Me too, it seems long the first time you played it and then it flies, i started a new game yesterday at 11:00 Pm (only made it to beasts castle) then here i am on the same file at the point of no return Lol
You cant say that the first time you fought him before the 1000 heartless fight you found him easy? theres no way. we might be able to beat him easily but he was a challenge at first
My thought were: Wow, Sora's got a haircut Lol, it does look like him
Erm... Donald and goofy get ordered to attack while ur running for their lives but they follow you and you die They only use items/abilities to heal you when you dont need them the camera is annoying Sora doesnt have cool combos like in kh2 items take half an hour to work and your stuck in a stance for ages guard looks gay :P
Likes Aerith more than Cloud in FF :p
Who wouldnt really? im going through another proud game just to fight him again (pride lands so far) And also its best to stick Fenrir with the sleeping Lion cos then combos arent affected and you get 12 Attack and 4 Magic
Its funny :P can i steal it for my MSn DP?
Thhat would be cool, then you could knock Sephiroth's head off not only as Riku, but as Kairi aswell :O lol And the thing i would suggest is make your shortcuts Cure Thundaga Magnega and Reflega, if he comes near you reflega until he goes away and if he is fa away magnega him so you can hit him before he attacks you
Lives in Crapland
Lol, love you avvy ^.^
The only bad things about Riku are He's Invincible You have to jump before you attack (you T-stance with every ground combo you do) And you cant use a finisher so you cant beat bosses (and graveyard heartless)
Yeah, its with the Red and black floating block things, look Here
Trinity in KH1 or KH2? I love it in kh2, saved me too many times at low levels (like fighting the hydra) but in KH1 its a waste of AP,time and MP
Really? O.o Lol Erm...Smells ike Toejam in the middle of a desert on a hot day. First thing that came to mind xD
Doesnt know how to play KH
noooooo :(
I said Tarzan, he's strong and knocks out enemies in like 2 hits
Mine would be KH1: End of the world, Hollow Bastion, Neverland, Monstro, Olympus Coliseum, then Deep Jungle KH2: Twilight Town, TWTNW, Pride lands, Hollow Bastion, Olympus Coliseum, then Land Of The Dragons
Mine got changed so here it is: MY Desktop
Is Boring -.-