Am I the only one who finds that to be a load of bull? Look at ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat. It had a full cast of voice overs in the game. Gameplay is contained on the bottom of the screen, while the top screen contains a Full Motion Video depicting the action of the battle. This game also features video pre-rendering process, where segments of complete animation were already compiled before the gameplay rather than render graphics as the game advances. This technique causes the visuals on the small resolution screen to be of higher quality. But, it was also released on a 2 gigabit (2048 megabit/256 MB) game card. (ASH is a wonderful game)
Dude, if that really does play during the Sephiroth battle (I say 'if' because I'm an AMV creator, so I know what can be done), I am so getting an ARMax
Yes I can, actually. I can hear a world of difference. You can hear the difference in good headphones, and once you get used to listening to everything in 192 or higher, like I have, you can really tell a difference without headphones.
I love these tracks, but personally, I'd prefer them in higher quality (192kbps +). 128 is low
I'd really like to see this for DS, personally. I believe it could pull it off. Even if the system was similar to that of Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings, it would still be better than turn-based (and card-based too, for that matter)
Just curious: Re:CoM version of Skies of Memory? I'm just curious about whether or not anyone had thought about redoing the CoM "movie," Skies of Memory, but w/ Re:CoM cutscenes, this time around?
Whoa, new FM scenes with voices o.o Thanks again DS Um, no. That was the real Riku. This is the Riku Replica
Nobody. See above posts.
Regarding Twilight Town, is it just me, or does it seem like Axel's channeling Roy Mustang (from Full Metal Alchemist) there for a second. lol
The Accrossing Two keyblade acquired from defeating Roxas in The World That Never Was.
Thank you very much for this, DS
Oh man... That's gonna be brutal for me... I play one-handed, btw (Cerebral Palsy)
Actually, no. was forced to remove all videos from the site.
M00n3y, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're a Gaian? Either that, or you used tektek...
*Kicks you in your shin* XD Keep up the good work. Seriously.
I'll kill myself from all the *headdesk*s, lol
...Xaldin... why did you just apologize? *TWITCH*
And he did say that KH2 would end Sora's story.
It better. SE would be stupid if they didn't. Like Nomura said, over half of day 1's sales was imports. I'll stop now, because I could go on and on about this.
I apologize if this is common knowledge, but has FM+ indeed been confirmed for international release? I hope so.