the business will specialize in Sauvignon Blanc.
    Thread by: The Twin, May 30, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. The Twin
    Here's an interesting one I just thought of while talking to my friend.

    We both think that there really is no such thing as the present. The way we see it, to truly be "in the moment" would have to be that exact second in time, but it's already passed us by, and thus is now a part of the past. In that sense, we can never really be in the present because time passes by us so quickly, that maybe there's really only two periods of time: past and future.

    I thought this was kind of hokey at first but now that I've given it some serious thought, maybe it does make some sense after all.

    Thread by: The Twin, May 22, 2010, 21 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  17. The Twin

    Two Things

    These two problems started yesterday, and I feel somehow the two are related.

    Last night I tried to shut down the computer, and after the window that says "Please wait while Windows shuts down" disappears, the blue background behind it was still there and my mouse still worked for almost five minutes, like something was hanging. Usually it's only 20 seconds after the window disappears that the computer shuts down. Last night I had to manually shut it down by holding the power button.

    Then today, usually I can close my laptop lid and it will go right into sleep mode without trouble. It didn't do that today at all, and I didn't notice it until I had picked it up again to use it, and a window was there along with my background. The window said "Please standby". None of my keystrokes were detected (I tried Esc then Ctrl Alt Del, nothing worked). I was forced again to use the power button to shut it off, then waited five minutes to reboot.

    I'm feeling that some process is causing it to hang so that it doesn't shut down or sleep properly, but I can't imagine what. I've already run a couple of virus scans to see what else could be the problem and nothing's turned up.

    I'm using a Dell Latitude D620 with Windows XP Pro and SP3. Thanks in advance for any help.
    Thread by: The Twin, May 9, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  18. The Twin
    on Friday. He's going to be at an anime con this weekend.

    Thread by: The Twin, Mar 31, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. The Twin


    It's a real word, apparently.
    Thread by: The Twin, Mar 7, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. The Twin
    She just called me on her cell all panicky and flustered because - get this - she dropped a chicken in her dairy farm on Farmville and doesn't know how to get it out of there.

    Good to know she's got priorities, eh?
    Thread by: The Twin, Feb 6, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone