infinite jump for normal sora ONLY 2019089C 00000000 Width mod 20378A08 3E400000 20378A08 3E800000 203780A8 3F000000 20378A08 40000000 20378A08 41000000 20378A08 40800000 Height mod 20378B7C 3E400000 20378B7C 3E800000 20378B7C 3F000000 20378B7C 40000000 20378B7C 41000000 20378B7C 40800000 HUD display size mod 20378D2C 3E400000 20378D2C 3E800000 20378D2C 3F000000 20378D2C 40000000 20378D2C 41000000 20378D2C 40800000 character/model size mod 2037A180 3E400000 20378D2C 3E400000 20378D2C 3E800000 20378D2C 3F000000 20378D2C 40000000 20378D2C 41000000 20378D2C 40800000 Boss's Speed mod (affects other things) 2037A584 3E400000 2037A5843E800000 2037A5843F000000 2037A58440000000 2037A58441000000 2037A58440800000 Text size for subtitles mod 2037B5E0 40800000 2037B5E0 3E400000 2037B5E0 3E800000 2037B5E0 3F000000 2037B5E0 40000000 2037B5E0 41000000 Take color out of models ""test the other digits"" 2037AE74 40000000 2037AE74 3E400000 2037AE74 3E800000 2037AE74 3F000000 2037AE74 41000000 2037AE74 40800000 Small People? (I really just don't know how to put the name of this into words) ""test the other digits"" 2037AE7C 40000000 2037AE7C 3E400000 2037AE7C 3E800000 2037AE7C 3F000000 2037AE7C 40000000 2037AE7C 41000000 2037AE7C 40800000 (enter a drive with this code on. it looks cool) ""test the other digits"" 2037B3B0 400000000 2037B3B0 3E400000 2037B3B0 3E800000 2037B3B0 3F000000 2037B3B0 41000000 2037B3B0 40800000 Glide speed mod 2037BDD6 3E400000 2037BDD6 3E800000 2037BDD6 3F000000 2037BDD6 40000000 2037BDD6 41000000 2037BDD6 40800000 More color to various things (save points, magic, etc.) ""test the other digits" 2037CE9C 40000000 2037CE9C 3E400000 2037CE9C 3E800000 2037CE9C 3F000000 2037CE9C 41000000 2037CE9C 40800000 Ok, I fixed it. thanks!
replace the x's with.... 3F000000 = small 3F800000 = normal 3F900000 = kinda big 3FA00000 = big 3FB00000 = even bigger 3FC00000 = HUGE 40000000 = WAY TO BIG!!! infinite jump for normal sora ONLY 2019089C 00000000 Width mod 20378A08 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Height mod 20378B7C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 HUD display size mod 20378D2C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 character/model size mod 2037A180 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Boss's Speed mod (affects other things) 2037A584 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Text size for subtitles mod 2037B5E0 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Take color out of models ""test the other digits"" 2037AE74 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Small People? (I really just don't know how to put the name of this into words) ""test the other digits"" 2037AE7C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 (enter a drive with this code on. it looks cool) ""test the other digits"" 2037B3B0 400000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Glide speed mod 2037BDD6 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 More color to various things (save points, magic, etc.) ""test the other digits" 2037CE9C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Animations distance mod (takes certain things faraway from the model) 2037C780 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000
woops. Exitement ran ovoer me...:stupid::stupid: Can I have it for Ar max please? need...large...things...badly....!
I NEED THIS FOR AR MAX by the by, I been seeing redsonic's name about and it seems he is strongly hated. Just who is he?
you mean like synch blade?
logging off fer now I will leave for now! I shall enter some hax and expiriment with sora I shall see you laterz. bai
what is ELF?
is it possible to mash-up a bunch of KH2 codes into one so that it has all the effects of the code given?
forgive me. School makes me too lazy too read :stupid:
please? I'll be waiting.
Can I have at least one of the following, please? AR MAX format -empty goofy,donald, and world character slot -chang music to sherzo di notte (hollow bastion battle theme) -Antiform on drive menu -Antiform with final forms moveset and keyblades -Sora with mulans sword (sword and sword only! no moveset) -infinite drive -drive alone Thanks. I understand if some of these arent given. (maybe >.>)
hollow bastion battle theme
anyone have the following? -change music to scherzo di notte -empty party slot
I require some hacks to further enjoy my ps2... but I cant seem to find any wanted codes. can someone hit me with a random code that anyone can enjoy? I already have DW Roxas and boss codes.
ok. my mind will obliterate the information.
I used a debug room code earlier and it didnt work for KH2. Im too lazy (>.<) to read back all those pages to check. If you have the working code, then please give it to me. the code I used is: P23F-2DJ7-7TZYNQ 6MKU-A8FU-KN12X
anyone have an awsome code that you think I might enjoy? I feel like hacking, but I only have boss codes....
oh...because I saw a size mod on the "now deleted" thread, but it was for codebreaker....
....That room mod vid was cool! anyone have a size mod for AR max? im going to fight a giant sephiroth with a small roxas