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  1. *Sora*
    As the topic says, I guess I'm going to be gone for a while. Lately I've just completely lost interest in any of the forums I visi- actually, basically, the Internet. I just can't find the time to sit here and check topics and reply all the time. Also, I guess I'm not an admin anymore for saying something to Xaldin/Sara when I was in a pretty terrible mood, but eh, that's my fault..

    But straight to the point, I'll be gone for a while. I'm glad I was back for when the big move happened, and at least had some time to get to know a lot of you. Thanks for that. ^^ Who knows, I might be back.

    Thread by: *Sora*, Nov 19, 2006, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. *Sora*
    Kate Beckinsale.

    Seriously, I do. >.>

    Interesting, isn't it?
    Thread by: *Sora*, Nov 5, 2006, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. *Sora*
    I posted this a loonnnggg time ago on the old forums, so I'ma remake the topic. ^^

    I think everyone should see this. Funtwo is.. amazing. Seriously.
    Thread by: *Sora*, Oct 18, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  4. *Sora*
    Sonata Arctica is probably my favorite band ever. Their style is Power Metal/Progressive. Most people have never heard music like this, but it's really fantasy-ish, and fun. :]

    The music video is kinda corny, but their music is amazing.
    Thread by: *Sora*, Oct 9, 2006, 12 replies, in forum: Music
  5. *Sora*
    Anyone who plays DDR or Stepmania, post your score screenshots or pictures here. We can compare and maybe compete for best score on a certain song. xD

    Thread by: *Sora*, Oct 9, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: The Playground
  6. *Sora*
    .erac t'nod I ,eliforp ym ni s'ti fi nevE

    Yeah, that's what I said. *points at profile* First person to get it right, gets.. a hug, or something. >.>
    Thread by: *Sora*, Oct 7, 2006, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. *Sora*
    Our one chance:

    Guys, before you say anything.. give this a chance. It's an entire livejournal community dedicated to getting KHII:FM and Re:COM to come to the States, and Europe. Maybe even more.

    They have a petition going, which is well over 2000 signatures. Also, they have sent Square-Enix approximately 4000 e-mails, if not more. I say we give this a shot. I have contacted Damien at Kingdom Hearts Ultimania ( and he is willing to help, and maybe get cow to put it up on their main page.

    I am taking this very seriously. It's nice to see an entire community, quite like ourselves, working together for something they love. I say we join in. This is important to us. We deserve these games too. Not just Japan. We are a fandom too. So once again..

    Show your support. Get this going. At least try! We do have a chance! GO PEOPLE! Do it for your love of this amazing, and worth-while franchise, which we've been dedicating our lives to with these forums!!
    Thread by: *Sora*, Sep 27, 2006, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. *Sora*
    An e-mail was sent to Square-Enix by howellawson of KHI and regarding US release of KHFM and KHreCOM and got this response

    Our parent company, SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd. of Japan, has no current
    plans to re-release Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix in North America or Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the PS2 at this time. This is not to say that it will never happen, it's just that SQUARE ENIX of Japan is
    currently focusing on numerous other projects.

    We hope that this information has been of some assistance, and we
    apologize for any inconvenience.

    Square Enix Customer Support

    Although not a straight up response, with numerous projects Japan is working on, we can possibly see KH2FM and KHCOM in numerous years?


    This blows. Seriously. All of the big KH sites like KHU, KH-Vids, KHI, etc. need to get together, and start a HUGEEE!!!! petition to have Square release the games here. :[ Other than that, this is terrible news. *Runs off to cry*

    EDIT!!!!!!!!!!: According to KHU, and their information about the interview with Tetsuya Nomura: - He is puzzling over what to do about North American fans, but mentions that he'd like it if they had the chance to be exposed to the Japanese voice casts as well.

    Basically what this means is.. Nomura would like to release Final Mix and Re:COM here, with the original Japanese cast. w00t!!! *is so excited!* We now have a good chance of actually getting these games now!
    Thread by: *Sora*, Sep 26, 2006, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX