I'm also worried about Victoria, though I imagine most players don't like her very much. She's pretty terrible but I still feel sorta sorry for her. If Jefferson is some kind of predator, I can see her being his next target. She is close to Nathan but I don't see him going after her.
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Yeah, a lot of the choices came naturally to me -- though I admit to looking up the answer to the last choice, the question about her family. I ended up choosing my first instinct choice (and learned that even if I answered wrongly, my previous answers would have still kept Kate alive). But I was really pleased at how realistically the scene was portrayed, at least the way I played it (none of Max's dialogue sounded weird to me, I haven't watched any others play it though). Same! The original stuff has been great, but I'm also a sucker for an ambient soundtrack. Some of their choices I haven't loved (there's one guy they've used a lot of songs by that I don't really dig, dunno who it is), but Episode 2 also had my favorite Alt-J song which I was very excited about. I did! In Episode 1, just everything about Jefferson seemed creepy to me. I mean, Max's crush on him aside (I hate the whole "high schooler in love with hot young teacher" thing), he was just so... familiar with his students, and then his photo and just. idk. Jefferson is a creepo and even if he didn't, like, abduct Rachel, he definitely has some shady dealings with her. I agree, I don't think David had anything to do with it. I definitely don't like David, but I don't think he had any reason to go after Rachel, aside perhaps from her friendship with Chloe, but from what we know of Rachel I imagine David would have seen her as a positive influence on Chloe. I didn't notice that when I played through and I've been nice to Warren at basically every opportunity -- I'm not into him and Max but I still wanted to let him down nicely and be a good friend and everything. But holy **** after seeing the window thing I am very troubled by Warren.
I had similar reasons for not blaming David and I can see why you would pick Jefferson. I have serious anxiety about Nathan, I feel like I'm just repeatedly prodding a hornet's nest with the guy. I tattled on him to the principal in Episode 1 and I can't imagine getting him suspended will make him suddenly warm up to me. I know! I discovered this around Episode 1. I imagine most know her from Borderlands, but she was also Breezy in Adventure Time. It was ROUGH. like woah. Did everyone manage to save Kate? Yes! I already found him kind of suspect in Episode 1 just because of his, like, general vibe, but Episode 2 has really expounded that. It was him in the car and I definitely think there's a connection to Rachel there. He was also a huge dick to Kate all through Episode 2 and kind of a jerk to Max when she called him out on it. There's also those teasers at the end of the guy with, like, documents on various young women in Arcadia Bay? Obviously we don't know who it is yet -- and it could be a character we haven't met -- but he's gotta be at least somewhat connected to Rachel, if not responsible for her disappearance. Given his stalking/surveillance history it could be David, but Jefferson also likes to take pictures... I really hope that Chloe doesn't have to die or that anyone has to die. After the end of Episode 2, we know Dontnod isn't messing around, and I imagine that really everyone is in some kind of danger. I'm sure there will be choices that lead to major characters dying, but I hope also that they can be saved lol. That's mostly for my own, emotional protection, though... I also think there's something to be said for an event like a character death wherein no matter what you do, what choices you have made, or how you remind, they will always die.
Yeah, I joke about them quite a bit but I don't harbor animosity towards the prequels. They have a lot of problems but there's some good stuff in there too. Attack of the Clones is my guilty pleasure. Phantom Menace is... bad though. It's the only one I'd tell people that they can outright skip. I don't think that's necessarily true. Granted they were created before they knew what a merchandising cash cow Star Wars would be, but C3P0 and R2D2 have roles similar to what BB-8's probably will be. They're mostly comic relief, that's true, but they do function within the story too. Obviously we don't know yet how important BB-8 will be and I've no doubt there will be plenty of BB-8 merchandise, but I think it's extreme to say BB-8's entire purpose is merchandising. That's to be expected for people who aren't emotionally invested in the original trilogy; like I said, I'm totally okay with admitting that the Han & Chewie scene was pure fanservice. I don't! I have some very negative feelings about The Old Republic after what it did to Knights of the Old Republic canon and that it was created in lieu of a (much needed) Knights of the Old Republic sequel. I did try it back when it first went free to play, but it didn't go well for several reasons -- I had never played an MMO before and so I didn't really know what to expect in terms of gameplay (after playing FFXIV for a while I would probably be better at other MMOs, or at least more familiar), and I was playing on a PC that couldn't run it terribly well. I wouldn't really consider trying it again. An MMO is a big commitment that I didn't feel ready to make -- that's why I dropped my FFXIV sub. If I was inclined to start an MMO again, I'd probably go back to FFXIV.
In a phenomenal show of self-control, @Misty has gone an entire year without a Star Wars related episode -- but with the release of a new The Force Awakens trailer, the KH-Vids Podcast ( @Misty, @libregkd, @Calxiyn, and staff guest @Knight of Fafnir ) climbs in the Millennium Falcon for a return journey to a galaxy far, far away! As per usual we begin by covering some Kingdom Hearts news; in an interview with Famitsu, Tetsuya Nomura confirmed that development on Kingdom Hearts III is proceeding smoothly, and hinted at a future smartphone entry for the series, to be announced at this year's D23 Expo Japan. We speculate on just what that title will be and the possibility of a Kingdom Hearts release in 2015. We dive into an in-depth breakdown and analysis of The Force Awakens, speculating on the plot and characters revealed in the short teaser, our expectations and hopes for the return of old characters (Luke, Leia, and Han Solo), join the BB-8 fan train, and allow ourselves to entertain the fantasy of a Knights of the Old Republic connection in Kylo Ren's mask. Unveiled along with the teaser was also the new Star Wars: Battlefront; we cover the specifics of it and predict that it will dominate holiday sales this year. Finally we answer user-submitted questions! @Scarred Nobody accuses The Force Awakens of being pure fanservice, @Quilligan asks us to evaluate acceptable social behavior and which fictional characters we relate to most, and @Graxe pulls us into the slightly horrifying lore of Bloodborne. Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own! May the Force be with you! View attachment 41922 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #88 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to podcast@kh-vids.net!
You can watch me fester in masturbatory quiet, I swallow a bottle of wine so I can get by it. You can really tell when I'm a self-indulgent mess, I will wear your ego out and make you feel like less. And I'm gonna have a hard time Getting over myself.
I've never really listened to them beyond Swing Swing tbh. My sister was big into the song around when it came out so it's a big nostalgia thing for me, but I haven't heard much of their other stuff. Obviously you'd recommend it so I'll have to check 'em out hah
Do you wanna come over and kill some time? Throw your arms around me... a classic
you're home
Could it be you are the one who is waiting patiently for me to stare blindly at forethought, to disregard caution? Could it be you you are the one who is waiting insanely for me to tweak your cheeks unsweetly, to insist on concession? Have you seen Alice's tweets about it, though? Drama aside, I do think they at least illustrate that as much as the new chick sounds like Alice, no one can truly replace her. But I'm still excited to hear what comes out of Crystal Castles (even if that comment from Frail's release was a total dick move... and most of my favorites have Alice on them :v). I'm not sure I'm cool/brave enough to see Alice Glass live, though I did just go to my first concert in, uh, ten years & I'm really itching to attend more after what a fantastic show it was. Maybe when Alice is touring again I'll have worked up the courage. There aren't really any shows coming up that I'd consider going to though, Purity Ring is playing in June but I haven't gotten my boyfriend into them... yet. And I'm afraid to go places alone.
it's called irony Spoiler: illustrating the point View attachment 41921
Lucky for you, we have a whole section for this! http://kh-vids.net/forums/workshops-recreation.287/
I don't want to sound trite, but you are perfect, the way you look could seriously make nature dysmorphic. I wish that you would kiss me 'til the point of paralysis, the way I flail my arms in front of you, it just embarrasses. I'll never turn my body clock back. Think about the things I'm glad I left out, ... some things are best left unsaid ... a classic tbh
Your eyelashes tickle my neck with every nervous blink, And it was perfect, Until the telephone started ringing ringing ringing ringing ringing ringing off. Ringing ringing ringing ringing ringing off...
I don't think the comparison stands to a trait like sexual or gender identity, though. It's one thing to dislike a religion for its values, beliefs, agendas, etc., but not necessarily dislike people belonging to that religion. With homosexuality, or any sexuality, there's no such agenda. All it describes is who you do (or don't) like to have sex with. Therefore, those who object to homosexuality can only really be objecting to same-sex relationships. There is no "Gay Agenda" to disagree with.
I mean, for starters a lot of people object to the term because it co-opts Nazism which is already used far too often and incorrectly in people's vernacular (see 'grammar Nazi', etc.). Say what you will about radical feminism, but I don't know of any form of it that can be linked to mass genocide of millions of people. Unless you count "kill all men" types, but I've never actually met or seen anyone like that. And then there's the issue of it painting a group (feminists) by the worst and most extreme fringe examples of it (so called 'feminazi'). It's often bandied about to shame women for speaking out and being assertive. It's used to discredit the movement. http://lipmag.com/opinion/why-i-hate-the-term-feminazi/ You claim to hate censorship and yet you still seem to throw the term around when, in my experience, it has only ever been used to censor the beliefs of feminists -- to shut down and ignore any dialogues they try to open up.
this is my favorite song, like, possibly in the entire galaxy I LIKE YOURS TOO, do you have a last.fm by chance? i like having my stats tracked and also stalking those of people i know Oh yeah, I was familiar with Unravel before ever listening to Björk because it was used in a Mount Eerie song (Voice in Headphones, I think? It's been a while since I listened to them. Yeah, it is, the one on Lost Wisdom), & I do really like it, but I really associate it with Mount Eerie since that's where I heard it first. Which isn't a bad thing and I enjoy both the original and the Mount Eerie song. Jóga is just so, so good, the last minute of it especially tears me up. I'll have give it a download! Hegarty is a god, that only entices me further. I loved the track he did with CocoRosie. Break up albums can be a yawn but they also have produced things like Tragic Kingdom so I'm okay. I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS OUT, for some reason I expected Crystal Castles to die with Alice leaving. It's good. I miss Alice too. Looking forward to her solo stuff. But this is still good.
mother****er it's because the op doesn't count in the discussion list. whatever i'm still halfway there
i wanted to have post 6,666 in here. have a nice day everyone