^ laffs at inferior intelligence (no offesnse) < Knows what motabolism is V doesnt know
^ kind of right < hunts deer V is a vegitarian (sp)
^ never even heard of you... < now eating a slice of bread V eats too much...lol
^ does agree...cept with AAR...dont care for them... <HATES My Chemical Romance V *tihnking* screw you MCR rules
thats effin creepy!
^totally right...better than some Riku obsessed AkuRoku lover EWwW < Loves Green Day and Guns N' Roses V *tihnking* Green Day sucks..
^ does agree...then again.... < eating while on here, neoseeker and is gonna play some Ramones on GH... V *thinking* ok then....
sorry, I tend to scare ppl....usually cause of my insomnia and Sadism...<_<>_> ^ I say nay i dont want no cookie when i get pizza < Addicted to Guitar Hero and Guitar Hero II so much he drew Johnny Napalm V thinks Guitar Hero rocks lol
^ darn...lol but thats the wonders of the microwave, nay? <still hasnt cooked it but is going to...eventually XD V *thinking* wow he's weird....
NIce find...Marly got pwned....badly at that too...o_O
^ is right BUT HAS OWN PIZZA! HAHA! you phail....lol... < bout to go cook his own pizza V *thinking* he can't cook...
^ wrong again...better than my friend who is ABSOLUTELY obsessed with Riku....I'd tell you what I call her but it'd be inappropriate...<_<>_> < Has too many nicknames V Thinks people on Neoseeker spam too much *laughs*
You guys have wayyyy too much time on your hands...
this looks cool...lol ^ is so wrong.... < is a sadist <_<>_> \/ hates everything about Kingdom Hearts i so love to be random
Wow...I saw this yesterday..I tihnk...and I thought Sephiroth was fun, this is gonna be hella fun! [/sarcasm] Anyone know the name of the keyblade Sora is using?
Damn...Marulxia isn't so prissy after all...nice work!
Jesus...you people are still going on about this? I mean, I know y'all are mad and what-not, but c'mon! It was just a joke, you gotta give it to Xaldin, that was a good trick....
damn....my friend showed me this before she knew it was fae and i was convinced! even though that was a prtty cruel joke, I salute you Xaldin! lol...speaking of Xaldin...I pwned his *** on KH2 with 9 jumps in a row...