any org besides xaldin battle of 1000 heartless sephiroth now if only someone could make the battle of the thousand sephiroth
two across you mean i like the dream sword if that counts
i do limits souly for the quotes dance call - prepare to scream bushodo - your pain shall be two fold mulan's - for china howling moon - get out
maybe you get one when you travel in the dark realm
the new one cause he sounds funny
so he can decorate the world that never was with flowers then paint the castle pink
the one riku uses in khI
What can be better than paper cards and plastic dice?
think about it he must be following you around if he can jump out of the shadows when you die.
the waltz of the damned from beast castle and one winged angel
i love how he can fight you sitting down he's like jabba the hut, he just sits down and every thing happens in front of him
The cutscene before you fight riku in hollow bastion i must have watched it like 97 times then i quit the game for 6 months and went back and he still beet me
I think she's evil, Okay heres why all the keyblade wielders represent a part of day sora day micky dusk riku dawn since kairi has a key blade she must be midnight so she evil
show me your power just one word of show me your moves
Ansem: Blah blah Blah Darkness Dark dark darky dark darness of darky darkness But serious every othe sentance he says dark or darkness! All Limit quotes Your pain shall be two fold Prepare to scream Get out For china! Founding executable and here i thought we could be friends Do you feel it the moons power
Clever little sneak! Dance water dance! Like it? Hey you uys are looking lively