They include the Cosmic Owl but not Peebles and Marceline? wtf is this
Whoops, username change had me thrown!
Given the number of questions we answered in this episode, I thought I'd make it easier for our listeners to share their answers & comment on ours by typing them out for everyone. Spoiler Hypothetical situation. The world has gone to hell, global warming made everything terrible, and the apocalypse is here. Temperatures have risen drastically, tsunamis are an all-too-common occurrence in day to day life for most cities, and others have just vanished from the map completely, sunken forever. What are your top three favorite colors? If you were gifted a puppy for Christmas, the most adorable puppy you have ever laid eyes upon, BUT you had very mild pet allergies (skin gets a little itchy, eyes might get a tiny bit sore) around them, would you keep the dog or find some way of getting rid of it? What would you do for a single fruit (the size of a grapefruit) from the Tree of Knowledge (either the biblical one or one where the fruit contains absolutely all knowledge ever)? The fruit is edible and will never spoil even after being half-eaten, but is completely flavorless and has no texture. I know this is more of a me thing, but my friend and I were talking about this a while ago and I wanted to see what you guys thought. In Kingdom Hearts II, when Simba falls into critical health, he says "I can't do this!" When he gets knocked out, he says "It's up to you now..." When he comes to, either from enough time passing or being healed, he says "It's not over!" Do you guys feel these fit Simba's character? Why or why not? My friend was saying that he feels the "falling into critical health" battle cry makes more sense during your first visit to the Pride Lands, but it could have been changed to something else afterward (because he became the king) if the game used variables, like some other games, depending on where you were in the story. You find out that you are a demigod. Which god or goddess from any pantheon conceived you? Is the glass half-empty, half-full, or needs more liquid? Has anyone ever played a Deus Ex game? How do you all feel about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided? Which power would you rather have: the power to read minds, but you fart the whole time you do read minds OR the ability to fly, except you lose an arm and leg? What is your ideal vacation? When was the first time you found out Santa Clause wasn't real? If you never believed in him or something, then what is your favorite childhood memory? Are you a fan of the Mortal Kombat series? Are you stoked for Mortal Kombat X? Have you ever met someone famous or relevant? What is life?
Deprived of anything better to talk about, this week the KH-Vids Podcast flushes out our backlog of user-submitted questions! Joined by staff guest @cstar, @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn begin by making some early predictions for E3 2015 in light of Square's announcement that they will host their own press conference at the event. We speculate on the presence of Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, wonder whether there will be any new Kingdom Hearts reveals (a PS4 remaster collection? the smartphone title Nomura hinted at?), and whether Square will finally bequeath to us a Final Fantasy XII remaster. From there we jump into our user-submitted questions! @Graxe gets mythological and philosophical on us and @Amaury has us consider the battle cries in the Kingdom Hearts series (which launches us into a tangent on party member AI in the series and @Misty 's casual disdain for Donald Duck). By far the biggest contributor to our episode is @Quilligan, who has us cover topics like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, flatulence, travel, Santa Clause, Mortal Kombat X, celebrities spottings, and the meaning of life. It's a fun-filled, laid back podcast for the masses! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 41943 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #89 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
That implication doesn't sit well with me, either. For starters, riots have regardless of the cause and whether they have a cause at all. College students in New Hampshire began rioting at a Pumpkin Festival last October and cost the event an estimated $90k. When the San Francisco Giants won the World Series last year, people destroyed & vandalized property, resulting in forty arrests and two shootings. When the Canucks lost to the Bruins in 2011, fans vandalized local businesses, set fire to and looted cars, creating an estimated of $1mil in damages. Protests turn to riots sometimes, but the fact remains that mainstream media coverage and public perception is remarkably different when the rioters are white versus black people taking a stand against systematic violence and racism. Recent police protests have operated under the banner of #BlackLivesMatter -- that's the heart of their message. That black people have been treated with violence by police officers, occasionally when they have not committed any crimes (not to say that committing a crime makes it okay for an officer to respond with excessive force, either), and hundreds of black lives have been lost to no consequence or punishment for the officers responsible. That a city's population should not be 67% black and 29% white yet "black residents accounted for 86% of the vehicle stops made by Ferguson police and nearly 93% of the arrests made from those stops, according to the state attorney general. FBI statistics show that 85% of the people arrested by Ferguson police are black, and that 92% of people arrested specifically for disorderly conduct are black (USA Today)." Protestors are responding to real, present, and country-wide issues here. They have not decided that "every single police officer is bad" -- protests have been within their rights -- but ask that all police officers assume responsibility for addressing these problems. Even if a police officer has exhibited no racist behavior, excessive force used, etc., even if their hands are completely clean, they are responsible for responding to these problems because they are part of the police force. There's a theory in philosophy that, at its heart, states that you are responsible for everything you do, everything that is done to you, and everything that is done to other people. While it's an extreme and heavy burden, it makes every person responsible for speaking out against injustice, even if it does not directly involve them. If these protestors believed that all police officers are evil, why waste their time with peaceful protests? Why meet with the DOJ? They're looking for justice to be served, not to perpetrate more violence. Unfortunately, as I've said, violence can happen. But broken windows and destroyed buildings are nothing compared to the loss of (black) lives. The pro-police rally hasn't resulted in any kind of violence because take a look at how it's met by the police force and treated by the media... whereas #BlackLivesMatter protestors have been routinely met with excessive response from police officers, fired upon with tear gas and rubber bullets, and treated as criminals by the white media. That is true, but wide-scale protests over police brutality have been going on since the murder of Mike Brown in August. I imagine they planned this rally in response to the media attention on Ferguson and the many, many areas who have either joined in solidarity or taken up the cause in response to deaths in their own areas. The article also mentions that the Baltimore protests galvanized this pro-police group.
To a Fault (feat. Grizzly Bear) by DNTEL been listening to my entire library on shuffle, it's been a trip
I wouldn't really call supporting the police in reaction to protests over police brutality "peaceful." By supporting the aggressor, you yourself are made complicit in the violence -- even if the "aggressor" is a system rather than an individual -- because you are allowing it to continue.
Purchased even if I probably won't play it ever, though I have read people doubting whether Sony or Konami will nuke it altogether and prevent those from downloading it from their history or even opening it if they've already downloaded it to their system. I read a really nice post on reddit, though, about Silent Hill today and I'm almost tempted to play the games. If only I wasn't such a chickenshit :U
Whatever the title is, I can't imagine that it will be absolutely essential to the plot of Kingdom Hearts III -- or at least, you'll be able to safely play Kingdom Hearts III without having played the smartphone release, akin to how you can play Kingdom Hearts II without having played Chain of Memories. I'm sure there will be some goodies for those who have played the smartphone title (if only small references here and there), but it simply wouldn't make sense to make a smartphone release integral to the series when few can or will play it. The Kingdom Hearts series does have plenty of bloat, though, you're right. I don't play Hearthstone or anything, though, so I'd be totally cool with a little Kingdom Hearts-themed minigame to play with friends. Yeah, the Dragon Quest Theatrhythm opens the doors for other series to also be adapted to Theatrhythm. And even if Kingdom Hearts Theatrhythm never happens, I can see it being added as DLC to a future release -- The World Ends With You, Romacing SaGa, and Bravely Default were all added as DLC to Curtain Call. Ichiro Hazama is open to the idea, too:
I'm failing to see a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and my objection to your using the word (slur) "feminazi." For all it represents, the Charlie Hebdo attack has little to do with feminism in general, in my eyes -- nothing to do with issues of gender or sexuality. Unless of course you're defending "feminazi" under a similar idea logical banner as Charlie Hebdo, which from my understanding actively works to offend and incite all in the name of anti-authoritarianism.
When oh when will this sinking feeling feel like, "Man, that was ages ago"?
me writing star wars smut 4 the masses
sexy vampire lady
a different kind of smashing goes on in those ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
wow i totally forgot about this song & it's one of my favorite xiu xiu tracks You constantly aspire to be the first to pierce your dagger into fondness, It will hurt now, forever. Cherry blossoms fall and for a twinkle there, I have the will to live, but then gomorrah calls: "Caterpillar girl, here you are."
i'd like to smash a lot of things
precious ghetto how fing tall are you you look like a giant
i like this one
I cannot decide how I feel about this group. It's odd, it's like I like the individual parts of their songs but there's something just... off about it, when it all comes together. Waiting for a song to hook me.