someone who is to foxxie for me XDDD
ok then..nice one kirby! (>*o*)> XD i forget how my ffriend does Kirby i only vaugely know it exactly
Rats...rats that need to be killed muwahahahaha
^ 1 for 2 < loves litsening to rock music V doesnt know what true rock is
^ 0 for 1, I know what vault is < wants a mountain deww V knows what a mountain dew is
the name Roxas and the word pollen mixed together...thats basically what it is
Roxas's dark shadow from the Twilight Town Myths lol...makes sense though, nay?
^ you suck...and whats with that pic? did sora slaughter someone? < thinks Johnny owns V disagrees
^ < thinks his drawing of Johnny Napalm is good...: V agrees
^crazy! < feels like...what do you care? lol V thinks a sad derranged mental little kid...
^ random meaning...? < has a kickass Custom Title and wword signature V agrees
^ is also wrong < normally a quiet person V freaked out by me...
^ is utterly wrong! muwahahahaha < loves being evil V thinks im a derranged kid and feels sorry for me lol
^ if you count insomnia, you are correct < wants to meet a certain someone noone but people on Neoseeker know... V *thinking* wtf is wrong with these people
hey congrrats, I dont particullarly care for a i just remember my mom has almost a $1000 dollars saved up in change and $1 lie, thats nough for a PS3 w00t lol
^ is correct < my avatar was made for me by my friend Christie, sig too V has an abnormally large signature
^ is wrong < soon going to play as Johnny Napalm V curious as to what Johnny Napalm looks like
^ a vid about deer and sheep killing birds... < creeped out about the iPod situation V is laffing at me
^is correct <wants to kill something and iPod activated it self...o.O ohhhh shhhit... V is laffing
^ is not correct < likes deer meat V wonders why we are talking about deer