Search Results

  1. Misty
    That's not too odd! DSLRs are nice but large, it can be nice to have one and a compact if you have the money for it. The RX100 is the size of, like, a deck of cards. I'd happily keep it in my purse at all times.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    I admit to being somewhat of a Sony fangirl but I've had nothing but positive experiences with a lot of their products, not just the PlayStation. I generally buy Sony TVs (nice picture and usually have good sound, which most flat-panels lack), their cameras are great, and I have my eye on the Xperia for when my phone upgrade comes along. I don't know much about DSLRs but Sony offers a lot of options for people like me, who want a step up from a point and shoot but aren't quite ready for the price tag & size of a DSLR. The RX100 is an awesome compact if you have the cash for it, but I really dig my camera too -- and for $220, no less! Obviously that's no small sum for some (heh), but I wanted to invest in a good camera that'll last me a long time.
    No not at all! I'm mostly joking when I say "because I'm poor," compared to how others live I've got it pretty good. I love salivating over other people's expensive stuff hah.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    Well, Square (and all game developers) are looking at the mobile market as a huge cash cow, because it is. If the initial app is free, I can guarantee you that there will be some sort of micro-transactions integrated with it. Even if they have an initial purchase price attached to it, I can see there still being micro-transactions. But I'd happily pay a few bucks for the app.
    Yeah, it definitely has a Mario Party vibe to it. It's a pretty simple game and one that could work really well if played with friends, because it's turn-based. You play your turn, close the app and continue with your day, until you get a notification that Friend A has played their turn and you're up, and so on.
    I'm a big fan of the style they used for KH Mobile and then improved on for Theatrhythm and KHχ, but I can't see them resurrecting Mobile over KHχ. I'm all for connecting a mobile app to future titles, though.

    Final Fantasy Record Keeper is a neat little mobile release of Square's that a lot of people are praising -- I'd be interested to see a similar premise used with the Kingdom Hearts series, though given that so many Kingdom Hearts games have already forced players to sit through the same worlds and boss fights, it might not be as entertaining as Record Keeper.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Misty
    At this point, Passion and Sanctuary have a novelty value for me simply because they haven't been used quite as much as Hikari and Simple & Clean in the Kingdom Hearts series. Even if Kingdom Hearts III uses Passion as its theme, it'll still feel pretty fresh -- so in the context of the Kingdom Hearts series, I prefer Passion, if only because I'm not tired of it. Not to say I'm tired, exactly, of Hikari or Simple & Clean. They still have a strong nostalgic value but I'm just at saturation point with them right now.

    Also working in Passion's favor is that I feel its lyrics have a much stronger tie to the series, because Utada had a better understanding of the plot of Kingdom Hearts II than what she was given for the first game. It fits better. It's a lot about growing older and looking back at cherished times spent with friends and resigning yourself to the reality that you can't just snap back to that, which fits Kingdom Hearts II.

    And I think Hikari and Simple & Clean fit the first game, too -- I'd never want to transplant Passion into it if given the choice. Therefore if the question we're answering here is which we'd like to see used in Kingdom Hearts III, I'd like something new that fits what ever direction the story takes. (But that might be wishful thinking.)
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Misty
    I'm not. The OP had so much posted within it that it was crashing when Sean tried to edit it. We've broken it up into several smaller posts to fix that -- we'll probably switch the posts I made over to his account.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Misty
    I recently invested in a quality camera and holy **** it's a revelation. Mine is nothing quite so fancy because I'm poor, but it still takes some nice pics for my price range (Sony NEX-3N). It's really tough for me to use smartphone cameras now.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Misty
    Enemy Replacement Digits Incomplete
    List of Digits are incomplete
    YY Digits
    Main - 65 78
    Land of Departure - 64 70
    Dwarf Woodlands - 73 77
    Castle of Dreams - 63 64
    Enchanted Dominion - 73 62
    Mysterious Tower - 79 74
    Radiant Garden - 72 67
    Disney Town - 64 63
    Olympus Coliseum - 68 65
    Deep Space - 6C 73
    Neverland - 70 70
    Keyblade Graveyard - 6B 67
    Mirage Arena - 76 73
    Realm of Darkness - 6A 62
    ZZ Digits
    Characters/Bosses - 62
    Objects - 67
    Enemies - 6D
    NPCs - 6E
    Main Characters/Bosses
    0x00??3078 (Changes Version)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Unknown (Mysterious Figure)
    3230 - Dark Hide
    3031 - Vanitas
    30 -Vanitas I (Badlands/Radiant Garden)
    31 - Vanitas II (Neverland/Keyblade Graveyard with Master Xehanort)
    32 - Vanitas II (Keyblade Graveyard without Master Xehanort)
    3131 - Final Vanitas (Extremely High Ram)
    3231 - Vanitas Remnant
    3032 - Master Eraqus
    3033 - Braig (Aqua's Story)
    3133 - Braig's Bullet?
    3233 - Braig (Terra's Story)
    3034 - Master Xehanort
    3035 - Terranort
    3135 - Final Terranort I
    3235 - Final Terranort II
    3335 - Master Xehanort's Keyblade
    3435 - Something Invisible?
    3535 - Ends of the Earth (During Ultima Cannon)
    3635 - Terranort's Guardian
    3036 - Ventus (Enemy)
    3136 - Wayward Wind
    3336 - Venitas
    3436 - Ventus (Enemy; Block/Finish/Shotlock Tutorial)
    3836 - Ventus (Ally from Orbs Fight)
    3936 - Ventus (Ally from Trinity Armor)
    3037 - Terra (Enemy)
    3137 - Earthshaker
    3337 - Terra (Enemy; High HP with no sound)
    3837 - Terra (Ally from Orbs Fight)
    3937 - Terra (Ally from Trinity Armor)
    3038 - Aqua (Enemy)
    3138 - Rainfell
    3338 - Aqua (Enemy; High HP with no sound)
    3838 - Aqua (Ally from Orbs Fight)
    3938 - Aqua (Ally from Trinity Armor)
    3039 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3139 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3239 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3339 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3439 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3539 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3639 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3739 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3839 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    3939 - Weird-Looking Keyblade?
    Main Objects
    3130 - Save Point
    3330 - Sticker
    3530 - Special Unversed's Crest
    3031 - Moogle Shop
    Normal Enemies
    0x003?3078 (Changes Version)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Flood
    3230 - Scrapper
    3330 - Bruiser
    3430 - Red Hot Chili
    3530 - Monotrucker
    3630 - Thornbite
    3730 - Shoegazer
    3830 - Spiderchest
    3930 - Archraven
    3031 - Hareraiser
    3131 - Jellyshade (Solo)
    3231 - Tank Toppler
    3331 - Vile Phial
    3431 - Sonic Blaster
    3531 - Triple Wrecker
    3631 - Wild Bruiser
    3731 - Blue Sea Salt
    3831 - Yellow Mustard
    3931 - Mandrake
    3032 - Buckle Bruiser
    3132 - Chrono Twister
    3232 - Axe Flapper
    3332 - Prize Pod
    3432 - Glidewinder
    30 - Orange
    31 - Blue
    32 - Yellow
    3532 - Blobmob
    3632 - Orb of Light (Possesed)
    3732 - Buckle Bruiser's Shield
    3832 - Buckle Bruiser's Shield
    3233 - Jellyshade
    30 - Red
    31 - Green
    32 - Pink
    33 - Blue
    34 - Jellyshade Swarm?
    3034 - Shadow
    3134 - Neoshadow
    3234 - Darkball
    3035 - Vitality Vial
    3135 - Flame Box
    3235 - Lone Runner
    3335 - Belly Balloon
    3435 - Floating Flora
    3535 - Something in FM?
    3635 - Gluttonous Goo
    3735 - Element Cluster
    3835 - Ringer (Single)
    3935 - Ringer (Trio)
    Main NPCs
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Flood
    3031 - Moogle (Transparent)
    3131 - Moogle (Solid)
    3231 - Moogle (Solid)
    3331 - Moogle (Solid)
    Land of Departure (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3131 - Training Gear (Single)
    3231 - Training Gear (Trio)
    Dwarf Woodlands
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Mad Treant
    3230 - Purple Apple (From Mad Treant)
    3330 - Firework (From Mad Treant)
    3031 - Spirit of the Magic Mirror
    3131 - Spirit of the Magic Mirror (Fake; From Circle/Hallway Attack)
    Dwarf Woodlands (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3231 - Unstable Box
    3331 - Cart (Non-Solid)
    3431 - Green/Blue/Red Jar
    3531 - Blank Jar
    3631 - Fire Machine
    3731 - Fire Machine (Non-Solid)
    3831 - Stable Box
    3931 - Something Invisible
    3032 - Black Gate
    3232 - Something Invisible
    3532 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights
    3632 - Tree
    Dwarf Woodlands (Enemies)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Tree (From Snow White Escort)
    3230 - Doc
    3330 - Grumpy
    3430 - Sleepy
    3530 - Bashful
    3630 - Sneezy
    3730 - Happy
    Dwarf Woodlands (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Snow White
    3230 - The Prince
    3330 - The Queen
    3430 - Doc
    3530 - Grumpy
    3630 - Happy
    3730 - Sleepy
    3830 - Bashful
    3930 - Sneezy
    3031 - Dopey
    Castle of Dreams
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Symphony Master
    3230 - Symphony Master's Trumpet
    3330 - Symphony Master's Violin
    3430 - Symphony Master's Drums
    3031 - Cursed Coach
    3032 - Lucifer
    Castle of Dreams (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3031 - Fork
    3131 - Ball of Yarn
    3231 - Matches Box
    3331 - Cheese
    3431 - Cheese
    3531 - White Sash
    3631 - White Button
    3731 - Pink Fabric
    3831 - White Lace
    3931 - Pink Thread
    Castle of Dreams (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3230 - Cinderella (T-Stance)
    3430 - Prince Charming
    3530 - Fairy Godmother
    3930 - Jaq
    3131 - The Grand Duke
    3331 - Jaq (Escort)
    Enchanted Dominion
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Maleficent
    3330 - Dragon Maleficent
    3031 - Wheel Master
    Enchanted Dominion (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3131 - Rising Wall
    3231 - Wheel and Black Gate from Castle Escape
    3331 - Something Invisible with Black Gate (Non-Solid)
    3431 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights
    3531 - Teleporter
    3631 - White Diamond (Aurora's Heart?)
    3032 - Rising Wall
    3132 - Rising Wall
    Enchanted Dominion (Enemies)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Maleficent's Goon (Spear)
    3230 - Maleficent's Goon (Archer)
    3330 - Boulder
    3031 - Maleficent's Goons (Horde)
    Enchanted Dominion (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3330 - Prince Phillip
    3530 - Flora
    3630 - Fauna
    3730 - Merryweather
    3830 - Maleficent's Raven
    Mysterious Tower (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    Mysterious Tower (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Yen Sid
    3230 - Donald Duck
    3330 - Goofy
    3430 - King Mickey (Ally?; T-Stance)
    Radiant Garden
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Trinity Armor (Head; Separate)
    3230 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Formed; T-Stance)
    3330 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed; T-Stance)
    3430 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate)
    3530 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate)
    3630 - Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed)
    3730 - Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed)
    3830 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed)
    Radiant Garden (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3031 - Winnie the Pooh Book
    Radiant Garden (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3131 - Merlin
    Disney Town (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3733 - Ice Cream Machine
    3134 - Mailbox
    3234 - Fire Hydrant
    3334 - Popcorn Cart
    3434 - Lightpost
    3734 - Small Tree
    3834 - Bench
    Disney Town (NPCs)
    0x00??3063 (? = Changes Version)
    xxxx digits
    3430 - Queen Minnie
    3530 - Daisy
    3630 - Chip
    3730 - Donald's Nephews
    30 - Huey
    31 - Dewey
    32 - Louie
    3830 - Horace Horsecollar
    3032 - Captain Justice
    3033 - Huey
    Olympus Coliseum
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Hades (Aqua's Story)
    3031 - Ice Colossus (Aqua's Story)
    3032 - Hercules (Ally?; T-Stance)
    3132 - Hercules (Has HP Bars; T-Stance)
    3033 - Zack (Terra's Story)
    3034 - Zack (Aqua's Story)
    Olympus Coliseum (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3031 - Small Urn
    3131 - Big Urn
    3231 - Barrel
    3331 - Exploding Barrel
    3631 - Small Urn
    Olympus Coliseum (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Hercules
    3230 - Philoctetes
    3330 - Philoctetes
    Deep Space
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Metamorphosis II
    3230 - Metamorphosis I
    3031 - Gantu
    3032 - Experiment 221
    3232 - Left Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight)
    3332 - Right Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight)
    Deep Space (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3131 - Gas Tank
    3231 - Oxygen Tank
    3431 - Teleporter?
    3531 - Lift (From Turo Prison Block)
    3631 - Door (From Ship Corridor Forced Fight)
    3831 - Purple Box
    3931 - Red Box
    3132 - Rotator Machine (From Outside)
    3232 - Purple Box (From Gantu Fight)
    3332 - Red Boxes (From Gantu Fight)
    3432 - Window (From Turo Prison Block)
    3135 - Wall (From Experiment 221 Fight)
    3235 - Wall (From Experiment 221 Fight)
    3535 - Left Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight)
    3536 - Right Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight)
    Deep Space (Enemies)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Gun
    Deep Space (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Experiment 626 (Stitch)
    3230 - Dr. Jumba Jookiba
    3530 - The Grand Councilwoman
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Captain Hook
    3230 - The Crocodile
    3032 - Peter Pan
    Neverland (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3031 - Breakable Rock
    3131 - Breakable Rocks
    3231 - Breakable Rocks
    3331 - Yellow Circle? (Pixie Dust Orb?)
    3431 - Tall Tiki Statue
    3531 - Drum
    3631 - 2D Hook's Ship + Cannonballs
    3731 - Cannonball (Non-Solid)
    3931 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights
    Neverland (NPCs)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Peter Pan
    3230 - Tinker Bell
    3330 - Slightly
    3430 - Cubby
    Keyblade Graveyard (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3031 - Tornado
    3131 - Top of Tornado
    3231 - Red Triangle (Vanitas Remnant's Crest?)
    Mirage Arena
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Mimic Master
    3230 - Mimic Master's Card (Normal)
    3330 - Mimic Master's Card (Terra)
    3031 - Iron Imprisoner I
    3131 - Iron Imprisoner II
    3231 - Iron Imprisoner III
    3331 - Iron Imprisoner IV
    3431 - Iron Imprisoner's Cage
    3034 - Cursed Coach (Mirage Arena)
    3035 - Wheel Master (Mirage Arena)
    3036 - Zack (Mirage Arena) (Invisible until he uses Hero's Pride. Hit him to make him fight.)
    3137 - Trinity Armor (Head; Separate)
    3437 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate)
    3537 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate)
    3637 - Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed)
    3737 - Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed)
    3837 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed)
    3038 - Hades (Mirage Arena)
    3138 - Armor of the Master
    3238 - No Heart (Sitting)
    3338 - Monstro
    3438 - No Heart (Part of Keyblade from 1st Phase)
    3538 - No Heart
    3638 - No Heart (Something from 1st Phase)
    3738 - No Heart's Keyblade
    3039 - Ice Colossus (Mirage Arena)
    Mirage Arena (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Red Triangle
    Mirage Arena (Enemies)
    0x00??3073 (Changes Version)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Flood
    3230 - Scrapper
    3330 - Bruiser
    3430 - Red Hot Chili
    3530 - Monotrucker
    3630 - Thornbite
    3730 - Shoegazer
    3830 - Spiderchest
    3930 - Archraven
    3031 - Hareraiser
    3231 - Tank Toppler
    3331 - Vile Phial
    3431 - Sonic Blaster
    3531 - Triple Wrecker
    3631 - Wild Bruiser
    3731 - Blue Sea Salt
    3831 - Yellow Mustard
    3931 - Mandrake
    3032 - Buckle Bruiser
    3132 - Chrono Twister
    3232 - Axe Flapper
    3332 - Prize Pod
    3532 - Blobmob
    3233 - Jellyshade
    30 - Dark Blue
    31 - Orange
    32 - Light Blue
    33 - Pink
    34 - Jellyshade Ambush
    Realm of Darkness (Objects)
    xxxx digits
    3130 - Small Chest
    3230 - Big Chest
    3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid)
    3031 - Dark Portal
    3131 - Dark Orb
    3231 - Tall Platform A (Transparent)
    3331 - Tall Platform B (Transparent)
    3431 - Tall Platform C (Transparent)
    3731 - Tall Platform A (Solid)
    3831 - Tall Platform B (Solid)
    3931 - Tall Platform C (Solid)
    3032 - Big White Object?
    3132 - Big White Object?
    3232 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fight
    3332 - Dark Floor
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Misty
    Enemy Replacement Modifier Terra's Story Credits~ to Sonicshadowsilver2 (CONTINUED)
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 1) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x206218B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x206218C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 1) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x206218D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 1) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x206218E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 2) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622000 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622004 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 2) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20622010 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622014 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 2) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x20622020 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622024 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 2) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20622030 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622034 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 3) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x206227F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206227F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 3) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20622800 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622804 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20622810 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622814 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 3) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20622820 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622824 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 4) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20623080 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623084 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 4) Shoegazers -> ????
    _L 0x20623090 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623094 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 4) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x206230A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206230A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 4) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x206230B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206230B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 5) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x20623A00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623A04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 5) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20623A10 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623A14 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 5) Yellow Mustards -> ????
    _L 0x20623A20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623A24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Combined Threat (Round 5) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20623A30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623A34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) (Mirage Arena; Combined Threat) -> ????
    _L 0x206241F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206241F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) (Mirage Arena; Combined Threat) -> ????
    _L 0x20624200 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624204 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) (Mirage Arena; Combined Threat) -> ????
    _L 0x20624210 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624214 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) (Mirage Arena; Combined Threat) -> ????
    _L 0x20624220 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624224 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) (Mirage Arena; Combined Threat) -> ????
    _L 0x20624230 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624234 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) (Mirage Arena; Combined Threat) -> ????
    _L 0x20624240 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624244 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20622430 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622434 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 1) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20622440 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622444 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 1) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20622450 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622454 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 1) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20622460 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622464 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20622D60 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D64 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 2) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x20622D70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 2) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622D80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 2) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20622D90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 3) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x206238F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206238F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Treasure Tussle (Round 3) Prize Pods -> ????
    _L 0x20623900 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623904 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 1) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x20626660 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20626664 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 1) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20626670 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20626674 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 1) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x20626680 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20626684 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 1) Shoegazers -> ????
    _L 0x20626690 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20626694 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 2) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x206272E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206272E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x206272F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206272F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 2) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20627300 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627304 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 2) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x20627310 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627314 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 3) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20627DD0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627DD4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 3) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20627DE0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627DE4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 3) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x20627DF0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627DF4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20627E00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627E04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 4) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20628610 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20628614 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 4) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20628620 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20628624 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 4) Buckle Briusers -> ????
    _L 0x20628630 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20628634 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 4) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20628640 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20628644 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 5) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20629150 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629154 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 5) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x20629160 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629164 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 5) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20629170 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629174 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Harsh Punishment (Round 5) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20629180 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629184 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner III (Harsh Punishment & Keepers of the Arena) -> ????
    _L 0x2062EB60 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062EB64 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 1) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20622010 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622014 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 1) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x20622020 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622024 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 1) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x20622030 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622034 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 1) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622040 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622044 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 2) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622760 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622764 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 2) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20622770 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622774 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 2) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x20622780 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622784 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20622790 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622794 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 3) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20622F00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622F04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 3) Wild Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622F10 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622F14 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 3) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x20622F20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622F24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 3) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20622F30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622F34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Zack (Mirage Arena) -> ????
    _L 0x20625000 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625004 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Hades (Mirage Arena) -> ????
    _L 0x20625010 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625014 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 5) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206236A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206236A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 5) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x206236B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206236B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 5) Triple Wreckers -> ????
    _L 0x206236C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206236C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 5) Yellow Mustards -> ????
    _L 0x206236D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206236D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 6) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20623E90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623E94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 6) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x20623EA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623EA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 6) Yellow Mustards -> ????
    _L 0x20623EB0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623EB4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 6) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20623EC0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623EC4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 7) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20624680 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624684 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 7) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x20624690 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624694 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 7) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x206246A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206246A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 A Time to Chill (Round 7) Wild Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206246B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206246B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Ice Colossus (A Time to Chill) -> ????
    _L 0x20625130 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625134 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 1) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20621A00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621A04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 1) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20621A10 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621A14 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 1) Triple Wreckers -> ????
    _L 0x20621A20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621A24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 1) Yellow Mustards -> ????
    _L 0x20621A30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621A34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 2) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x20622310 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622314 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20622320 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622324 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 2) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x20622330 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622334 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 2) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20622340 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622344 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 3) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20622C90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622C94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20622CA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622CA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 3) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x20622CB0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622CB4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 3) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622CC0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622CC4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Jellyshade Swarm (Mirage Arena) -> ????
    _L 0x206250E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206250E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 5) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20623780 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623784 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 5) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20623790 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623794 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 5) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x206237A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206237A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 5) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x206237B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206237B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 6) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20624010 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624014 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 6) Triple Wreckers -> ????
    _L 0x20624020 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624024 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 6) Wild Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20624030 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624034 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 6) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20624040 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624044 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 7) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x206248F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206248F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 7) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x20624900 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624904 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 7) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20624900 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624904 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Copycat Crisis (Round 7) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20624900 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624904 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Mimic Master (Copycat Crisis) -> ????
    _L 0x206251B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206251B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 1) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x20629DD0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629DD4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 1) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x20629DE0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629DE4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 1) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20629DF0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629DF4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 1) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x20629E00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20629E04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 2) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x2062A820 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062A824 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 2) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x2062A830 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062A834 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 2) Wild Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x2062A840 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062A844 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x2062A850 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062A854 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 3) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x2062B310 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062B314 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 3) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x2062B320 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062B324 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 3) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x2062B330 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062B334 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 3) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x2062B340 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062B344 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 5) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x2062BDB0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062BDB4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 5) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x2062BDC0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062BDC4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 5) Triple Wreckers -> ????
    _L 0x2062BDD0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062BDD4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 5) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x2062BDE0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062BDE4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 6) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x2062C8F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062C8F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 6) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x2062C900 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062C904 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 6) Yellow Mustards -> ????
    _L 0x2062C910 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062C914 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 6) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x2062C920 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062C924 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 7) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x2062D390 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062D394 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 7) Triple Wreckers -> ????
    _L 0x2062D3A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062D3A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 7) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x2062D3B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062D3B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 7) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x2062D3C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062D3C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 8) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x2062DE80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062DE84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 8) Wild Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x2062DE90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062DE94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 8) Yellow Mustards -> ????
    _L 0x2062DE90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062DE94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Keepers of the Arena (Round 8) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x2062DE90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062DE94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner IV (Keepers of the Arena) -> ????
    _L 0x2062EC30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062EC34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 1) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x20622D40 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D44 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 1) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622D50 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D54 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 1) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20622D60 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D64 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 1) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x20622D70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622D74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 3) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20623580 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623584 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 3) Shoegazers -> ????
    _L 0x20623590 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623594 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 3) Triple Wreckers -> ????
    _L 0x206235A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 3) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x206235B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 5 & 7) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20623D70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623D74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 5 & 7) Triple Wreckers -> ????
    _L 0x20623D80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623D84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 5 & 7) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20623D90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623D94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monster of the Sea (Round 5 & 7) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x20623DA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623DA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Monstro
    _L 0x20624820 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624824 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner I (Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062ED00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062ED04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Cursed Coach (Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062EDD0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062EDD4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheel Master (Mirage Arena; Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062EEA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062EEA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner II (Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062EF70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062EF74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Ice Colossus (Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F040 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F044 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner III (Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F110 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F114 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) (Mirage Arena; Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F1E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F1E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) (Mirage Arena; Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F1F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F1F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) (Mirage Arena; Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F200 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F204 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) (Mirage Arena; Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F210 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F214 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) (Mirage Arena; Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F220 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F224 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) (Mirage Arena; Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F230 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F234 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner IV (Villains' Vendetta)
    _L 0x2062F490 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062F494 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Armor of the Master
    _L 0x206216C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206216C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 No Heart (Sitting) -> ????
    _L 0x206215F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206215F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 No Heart (Part of Keyblade from 1st Phase) -> ????
    _L 0x20621600 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621604 0x00??30YY
    _C0 No Heart (Something from 1st Phase) -> ????
    _L 0x20621610 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621614 0x00??30YY
    _C0 No Heart's Keyblade -> ????
    _L 0x20621620 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621624 0x00??30YY
    _C0 No Heart -> ????
    _L 0x206217E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206217E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Flame Box -> ????
    _L 0x2063ED00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063ED04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Lone Runner -> ????
    _L 0x2063D5D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063D5D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Vitality Vial -> ????
    _L 0x2065C1A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2065C1A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Belly Balloon -> ????
    _L 0x2063DED0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063DED4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Ringers -> ????
    _L 0x20646270 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20646274 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Special Jellyshade Swarm -> ????
    _L 0x20646570 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20646574 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Gluttonous Goo -> ????
    _L 0x2063F020 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063F024 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Element Cluster -> ????
    _L 0x2064A410 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2064A414 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Floating Flora -> ????
    _L 0x20628990 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20628994 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Vanitas Remnant -> ????
    _L 0x20627C20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627C24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Unknown (Mysterious Figure) -> ????
    _L 0x20635D40 0xYYXXXXZZ[/B][/U]
    _L 0x20635D44 0x00??30YY 
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Misty
    Enemy Replacement Modifier Terra's Story Credits~ to Sonicshadowsilver2
    _C0 Ventus (Enemy; Block/Finisher Tutorial) -> ????
    _L 0x206361C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206361C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Ventus (Enemy; Shotlock Tutorial) -> ????
    _L 0x20636290 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20636294 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Aqua (Enemy) -> ????
    _L 0x20636360 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20636364 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Ventus (Enemy) -> ????
    _L 0x20636430 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20636434 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Terra (Enemy) -> ????
    _L 0x20636500 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20636504 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Ventus (Ally from Orbs Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206351D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206351D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Aqua (Ally from Orbs Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206351E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206351E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Orbs of Light (Possessed) -> ????
    _L 0x20634D80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20634D84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Waterside Floods (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C6E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C6E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Waterside Scrappers (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C6F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C6F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Waterside Bruisers (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C700 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C704 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Waterside Red Hot Chilis (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight)-> ????
    _L 0x2063C710 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C714 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheel Master (Enchanted Dominion) -> ????
    _L 0x2063B560 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B564 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Forest Floods (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C180 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C184 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Forest Scrappers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C190 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C194 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Forest Bruisers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C1A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C1A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Forest Red Hot Chilis( Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C1B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C1B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Forest Hareraisers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C1C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C1C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Corridor Floods (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063CC20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063CC24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Corridor Scrappers (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063CC30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063CC34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Corridor Bruisers (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063CC40 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063CC44 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Corridor Red Hot Chilis (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063CC50 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063CC54 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Corridor Shoegazers (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063CC60 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063CC64 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Foyer Bruisers (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C560 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C564 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Foyer Red Hot Chilis (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C570 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C574 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Foyer Shoegazers (Cinderella Escort) -> ????
    _L 0x2063C580 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C584 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Symphony Master -> ????
    _L 0x2063C360 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063C364 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Flower Glade Floods (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20659A40 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20659A44 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Flower Glade Scrappers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20659A50 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20659A54 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Flower Glade Bruisers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20659A60 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20659A64 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Flower Glade Red Hot Chilis (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20659A70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20659A74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Flower Glade Hareraisers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20659A80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20659A84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Spirit of the Magic Mirror -> ????
    _L 0x20658C20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20658C24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Central Square Floods (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063BD10 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063BD14 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Central Square Red Hot Chilis (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063BD20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063BD24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Central Square Tank Topplers (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063BD30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063BD34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Central Square Blue Sea Salts (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063BD40 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063BD44 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Central Square Chrono Twisters (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063BD50 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063BD54 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Ventus (Ally from Trinity Armor Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063BBF0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063BBF4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Aqua (Ally from Trinity Armor Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x2063BC00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063BC04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ????
    _L 0x2063B870 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B874 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ????
    _L 0x2063B880 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B884 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ????
    _L 0x2063B890 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B894 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ????
    _L 0x2063B8A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B8A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ????
    _L 0x2063B8B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B8B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ????
    _L 0x2063B8C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B8C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Braig -> ????
    _L 0x2063B830 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063B834 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Town Near Thebes Floods (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206444E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206444E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Town Near Thebes Vile Phials (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206444F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206444F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Town Near Thebes Yellow Mustards (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Town Near Thebes Buckle Bruisers (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Town Near Thebes Axe Flappers (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 1) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x206437D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206437D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 2) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20643940 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643944 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 2) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20643950 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643954 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 3) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20643A70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643A74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 4) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20643BE0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643BE4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 5) Shoegazers -> ????
    _L 0x20643CB0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643CB4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20643EC0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643EC4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20643ED0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643ED4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Yellow Mustards -> ????
    _L 0x20643EE0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643EE4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x20643EF0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20643EF4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 7) Buckle Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206441A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206441A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 8) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x20644310 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20644314 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 8) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20644320 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20644324 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 9) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206444E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206444E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 9) Mandrakes -> ????
    _L 0x206444F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206444F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 10 Rounds (Round 10) Jellyshade (Swarm; Olympus Coliseum) -> ????
    _L 0x20644750 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20644754 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Zack I (With Helmet) -> ????
    _L 0x20644820 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20644824 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Zack II (Without Helmet) -> ????
    _L 0x206448F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206448F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Jellyshade (Swarm; Lanes Between) -> ????
    _L 0x2063E440 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063E444 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Turo Prison Block Floods (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20641270 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20641274 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Turo Prison Block Tank Topplers (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20641280 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20641284 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Turo Prison Block Vile Phials (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20641290 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20641294 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Turo Prison Block Sonic Blasters (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206412A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206412A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Turo Prison Block Yellow Mustards (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206412B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206412B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Experiment 221 -> ????
    _L 0x2063F270 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2063F274 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Floods (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x20649990 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20649994 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Archravens (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206499A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206499A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Vile Phials (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206499B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206499B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Triple Wreckers (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206499C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206499C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Wild Bruisers (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ????
    _L 0x206499D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206499D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Peter Pan -> ????
    _L 0x20649CE0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20649CE4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Jellyshade (Swarm; Skull Rock: Cavern) -> ????
    _L 0x20649E80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20649E84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Master Eraqus -> ????
    _L 0x20634FA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20634FA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Vanitas -> ????
    _L 0x20627C70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627C74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Master Xehanort (With Vanitas) -> ????
    _L 0x20627C80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627C84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Master Xehanort (Without Vanitas) -> ????
    _L 0x20627DA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627DA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Terra-Xehanort -> ????
    _L 0x20627C20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20627C24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x206225C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206225C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x206225D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206225D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206225E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206225E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x206225F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206225F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x20622E00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622E04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622E10 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622E14 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20622E20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622E24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20622E30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622E34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206235D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x206235E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x206235F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20623600 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623604 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner I (Day of Reckoning) -> ????
    _L 0x2062E9C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062E9C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20621830 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621834 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20621840 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621844 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Shoegazers -> ????
    _L 0x20621850 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621854 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20621860 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621864 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x20622020 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622024 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20622030 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622034 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x20622040 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622044 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20622050 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622054 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622A70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622A74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20622A80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622A84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20622A90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622A94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Axe Flappers -> ????
    _L 0x20622A80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622A84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Cursed Coach (Wheels of Misfortune) -> ????
    _L 0x20623260 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623264 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x206218D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x206218E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x206218F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20621E00 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621E04 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20621E10 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621E14 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x20621E20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621E24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Chrono Twisters -> ????
    _L 0x20621E30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621E34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622550 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622554 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Spiderchests -> ????
    _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Prize Pods -> ????
    _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x20621830 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621834 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20621840 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621844 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20621850 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621854 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20621860 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621864 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x20621F80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621F84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20621F90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621F94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20621FA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621FA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20621FB0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621FB4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206227C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206227C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x206227D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206227D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x206227E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206227E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x206227F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206227F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Wheel Master (Mirage Arena; Weaver Fever) -> ????
    _L 0x20623050 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623054 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x20623E40 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623E44 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x20623E50 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623E54 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20623E60 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623E64 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20623E70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623E74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x206248E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206248E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x206248F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206248F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x20624900 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624904 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20624910 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20624914 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x20625330 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625334 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20625340 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625344 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20625350 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625354 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ????
    _L 0x20625360 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625364 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x20625B70 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625B74 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Archravens -> ????
    _L 0x20625B80 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625B84 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20625B90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625B94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20625BA0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20625BA4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Iron Imprisoner II (Sinister Sentinel) -> ????
    _L 0x2062EA90 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x2062EA94 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x20621890 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20621894 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Bruisers -> ????
    _L 0x206218A0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218A4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ????
    _L 0x206218B0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218B4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Shoegazers -> ????
    _L 0x206218C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206218C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x20622210 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622214 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Thornbites -> ????
    _L 0x20622220 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622224 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x20622230 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622234 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x20622240 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622244 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Floods -> ????
    _L 0x20622B20 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622B24 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ????
    _L 0x20622B30 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622B34 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Vile Phials -> ????
    _L 0x20622B40 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622B44 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x20622B50 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20622B54 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Scrappers -> ????
    _L 0x206235C0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235C4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Monotruckers -> ????
    _L 0x206235D0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235D4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Tank Topplers -> ????
    _L 0x206235E0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235E4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Sonic Blasters -> ????
    _L 0x206235F0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x206235F4 0x00??30YY
    _C0 Mimic Master (Dead Ringer) -> ????
    _L 0x20623FC0 0xYYXXXXZZ
    _L 0x20623FC4 0x00??30YY
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Misty
    Command Mod Digits
    XXXX - Effect
    0000 - Does Not Exist
    0001 - Attack
    0002 >
    0007 - Blitz
    0008 >
    000E - Barrage
    000F - Ice Blitz
    0010 - Finish
    0011 - Fatal Mode
    0012 - Magic Wish
    0013 - Speed Rave
    0014 - Fire Blazer
    0015 - Diamond Dust
    0016 - Thunder Bolt
    0017 - Cyclone
    0018 - Blade Charge
    0019 - Air Rider
    001A - Rock Breaker
    001B - Ghost Drive
    001C - Dark Impulse
    001D - Wing Blade
    001E - Ice Blast
    001F - Light Rage
    0020 - Donaflare
    0021 - Goofy Spin
    0022 - Random Beam
    0023 - Air Passing
    0024 - Snipe Thunder
    0025 - Dream Sparkle
    0026 - Sweet Memories
    0027 - Hero's Coming
    0028 >
    002D - Finish
    002E - Attack
    002F - Last Charge
    0030 - Holy Blast
    0031 - Donacosmic
    0032 - Goofy Turbo
    0033 - Ohana Beat
    0034 - Barrel Roll
    0035 - Dragon Breath
    0036 - Blessing Dance
    0037 - Sweet Seven
    0038 - Hero's Pride
    0039 - Finish
    003A - Magical Volley
    003B - Air Dive
    003C - Land Break
    003D >
    003F - Finish
    0040 - Air Arts 1
    0041 - Magic Pulse 1
    0042 - Rock Rise 1
    0043 - Heat Slash 1
    0044 - Gold Rush
    0045 - Air Arts 2
    0046 - Magical Pulse 2
    0047 - Rock Rise 2
    0048 - Heat Slash 2
    0049 - Judge of Ramuh
    004A - Crazy Hours
    004B - Surprise 1
    004C - Air Arts 3
    004D - Magical Pulse 3
    004E - Black Star 1
    004F - Heal Strike
    0050 - Random End
    0051 - Surprise 2
    0052 - Air Arts 4
    0053 - Magical Pulse 4
    0054 - Black Star 2
    0055 - Explosion
    0056 - Ice Burst
    0057 - Celebration
    0058 - Celestial
    0059 - Teleport Blast
    005A - Destroy Arts
    005B - Aerial Break
    005C - Final Break
    005D - Magic Hour
    005E - Meteor Burst
    005F - Slide Dash
    0060 - Fire Dash
    0061 - Dark Haze
    0062 - Sonic Rave
    0063 - Chaos Rave
    0064 - Zantetsuken
    0065 - Strike Raid
    0066 - Freeze Raid
    0067 - Treasure Raid
    0068 - Spark Raid
    0069 - Wind Raid
    006A - Fire Blitz
    006B - Reflect Blitz
    006C - Thunder Blitz
    006D - Aerial Slam
    006E - Solo Arcanum
    006F - Last Arcanum
    0070 - Time Splicer
    0071 - Poison Blade
    0072 - Wish Blade
    0073 - Blizzard Blade
    0074 - Stun Blade
    0075 - Slot Blade
    0076 - Fire Strike
    0077 - Confu Strike
    0078 - Bind Strike
    0079 - Tornado Strike
    007A - Brutal Blast
    007B - Magnet Spiral
    007C - Holy Rise
    007D - Wind Cutter
    007E - Limit Storm
    007F - Magnet Crash
    0080 - Gaia Break
    0081 - Soul Release
    0082 - Break Time [... what... the hell? XDDDD]
    0083 - Fire
    0084 - Fira
    0085 - Firaga
    0086 - Dark Firaga
    0087 - Cracker Firaga
    0088 - Triple Firaga
    0089 - Barrage Fire
    008A - Blizzard
    008B - Blizzara
    008C - Blizzaga
    008D - Triple Blizzaga
    008E - Thunder
    008F - Thundara
    0090 - Thundaga
    0091 - Thundaga Shot
    0092 - Cure
    0093 - Cura
    0094 - Curaga
    0095 - Esuna
    0096 - Detonate Shield
    0097 - Detonate Square
    0098 - Detonate Chaser
    0099 - Zero Gravity
    009A - Zero Gravira
    009B - Zero Graviga
    009C - Magnet
    009D - Magnera
    009E - Magnega
    009F - Munny Magnet
    00A0 - Energy Magnet
    00A1 - DLink Magnet
    00A2 - Aero
    00A3 - Aerora
    00A4 - Aeroga
    00A5 - Desion [Warp]
    00A6 - Holy
    00A7 - Freeze
    00A8 - Glacial Arts
    00A9 - Ice Barrage
    00AA - Firaga Burst
    00AB - Raging Storm
    00AC - Mega Flare
    00AD - Quake
    00AE - Tornado
    00AF - Meteor
    00B0 - Atomos Break
    00B1 - Minimum [Minimize?]
    00B2 - Black Out
    00B3 - Snipe Burning
    00B4 - Confu
    00B5 - Bind
    00B6 - Poison
    00B7 - Slow
    00B8 - Stop
    00B9 - Stopra
    00BA - Stopga
    00BB - Sleep [?]
    00BC - Potion
    00BD - High Potion
    00BE - Mega Potion
    00BF - Ether
    00C0 - Mega Ether
    00C1 - All Cure
    00C2 - Elixer
    00C3 - Last Elixer
    00C4 - Balloon Letter
    00C5 - Jewel Vanilla [Invokes Fatal Mode (Terra)]
    00C6 - Hat-trick [Invokes Magic Wish (Aqua)]
    00C7 - Honey-Bunny [Invokes Speed Rave (Ventus)]
    00C8 - Volcano Curry [Invokes Fire Blazer]
    00C9 - Snow-Bear [Invokes Diamond Dust]
    00CA - Spark Lemon [Invokes Thunder Bolt]
    00CB - Goofy Parfait [Invokes Cyclone (Ven)]
    00CC - Queenberry [Invokes Blade Charge(Aqua)]
    00CD - Milky Way [Invokes Air Rider]
    00CE - Rock Crunch [Invokes Rock Breaker]
    00CF - Donald Salt [Invokes Ice Blast (Aqua)]
    00D0 - Space Mint
    00DE - Bundle Voltage
    00DF - Trinity Limit
    00E0 - Gold [A... win pose?!]
    00E1 - Black [A... losing pose?!]
    00E2 - Holy Storm
    00E3 - Wish Circle
    00E4 - Fairy Step
    00E5 - Wish Shot
    00E6 - Fairy Heal
    00E7 - Doc
    00E8 - Bashful
    00E9 - Sneezy
    00EA - Happy
    00EB - Sleepy
    00EC - Grumpy
    00ED - Dopey
    00EE - Dark Spiral
    00EF - Dark Splicer
    00F0 - Dummy
    00F1 - Finish
    00F2 - Dummy
    00F3 - Slide
    00F4 - Jump
    00F5 - High Jump
    00F6 - Dodge Roll
    00F7 - Thunder Roll
    00F8 - Wheel Roll
    00F9 - Fire Roll
    00FA - Air Slide
    00FB - Ice Slide
    00FC - Slide Turn
    00FD - Glide
    00FE - Super Glide
    00FF - Fire Glide
    0100 - Combo Slide
    0101 - Teleport
    0102 - Sonic Slide
    0103 - Double Flight
    0104 - Reflect Guard
    0105 - Restore Guard
    0106 - Charge Guard
    0107 - Stun Guard
    0108 - Poison Guard
    0109 - Reflect
    010A - Restore Barrier
    010B - Charge Barrier
    010C - Confu Barrier
    010D - Step Barrier
    010E - Revenge Rush
    010F - Revenge Stomp
    0110 - Turn Slash
    0111 - Barrier Cracker
    0112 - Revenge Raid
    0113 - Revenge Blitz
    0114 - Revenge Fang
    0115 - Shoot Lock
    0116 - Meteor Shower
    0117 - Flame Burst
    0118 - Chaos Snake
    0119 - Bubble Blast
    011A - Black Volley
    011B - Ragnarok
    011C - Thunder Storm
    011D - Bio Barrage
    011E - Rainbow Shower
    011F - Pulse Bomb
    0120 - Photon Charge
    0121 - Absolute Zero
    0122 - Lightning Ray
    0123 - Sonic Shadow
    0124 - Dark of Link
    0125 - Ultima Cannon
    0126 - Shiny Broom
    0127 - Multi Vortex
    0128 - Save
    0129 - Talk
    012A - Open
    012B - Examine
    012C - Shop
    012D - Dummy
    012E - Defend
    012F - Go Forward
    0130 - Goal!
    0131 - Call Out
    0133 - Dummy
    0134 - Last Dance
    0135 - Saber Counter
    0136 - Tornado Counter
    0137 - Rush Counter
    0138 - White Silence
    0139 - Prince Session
    013A - Swing Slash
    013B - Astro Shoot
    013C - Astro Strike
    013D - Holy Burst
    013E - Dual Limit
    013F - Careless Stab [shigamitsuki]
    0140 - Rodeo Strike
    0141 - Joint Force
    0142 - Turn Over
    0143 - Dummy
    0144 - Dummy
    0145 - Dummy
    0146 - Dummy
    0147 - Dummy
    0148 - Heal Light
    0149 - Access
    014A - Warp
    014B - READY
    014C - CANCEL
    014D - Medal Shop
    014E - START
    014F - Dummy
    0150 - Debug Jump
    0151 - Blank [No Text]
    0152 - Fatal Mode
    0153 - Magic Wish
    0154 - Speed Rave
    0155 - Fire Blazer
    0156 - Diamond Dust
    0157 - Thunder Bolt
    0158 - Cyclone
    0159 - Blade Charge
    015A - Air Rider
    015B - Rock Breaker
    015C - Ghost Drive
    015D - - [... Yes, a dash.]
    015E - Dark Impulse
    015F - Wing Blade
    0160 - Ice Blast
    0161 - - [No, really, it's a dash.]
    0162 - Blank [As in, no text]
    0163 - Mickey
    0164 - Donald
    0165 - Goofy
    0166 - Experiment 626 (Stitch)
    0167 - Peter Pan
    0168 - Maleficent
    0169 - Cinderella
    016A - Snow White
    016B - Zack
    016C - Link10 [... what?]
    016D - Aqua
    016E - Ventus
    016F - Terra
    0170 - X Aqua
    0171 - X Ventus
    0172 - X Terra
    0173 - Vanitas
    0174 - Mickey
    0175 - Donald
    0176 - Goofy
    0177 - Experiment 626 (Stitch)
    0178 - Peter Pan
    0179 - Maleficent
    017A - Cinderella
    017B - Snow White
    017C - Zack
    017D - Link10R
    017E - Aqua
    017F - Ventus
    0180 - Terra
    0181 - PLAYER1
    0182 - PLAYER2
    0183 - PLAYER3
    0184 - PLAYER4
    0185 - PLAYER5
    0186 - PLAYER6
    0187 - PLAYER7
    0188 - PLAYER8
    0189 - Return
    018A - Blank [No Text]
    018B - Quick Reload
    018C - Haste
    018D - Protect
    018E - Shell
    018F - Attack Up
    0190 - Magic Up
    0191 - Regen
    0192 - Munny Up
    0193 - Berserk
    0194 - Magic Freak
    0195 - Attack Freak
    0196 - Levitate
    0197 - Reraise
    0198 - Damage Auto-Teleport
    0199 - Auto-Recovery
    019A - Banish
    019B - Drain
    019C - Double Hit
    019D - Half-Focus
    019E - Overdrive
    019F - Burn Strike
    01A0 - Command Burst
    01A1 - Auto-Counter
    01A2 - Stun Up
    01A3 - EXP Double Up
    01A4 - CP Double Up
    01A5 - Front Auto-Guard
    01A6 - ???
    01A7 - Random
    01A8 - Blank [No Text]
    01A9 - Draw
    01AA - HP Prize Up
    01AB - Link Prize Up
    01AC - Luck Up
    01AD - HP Up
    01AE - FP Up
    01AF - Fire Up
    01B0 - Blizzard Up
    01B1 - Thunder Up
    01B2 - Cure Up
    01B3 - Item Up
    01B4 - Attack Haste
    01B5 - Magic Haste
    01B6 - Combo F Up
    01B7 - Command F Up
    01B8 - Combo Plus
    01B9 - Air Combo Plus
    01BA - Fire Guard
    01BB - Blizzard Guard
    01BC - Thunder Guard
    01BD - Dark Guard
    01BE - Reload Burst
    01BF - Defender
    01C0 - EXP Chance
    01C1 - EXP Walk
    01C2 - Damage Aspil
    01C3 - Last Leave
    01C4 - Combo Leave
    01C5 - Libra
    01C6 - Leaf Bell
    01C7 - HP Prize X
    01C8 - HP Prize X
    01C9 - DP Prize X
    01CA - DP Prize X
    01CB - Munny Prize X
    01CC - Munny Prize X
    01CD - Munny Prize X
    01CE - Prize Box AX
    01CF - Prize Box AX
    01D0 - Prize Box AX
    01D1 - Prize Box B
    01D2 - Prize Box C
    01D3 - Prize Box D
    01D4 - Battle Dice Prize
    01D5 - D-LINK Prize
    01D6 - Dummy Prize
    01D7 - Dummy Prize
    01D8 - Dummy Prize
    01D9 - Dummy Prize
    01DA - [FREEZE]
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Misty
    As we know from a Famitsu interview, Nomura has teased a smartphone entry for the Kingdom Hearts series. The game will hopefully be unveiled later this year at D23 Expo Japan. Most are speculating it will be a port of Kingdom Hearts χ (Chi), which is only available as a browser game in Japan right now.

    Personally I'd be happy with that, especially given the strong ties Kingdom Hearts 3 will more than likely have to χ. But I think there's a lot of potential beyond it, too! I really loved the Command Board game in Birth by Sleep, for example, and I think it could be really fun as a smartphone game, and one that could act as a companion to Kingdom Hearts 3 -- you can earn commands, items, etc. that you can later use in-game. Kingdom Hearts 3 is far off, though, so I don't see that happening any time soon.

    What about you guys? Expecting a simple KHχ port, or something more?
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Misty
    Well only up to Episode 2 is out and nobody in here has posted any leaks or spoilers. But maybe you're trying to avoid knowing the consequences of any actions so that you can see them firsthand when you replay? I'm doing a similar thing -- I'm not starting any more playthroughs until I finish all five episodes.

    About David,
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  13. Misty
    View attachment 41937

    Then just sort by that column.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Technology
  14. Misty
    E3 tickets are hella expensive and it's tough to get into the conferences. If you wanted to go for the floor show stuff that's cool, but if it was only the SQEX conference you wanted to see in person then there wasn't much hope anyway unfortunately. That said, it's still pretty fun to watch streams of the conferences!
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Misty
    thought of you when i heard, haya. condolences xx
    Post by: Misty, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty

    Yo, guys.

    I honestly miss the old video introduction (not that the one @Stardust put together is bad! I love it too). There's just a lot of nostalgia associated with it I think for a lot of people. The current one is a bit outdated at this point so who knows, maybe we'll replace it with something familiar...
    Post by: Misty, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Misty
    I'm trying to save mine for my upcoming move but goddamn if I don't want a new pair of kicks
    Post by: Misty, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Apr 23, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  19. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Apr 23, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  20. Misty
    This is really fantastic news -- we talked about it briefly on the latest episode of the podcast (#88), but with all their recent announcements (Deus Ex, Star Ocean 5, and Dissidia) and their in-progress games (FFXV, KH3, new Tomb Raider, FFXIV, and so on), they have a lot they can show this year. Committing to their own conference rather than just making appearances at others' and the showfloor tells me they're going to be showcasing a lot at E3.

    I still have my doubts as to what capacity KH3 will appear in if it does at all, but this does bode well.

    I'm curious to see what direction they'll take with the conference itself. I always enjoy Ubisoft's conference even though I'm not a fan of their games simply because Aisha Tyler is such a charismatic host. Sony's are really fun to watch too, and even Microsoft has stepped their game up recently. But with Square, I have no idea.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 23, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates