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  1. KairiLovesSora

    I'm boreddd|!!​
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jul 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KairiLovesSora

    Err... Hello


    Nice site...

    Thread by: KairiLovesSora, Jul 4, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. KairiLovesSora

    Hey People


    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jul 4, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. KairiLovesSora
    Deporax kneeled down at Sora, feeling peevish from the fact that Mikix is yet in his own little world again, without him...

    'I...I...A..Am...De..Depo....Deporax!!!Tha...thats it!!! De..Deporax' he muttured, trying to weasle his way into getting Sora and Sada to trust him and give him information so that he could tell the superior...

    OOC: Deporax is currently a shy, yet stupid person, but he only hurts others so that he could feel wanted...
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. KairiLovesSora
    Deporax, childish as he were, sobbed and cried, 'I WANT MY MOMMY!!' And looked at the stranger at the door. Wasn't that the guy that our group was after?? He thought telepatically, accidently letting Karura read his mind as well as Mikix.

    He looked as she tried to keep her cool, seeing fumes shooting at his direction... and muffled during his tears to Sora, saying, 'I..... I.... Urm... We.... Urm... Us... Urm... Don't kill me!!!!!!'
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. KairiLovesSora
    [ooc: Nice!!]

    Deporax whimpered as he waited, trying his hardest not to make a sound...
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. KairiLovesSora
    'Dude, too late, we've already shamed the organization... By acting like total whimps and now we are being dragged down to Kuri's mother, and if we reject, your 'precious' cousin is gonna either torture or kill us!!! What could get any worse??' Deporax yelled vigerously yet desperately with a hint of self pity, as he was being dragged to the victim's house...
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. KairiLovesSora
    Deporax s******ed on that account, and then looking at Karura, he flinched so quickly he almost looked like as if he was going to have a fit. He then said cautiously to Mikix, 'You.. are not serious are ya? Tell me you're joking? Please!!!! Lets just keep the baby's location a mystery...
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. KairiLovesSora
    Deporax also began to shed tears, and then whimpered, 'But... But it wasn't our fault!!!We didn't steal the baby, someone else did... Why are we taking the rap for this??? We didn't steal the bloody kid..'
    He then screamed in terror, 'HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!'

    Oh God, its the end... And Mikix is even scared of his own relative... What kind of devil is she?? He thought, twitching himself, scared at what Karura might do... She was the right type of person he would scared of....
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. KairiLovesSora
    Deporax then squealed like a pig in terror, 'No ma'm, but its not as if her parents ever cared for her...'

    He was asking to go into a world of pain...
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. KairiLovesSora
    Btw, my organization name is Deporax
    Weapon- Spit gun, Wakening people from the dead and making zombies to kill for him...Creating dusks...

    'Urm...' Deporax then shuddered a little at this crazy girl that had appeared and poked Mikix in the eye, before saying, 'Is it ok if we stole some toddler named Kuri...'

    Then he smacked his hands over his mouth... He was going to regret this moment terribly...
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. KairiLovesSora
    >:P I have officially joined as an organization member!!!

    A young, male, who looked no younger than 15, began to summon dark matter around the clouds, forming a huge circle, and seeing his companion [Miki] On the other side, he yelled out to him, 'Hey, butt man!! Long time no see! Still eating out of mouldy bodies???'

    He then waved happily and summoned an army of dusks, saying, 'Look who's stronger than you now!!!!!!!!'

    He had brown wavy locks and his eyes were blueish, grayish... He was Miki's only friend, and hated all org members except him...
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Mar 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. KairiLovesSora
    Text: (italics) Welcome to my dark side
    Subtext: KairiLovesSora
    Colors:Black wisps and a little color of your choice, just not pink! XD

    Thank you so much :D
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Feb 7, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  14. KairiLovesSora
    Hi, I'm making a new character...

    Miki sounds good?

    lol and I'm related to Karura in this story

    Name: Miki
    Age: 15

    Karura and her twin brother had always been there for each other, and life seemed quite okay, until they both noticed something strange happening, and everything changed. They travelled worlds to look for their friends, but one day Karura and her brother got seperated while fighting when she was fighting the boss Zygota which was one of the most powerful, evil wizard who was planning to turn his sister in to a heartless because of her strong will and strength of her heart, which eventually soon after she defeated Zygota, Karura went into a door of nothing... She locked that door, but accidently left her brother standing alone, so he began to look for her...
    This is how his story began...

    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jan 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. KairiLovesSora

    New Years

    I Hate Sara!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Mean Sora!!!!!
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. KairiLovesSora
    Lol :P

    [By The Way, If You Know MookieTheKeyToDestiny, I'm Her Bro In R/L :p

    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. KairiLovesSora
    Noooooooooooooooooooo! Mookie has changed!
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. KairiLovesSora
    I'd hire bodyguards to attack my perverted gay cousin!
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. KairiLovesSora
    Username: IHateSora!
    Type of Pic: Sora being beaten up by Roxas
    Character:Sora and Roxas
    Text: DIE SORA DIE!

    Thank you!:D

    If it helps I'll give you a picture link!
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  20. KairiLovesSora

    Hey Mr.Boom! How ya doing? Why are there lovesick people in this thread?
    Post by: KairiLovesSora, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone