My teachers have seen my videos, like Kingdom Hearts, Family Guy, Amarte Duele, and UTI. One of them wanted me to make a video about the school campus. Also another 1 asked me to make him a vid about some car racing. But my question is, how much should I charge for each of them? for AMV i do it for free but the rest i have to take pictures of the ppl, or film the event! I'm just an amateur but i kick butt! n e wyz, what would you guy say if you were in my spot? plz no flamin'! ---Khilango
this belongs to this place and also here preferable! -------------------- n e wyz, build up your cards by getting 8, 9, 0. also get powerfull sleights try to get a few hits then when he gets pissy, use your slants one @ the time... try t o get a few hits... then after TRY to go into dark mode n attack him with 2 sleights @ the time, then a normal hit here n there... you should be able to survive with 3 potions and the rest 8-0 cards... you may wanna ask the other guys @ the thread mentioned b4! ---Edwin aka Theory Master
its good n sometimes it makes you ask for more but when you get stuck cuz of lack of cards, u might get frustiated! keep in mind that it fills u up in some info that has nothing to do with kh2 lol :-P nah, am j/k and its the 1st gba game with video cutscenes!! ---Edwin
its like another angle cuz when they turn in the 1st one, all of he heads are cn, this one, the tall guy in the middle is missing his head!
ok! to unlock the Paradox, you have to level up your characters! till you hit 90-99, you SHOULD have open and/or beaten all Paradox cups excluding Hades' Paradox cup. by that time, the Hades' should be ope for you to play! HINT! :D to get a high score in the 1st 3 Rounds! 1-take out all healing abilities from Donald and Goofy (including healing items) 2-get hit till you are in the danger zone! then move away and summon Stitch! then just jump around while Stitch dances around playing his Ukulele and healing you slowly and squeezing points outta the enemies! you can leave the room till you stop hearing the danger music! then get a hold of Stitch and try all over again! DONT summon and then get hit cuz everytime you try to get hit, he'll stop the enemies and destroy them!!! Its from me nobody else! so DONT STEAL THIS!!! ---Edwin aka Theory Master
Thats freaking old! sorry but its true! Also, its quite obvious! ---Edwin aka Theory Master (I'm call myself, the flaming guy... get a clue)
finish the game in Proud Mode! just get all the keyholes and beat Xemnas! ---Edwin aka Theory Master
no GOD NO!!! ps3 graphics are nohow compared to the wii. bigger cappacity means superb videos, bigger worlds. and it would be an original for the ps3. the wii has red steel ( which it csucks) and Twilight pricess that is the king of RPGs on the nintendo system. am sorry but it would be a desaster if its released on the wii. a bridge b/t kh2 and 3 on the ds is a good choice! the psp lacks what the ds is the king of! ---Edwin aka Theory Master got a lot of kh vids there but yeah... its myspace so expect things thats usual on that site! Spam!!! lots and lots of spam!!!
I'm going to figure it out cuz i have japanese class! but many ppl think it says friend! n it might not be Xemnas @ all!!! u DO remember that Xigbar mentioned that he met other keybladers? **hint hint**
OMFG!!!! i want this game, no wait both games so bad now!!! even if i have to import the games!!! ---Edwin aka Theory Master
yeah Mr. S totally pawns everybody!!!
sigh!!! ppl plz! there are like a shipload of threads like this! do ur hw b4 u act! ---Edwin aka theory Master
kid! the version is international meaning that the vo are in English and the text in Japanese. all the remakes of FF, kh1fm are all in english and txt in japanese. and you are not the only one that wants fm released outside the japan. lol And it not impossible, its hard, cuz u gotta buy a mod chip or a CD "swicher" (4got the name) that you out into your ps2 and play imported DVDs, CDs and games! i think theres a link somewhere in this forum about importing games and where to get the things necessary. ---Edwin aka Theory Master
not so much for parody... but one hell of a funny video! kudos! ---Edwin aka Theory Master
Do you think I'm crazy enough to gamble with Luxord??? he would kill in the game AND in real life!!! (...would be cool though...) ---Edwin aka Theory Master
Staple gun all the way!!! Kairi0007 has a point!!!
i have them too! i have them on us history, japanese, auto tech, chem and english
the original heartless (i.e. shadow) don't have hearts! but they steal them. because of that action, they get stronger. But because of Xehanort's experiments and the breeding of FAKE heartless USING hearts, made them hold that heart to exist. ok, you know the ones with the EMBLEM? Yup, those are made with the breeder made by Xehanort. Those also steal hearts and they either evolve or they make other heartless. That's why you see different kinds of heartless and that action creates pure and or fake heartless. nevertheless, both kinds are darkness made real. Nobody is just another word for nothing. I understood that from the begining.Think about it: where there's nobody, there's nobody". the nobodies are ranked because they are controlled by different org. members. the dusk are controlled by ALL of the members. yet the dancer cannot be controlled by anybody else except by Demix. same goes for every member and their nobody. they have a body because they are the SHELL the their lost heart made. yet they are destined to return to darkness and disappear along with the hearts. but by that time come, they will already be destroyed so-to-speak. in different idea, now that u separated the words for ur tittle, i thought of something. Xehanort is basically: another and No Heart with the x included. THAT's another thing to think about. I'll post anything that comes into my mind about this subject, while the previous one, i hope that explanation was clear enough to give you an idea y heartless have hearts and nobodies have bodies. ---Edwin aka Theory Master