its posted in KHI but i wanted to listen to your opinios if you are not from KHI. --------------------------------------------------- remember when the PV came out? YAY we were so happy n stuff... yada yada yada- ok yeah old news... but did you noticed something when Roxas was born? he said Roxas... then Xemnas says "the new you" check the mouth movements check the Hiragana (of you know JP) if not... Watch the Sora v. Roxas (or what i call the Keybladers Fight to the Death) lol and watch the cutscene on that video and look at the difference! in the Battle scene: if you watch closely, Roxas says "Rokusasu" and if you paid attention to the mouth, you can see that he says @ the end "U" and then pay close attention to the movement of Xemnas mouth when he was supposed to say " the new you" here is the link to that video if you didn't know! (wow, how come every time i have a good point n i need to show it off, its late n nobody can see it?) YouTube - KH2FM- Roxas Boss Fight + New Scene (Critical Mode) do you guys think its a hint towards an Outside-Japan sale??? plz no flaming if this has been mention b4 but i looked n nothing similar came out... ---Khilango
it does look like the one Fake Roxas is Wielding ... if you exclude major details. the the old man's key for a secod there it looked like Athena's Blades from God Of War... ( i just bought GoW 2 so now you know y i made that assumption) lol ---Khilango
how come i cnt c it! there is a message that says, the videos is not available or that i have to wait 10 minutes if its just uploaded EDIT: never mind, it worked in the home page!
junior! it was only uploaded to Youtube n you should wait till a HQ vid shows up. also... if you talk about the fight b/n Sora nad the E.S. then yeah if you are loking for the secret ending... there is already a link n about the hollow bastion cutscene of Xemnas, then its still in Youtube... ---Khilango
i'll give it an 8/10 cuz the tome looks great butthe dude that changes eye color is barely visible. ---Khilango
OOPPS! my bad... i was just so excited about it that i shut down my brain! n e wyz, i got it converted but i dont know how to upload it so you can get it!? ---Khilango
But keep in mind that S.E. said that it took in the future! (or maybe past... i 4got) also King Mickey has Sora's Keyblade that originally was powered by Goofy when he turned to Valor Form. in other words, Yen Sid gave that keyblade to Sora. And the King's Keyblade was golden and if am not insain IF you replace the chain from K.M. keyblade, shouldnt it turn Golden?! also, how come he has that keybladein the 1st place!!! Also Mr. Baldy could be in fact Xehanort's Heartless (Ansem kh1) because (my theory) when he died he said "Light...But why...?" then poof, boom, dead! deal with it! maybe he didn't died but just disappeared? and he came back with more knowledge about Kingdom Hearts. Studing the heart and its powers possibly crushed his "heart" again and thats how Spider-Man impostor got created! Also with Roxas (100% sure he is) wielded a chainless Keyblade. not to mention, not Kingdom Key like he used to. I mean he grabbed it but he didnt use it! ---Khilango EDIT: Remedetoxique, u should pay close attention to the news! go back to the front page and look for a HiDef link that is below the Youtube video.
Sora=Roxas Donald=Dladxon Goofy=Yogfox Mickey=Xekimcy Riku=Kurxi ---- Kairi=Irxaki (sonds Japanese lol!)
well yeah i can do better... n after i have bought GOW2, then i'll save for the DVDRec. by then some cool codes should come up. if you need n e testing, then holla acha boi ! ---Khilango
goofy=Yogfox ("yogfox") donald=Ladxon ("ladson") lol! ---Khilnago
i think you obtain their weapons by beating the org 13 first. by that i mean the 2nd time around... the rest looks pretty dang good 4 me! ---Khilango
ow! touché! lol. n e wyz, i was just wondering if you want me to refer ppl that have ?'s about KH+ARMAX from my thread? cuz i would like to hlp ppl but am not a pro hacker like you! also,i'm planning to get a DVD recorderso i can record KH2 with your codes n show your wonders to the world @ a better def. u still get 110% credit for the codes, just some for me for the recording n editting. ok with you? ---Khilango
it might be fake Ansem coming back with more knowledge bout KH since when he died he said "...light...but why?..." he thought that Darkness was all but he was wrong.... maybe he came back from the darkness in Riku's heart n he found a pet "spidy" n noticed that he wielded a key n he bacema a friend with him so that probably later he would take over the keyblade n open up KH. ---Khilango
I added every one of you guys!!! ---Khilangp
[sobs!!!]MA EYES!!!! OH THE HORROR!!![/sobs!!!] sorry for the caps but i think Pokémon is so freaking overrated. sure it was kute n cuddly in the 90's but now dat am 16, i just think is over for them... (yeah its coming from a guy that knows alot about Disney n Kingdom Hearts :-P [da game is pretty good so ho hatin' aight?]) ---Khilango EDIT: rotflmao!!!!
oops! my bad! lol ---Khilango
i no this might me either spamming or just flaming... but DUDE! Do some research 1st b4 posting! everybody SHOULD know this either if u are a kh-v veteran or a freshman! FM+ wil arrive to JP on the 30th. there isn't any news if it will come to the U.S. @ all!!!! please some1close this thread! ---Khilango
go to this place to ask how you get started n to meet-n-greet just click on NEW THREAD thn just say hi am new n yada yada yada... ---Khilango
welp... cuz i speak spanish, then yeah sure... but am mexican, n thats Spanish-spanish not Mexican-spanish so the tone is WAY different. ---Khilango
sheesh Sally, dont get all emotional! ---Khilango